
Stopping gmail from displaying a url as a link within a textarea

Hello, I'm building an app that spits out an email...The email has a url in in a textarea (along with some other copy) for copying and pasting (like into a blog/forum post). So I output this: <textarea>http://www.somesite.com/your-link&lt;/textarea&gt; and gmail does this: <textarea> <a href = 'http://www.somesite.com/your-link'&gt;...

hyperlink to local or network folder in hudson

I have been using Hudson CI and am posting to it using curl as mentioned here-- http://wiki.hudson-ci.org/display/HUDSON/Monitoring+external+jobs But as they say I have to convert my raw text to hexbin format and then send. I have been able to do that and it works fine except for one place: when I have a string that is a link, say http:...

Generate a normal Link (<a href="...">) in ExtJS

Hi, I'm struggling with a really simple problem here. I want to generate a normal link in frontend but it seems to don't work somehow. Here is the code i use for the generation of the link (the link was a button before which obened a new window with a specified URL on click). { xtype: 'button', id: 'PrintTool', tooltip: 'Printer...

SEO - is long link content a good idea?

the link: <a href="http://site.com/category/the-post-title"&gt; <img src="http://site.com/image.jpg />Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl...

Ipad app with two UIWebViews

I have an iPad app with two UIWebviews, one on top of the other. Is there a way to have all the links that are clicked in one, open in only the other view? ...

Short URL Outbound Link Tracking in PHP and MySQL

I have a site that shortens links based on Noah Hendrix's tutorial on the subject. I decided that it would be great if I could track when users click the short URLs, similar to the way that HootSuite users can track their links with Ow.ly. I currently have a database which has the short URL stored along with the true URL and it's click...

Removing a hover effect from a revisited page with back button

I'm working on this website, and have a little thorn in my side. When I click a link in the sticky note on this page, then hit the back button, the link still appears to be hovered-over. What would be the least script-intensive way to prevent the link from thinking it's still being hovered over? The problem appears in Safari, Firefox, a...

Can I validate and submit a form by a hyperlink control in C#.net?

Possible to use a link control to validate and submit a form? What would be the code to tie the click event of the link control to the submission functions? (I prefer link buttons much more than input buttons for styling across browsers.) ...

Shorten link before sending to Twitter

I have a PHP loop that displays different headlines and their links. I'd like to send those links to Twitter with an auto-generated short link via Bitly. This is how the link is structured: <a href="http://twitter.com/home?status=This is the headling {dynamic Permalink}">Share on Twitter</a> How can I create a shortened link after the...

Ipad app link open in UIWebViews

I have an iPad app with to UIWebViews. Is there a way to have some of the links clicked in the top view open in the bottom view, based on an attribute of the link's html? (Such as target="" or id="") ...

My website alway scroll up when i click link?

I have a link <a href="#">Text</a> when i click this link my page alway scroll up to the top. How do i manage it that when i clik this link my page not scroll up to the top. Javascript? or something thank you ...

link css and javascript to xcode iphone app

I have copy and pasted the css and js files for Copy Bundle Resources and removed them from Compile Sources. How do I "link" or "import" them so I can use the css and javascript files? Can anyone enlighten me? ...

Adding keylistener and using javascript to click a link in Greasemonkey

Hi , I want to create a greasy monkey script , which will add a shortcut key for logout action in one mail site. Currently the logout link "?logout&hl=en" which have an id=":r5". I am able to get the node for the link but not able to call click on it. I tried the script as following function key_event(event){ GM_log("Hello"); ...

Install network printer via web application (html)

Hey All, I'm trying to write a simple web interface to allow users to install one of a few predefined network printers. I had initally thought this would be a simple task, as I can easily install printers via the run command by hitting the printer dead on (\printserv\printername). I had planned to either use that in the tag, or prefix ...

How to add a little to URL instead of copying and pasting it all?

Ok, so I have let's say this page http://mypage.com/index.php?id=something. I want to have in this page the link which would go to the http://mypage.com/index.php?id=something&amp;sub=1. And to do that I have to add a href to my index.php file like this echo '<a href="index.php?id=something&sub=1">go here</a>';. Is it possible to do thi...

How do you create a twitter link that auto-populates the users status with some text?

How do you create a link (<a>) that will send the user to Twitter and auto-populate the status field with some text? I've clicked links like this before, but not sure how it's created. ...

How to remove email addresses and links from a string in PHP?

Hi, i need to remove all email addresses and links from a string and replace them with "[removed]" and i'm a bit lost on how to do it. Can someone help me on this? Thanks. ...

asp:HyperLink dynamic ID

ref: Dynamic Control ID Does anyone have a working example of creating the ID property of a hyperlink dynamically? I have a repeater with multiple hyperlinks drawn (3 per row for a survey). I would like to change the image of the hyperlink clicked. The repeater is created from its bound datasource. Cant get it working EDIT:I used your...

calling javascript function from inside label text's hyperlink

i need to call the javascript function make_session hen the hyperlink inside the label's text is clicked upon. this is the code is used: Label1.Text += "<br><a href='next1.aspx' onclick='make_session(fi.Name)'" + ">" + fi.Name + "</a>"; y isnt ths working? there is no syntax error but the javascript function make_session never gets c...

Posting links to search form?

Hi, I have a jump list that works fine. Basically the user selects an option from the drop down and the selection is posted to a search form. Here is the code: <form id="brandForm" name="brandForm" method="post" action="http://www.domain.com/search.php"&gt; <select name="stext" id="stext" onchange="document.brandForm.submit()"> <...