
Reading the contents of an externally linked file in JavaScript

Is there a way in JavaScript to get the contents of a linked file without making a second GET request? That is, if I have <link rel="foo" href="bar.txt"> the browser should automatically download bar.txt. Is there any way to read its contents without getting it again (i.e. via jQuery's $.get or similar)? Edit I could use a second ...

Link on body background image

Hello guys, I am trying to create one advert that use both empty sides of the website content. So i add the advert image as a background on BODY tag. look nice. But the problem is to add a link to it. I start with onclick att on body, but them all site content become clickable. Also i try to use different z-index for body and the conten...

problem assigning declarative values in asp:hyperlink. error: this is not scriptlet. will output as plain text.

Hi. I am trying to do this: <asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl='<%= WebContext.RootUrl %><%= WebContext.CurrentUser.UserName %>' runat="server" Text='<%= GetProfileImage(WebContext.CurrentUser.AccountId) %>'></asp:HyperLink> But am getting the error: this is not scriptlet. will output as plain text. when I mouse over my declarativ...

Using UIWebView links to call a function?

I'm using a UIWebView to display formatted text from local HTML. Is it possible to have specific links in the HTML call Obj-C functions? For example, clicking a link to have a new view appear? Or am I resigned to using Javascript? ...

How do you link to a route inside a Symfony form class?

How do you insert a link_to into the 'invalid' message of a regular Symfony form? My form extends the sfGuardUserForm: class SignupForm extends sfGuardUserForm { public function configure() { ... new sfValidatorPropelUnique(array('model' => 'sfGuardUserProfile', 'column' => array('email')), array('invalid' => 'This email a...

Pimp my LINQ: a learning exercise based upon another sa question

I decided to try out LINQ for the first time to try and solve this question. The results of my first foray into the wonderful world of LINQ looked like this: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ConsoleApplication2 { class Program { static void Main(string[] ar...

Ideal value for <a href="?"> when used for a JS event?

I've got a link I want to appear on my page, <a>add another</a> But it doesn't look like a link unless I add an href attribute. I'm going to be using jquery to add a .click() event to it, so it doesn't really need anything else. What's the best value to href to? #? javascript:void(0)? My concern is if someone clicks it before the .c...

convert plain text URLs to HTML hyperlinks in PHP

Is there anyway to convert plain text URLs to HTML hyperlinks in PHP? I need to convert URLs of following type: http://example.com http://example.org http://example.gov/ http://example.com?q=sometext&amp;opt=thisandthat http://example.com#path http://example.com?q=querypath#path http://example.com/somepath/index.html https://example.co...

Javascript REGEX: How to get youtube video id from URL?

I want to get the v=id from youtube's URL with javascript(no jquery, pure javascript); Example Youtube URL formats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8nQa1cJyX8&amp;a=GxdCwVVULXctT2lYDEPllDR0LRTutYfW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8nQa1cJyX8 or any other youtube format what contains a video id in the url Result from these formats ...

CSS image overlay for image hyperlinks

Hello, I have a menu made up of images and on a:hover I want to add a background image rather than simply doing image replacements (all in CSS, no JavaScript). However, if I simply change the background image, while transparency and horizontal alignment are fine, it's just at the wrong vertical placement. No matter what I try the backg...

Facebook FB.api post how to specify a target

Hello, I am using FB.api OpenGraph to post a message on the user's wall. I would like the link target to be equal to '_blank' so it opens in a new tab. Is it possible ? The Facebook documentation doesn't give much details. var params = {}; params['message'] = 'message'; params['name'] = 'name'; params['link'] = 'http://link'; ...

menu with a index.php link embeded on it. ANDROID

i am trying to create a game using the webview method. as of now i have webview fully working. at this time i would like to move my game menu so it would be invoked by pressing the android menu button. eclipse provides me with a template for creating the button, which i have completed, however i cannot seem to link this button to the web...

Opening HTML link in new window

I've got a table that shows details about some products, which are stored in the database. These details are Item Name, Price and submit Date. Item Name Price Submitted on Laptop £30 12/04/10 guitar £5 12/05/10 If I click on Laptop I want to see all details such as Title, Price, Description, Picture, Contact n...

Launch a desktop application and Issue commands from a custom hyperlink,..difficult?

Okay,.. I'm looking into technologies for a 'Case Management' solution design at the moment and one of the requirements is to be able to receive an email from the system and have the user be able to jump straight to that case,..by id or something similar. Many of the requirements fit well with a smart client architecture so I'm consider...

Click an HTML link inside a WebBrowser Control

C# Visual Studio 2010 I am loading a complex html page into a webbrowser control. But, I don't have the ability to modify the webpage. I want to click a link on the page automatically from the windows form. But, the ID appears to be randomly generated each time the page is loaded (so I believe referencing the ID will not work). Thi...

jQuery Link Fading. Help!

I am trying to animate my navigation menu with jQuery Link Fading effect. I got the script from David Walsh Blog. I've put 3 test links right above my main navigation menu. It works fine, just as I expected it to. But when I add the class="fade" to the <ul id="topmenu" class="fade"> like so: <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.d...

CSS no decoration on links

Example page, Accompanying CSS Should be a fairly basic issue but for some reason I can't figure it out. Basically I want the links in my navbar to have no underline or colour change and remain white. Any idea where I'm going wrong? Thanks! ...

Insert a Hyperlink at a specified position in a WPF FlowDocument

I'd like to insert a WPF Hyperlink element into a FlowDocument programmatically. The objective is to create a toolbar button that would take a run of text within a RichTextBox and replace it with a Hyperlink. It's the same sort of interface you see on the web for creating hyperlinks on wikis or in blogs (or on StackOverflow). I can fi...

making POST request in rails with hyperlinks

I need a bunch of links on a page each of which makes a POST to a different controller. But when I use normal links, I get a ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken error. I understand this is because of the missing authenticity_token value. But I don't want to use forms to do the POST because I want them to be links and not buttons. ...

Firefox link to javascript function opens a new window when not intended

Hey All, I have this problem where when I have this html in firefox it opens a new window <a style="float:right;" href='javascript:window.location.href="#";'onClick="javascript:addNewRecord();">New Record</a> I have tried self.location, window.location, #body, and #h1 as the href. Originally I had the code as, but in firefox that di...