
add links in a video

Is it possible to add or show clickable links in a video when it is playing. ...

NavigateUrl and EVAL

I am trying to Navigate URL in this way <asp:HyperLink runat="server" NavigateUrl='javascript:NavigateUrl("<%#Eval("TicketID")%>","<%=RedirectURL %>");'><%# Eval("TicketID") %></asp:HyperLink> but an error occurred in the javascript Error Console in Mozilla browser. Error: missing ) after argument list S...

Adding hyperlinks to a slide show using javascript

Hi, I've made a simple slide show using Javascript, but now I want to add links to the images as they slide through, so that a pdf opens in a separate window. Can anyone tell me how to do this? Here's the script I have so far. Thanks! Julia var dimages=new Array(); var numImages=3; for (i=0; i<numImages; i++) {...

Web Applications: The death of long URL's?

If you use a full, SEO Friendly URL like http://example.com/talks/about/star-wars then you can expect your URL to get eaten up by the users that submit it to bit.ly and others. So my question is, would it be better to create your own internal shortener for links and just ignore any SEO benefit of the URL keywords in exchange for the SEO...

Links within Wordpress excerpt don't work

On our site we have a speakers page for courses. Main post has the bio and I have added a sidebar for each post to show picture and the excerpt. The excerpt only contains links to websites and their social media sites. The links in the excerpt don't seem to be clickable. http://www.socialmediaacademy.org.uk/index.php/course-speakers/ Is ...

Dynamic links should be included in sitemap?

Hi, I have a website live cricket scores , in which dynamically i am controlling the news section. I have my own custom build CMS system with PHP, where admin will add the news to the web portal. If i generate the Sitemap, all dynamically created pages wont be added to the sitemap, is this a good practice or do we need to add the dynam...

how to set all links in iframe to "google.com" by javascript or jQuery ?

how to set all links in iframe to "google.com" by javascript or jQuery ? ...

how to set all links(href) in the page to "#" with javascript

how to set all links(href) in the page to "#" with javascript ...

LaTeX: How can I disable the linking for figures in LyX?

Hello. Complete LaTeX and LyX newbie here. I am currently writing a document in LyX and I'm using hyperref to have links in the ToC, citations etc. The problem is that I added a figure (with float) and when I make a cross-reference in the text, the reference itself becomes a link that leads to the page that contains the actual figure. F...

Google Analytics - Event tracking in new window with JavaScript error?

I am currently attempting to track outbound links with Google Analytics and seemingly having some issues. I modified the provided GA code to open in an external window but it seems that a good portion of clicks are not being tracked. My question is does it seem like there could be reason why this code could not work or is there an alte...

UrlReferrer shows a value with hyperlink but null with Response.Redirect

I am redirecting between two pages, when I use a hyperlink I get the Page1 in the UrlReferrer field, but using Response.Redirect gives it null. AFAIK both of them act similarly for a redirection. Can anyone help me understand this behaviour? Thanks for the help! ...

Opening my JQTouch Iphone WebApp for the home icon, why every external link open in another safari window?

Hi, Using the JQTouch library, usely links like the following ... should open the new page in the SAME window. That works fine when I go to the site using Safari BUT when I launch the site from the home saved icon, it opens a fullscreen site and on the first link it opens a NEW Safari window. How can I make it stay in the same original ...

Extra padding on linked images (in every broswer)

Hello, I'm having a problem with getting extra padding on link element with an image inside. It happens in all browsers, Safari, Firefox, IE. I have a reset stylesheet applied so there shouldn't be any extra margins on padding but upon inspection it's clear that the a element has some extra bottom padding from nowhere. Any ideas? Her...

PHP: color hyperlink before create image

I am taking an xml feed and creating an image from the text. What I would like to do it color the link text a different color than the regular text. I am looping through the text to find the link, but cannot figure out how to color that text. ...

What's the easiest way to put a URL link into a UITableViewCell

I have some text in a UITableViewCell that has a URL link to it. I'd like to make the URL blue and, when clicked, open up the Safari Browser. Some of suggested that I use a UIWebView within the UITableViewCell, but I've not seen a simple implementation of that. I don't care about scrolling as I only have one row in this table (it is a...

How to specify openflashchart link (the on-click handler actually)

I've got a bar chart with some elements.values as this: "elements":[ {"values": [ {"right":12, "colour":"#a55feb", "on-click":"http://myurl.com/" }, {"right":25, "colour":"#5757ff", "on-click":"http://another.one/" } ] ...

Link to iTunes Ratings Page

What's the link to the ratings page on iTunes for my app? [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"???"]]; ...

asp.net value set in repeater pass into codebehind

Hi my brains hurting trying to think of how to do this. I have a list of asp:hyperlinks created by a repeater. When i click on one of these hyperlinks i want it to pass the value set in the hyperlink into the code behind so i know which hyperlink has been clicked. so... <asp:Repeater id="rpt1" runat="server"> ...some rows of hyperl...

HTML - Recomnended href link sytanx

we can give the href like the following <a href="images\image.png"> <a href="images/image.png"> <a href=".\images\image.png"> <a href="./images/image.png"> which is the recommended method... which doesnot have problem on any browser and on any web server.... leave the image type... consider the link\paths and PLEASE explain why t...

HTML - overRide statusbar link location display

when on Mouse Over state on a link the status bar shows the link's location in the status bar like in the following image... is there a way to change\override this to show some desired text... ...