
How to embed a link in a UITextView for the iphone

Hello, I'm wondering if it is possible to put a hyperlink in a UITextView that will open up safari and take the user to a web page. And if so how can I accomplish this. Thanks in advance for your help. ...

How to make UITextView detect links for website, mail and phone number

I have a UITextView object. The text in UIView has a phone number, mail link, a website link. I want to show them as links with following functionality. When someone taps on URL - Safari should open the the website. When someone taps on email link - Mail should open up with my address in to field When someone taps on phone number - Phon...

rails redirect_to problem

Hi, I am developing a rails app and have a question. In my routes.rb: map.connect 'admin', :controller => "/admin/users", :action => "index" So when I go to "http://mydomain.com/admin", it redirects to "http://mydomain.com/admin/users/index". However, the address remains as "http://mydomain.com/admin". Thus, links in the page are wro...

jsp link does not display

i am working on RAD and have created a jsp page....i want to navigayte to this jsp page from a previously created page....so...i added a link to the previous page..but the link does not get displayed ...

What kind of SEO Technique need to apply for my website....

I have a website called http://www.demandb.com and it's a classified sites... Can any one tell me the different SEO Techniques for my site to get huge amount of visitors....I dint yet started SEO for this website... So please help me out in letting me know about the different SEO Techniques where in my site can rank well and get lots of...

How to create MSDN like links in Sandcastle documentation website?

I've generated a website documentation of my project with Sandcastle. This website uses frames so when I click though sites my URL in browser does not change. I would like to have URL changed in browser when I browse through website documentation generated with Sandcastle. Why? Because I would like to link to concrete subpages of docume...

Images Won't Show as Link in Internet Explorer

Hi, I am designing a menu bar combining effects with CSS and JavaScript. It is comprised of large icons with text underneath that appears when hovered over. It will be deployed on an intranet so it only has to run in IE 7, 8, and Firefox. Firefox of course seems to perform what I intuitively think the HTML should look like, showing la...

How do I get a link to parent node in nodecomments in drupal 6?

I know the ideal place to ask is at . I posted my question in the drupal support forum and under the nodecomments module as an issue. I have also consecutively posted this question once a day for the past 3 days in the drupal support IRC channel. No answer. Hence, I have decided to try my luck here. I am running on the current setup ...

Difference between @import and link in CSS

I'm learning some CSS to tweak my project template. I come to this problem and didn't find a clear answer on the web. Is there a difference between using @import or link in CSS? Use of @import <style type=”text/css”>@import url(Path To stylesheet.css)</style> Use of Link <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=“Path To styleshee...

How can I stop Flash from changing indent when user Clicks on hyperlink in TextField?

I have a TextField which I initialize by setting htmlText. The text has anchor tags (hyperlinks). When a user clicks on the hyperlink, the indentation of the second and subsequent lines in the paragraph changes. Why? How do I stop it? My html has an image at the beginning of the line, followed by the tag, followed by more text. To sty...

Posting data through hyperlinks

I want to post ($_GET as well as $_POST) data by clicking on links (enclosed with <a>) and not the regular form 'submit' button. preferred language : PHP I have seen this in a lot of todays websites, where forms are submitted by clicking on buttons looking like hyperlinks. so was wondering how it could be done. Thanks in advance ...

I'm trying to show some divs on specific link click.

My task for this evening is to show and hide a div (eventually two divs or more actually) when a link from the main nav is clicked. This will then hide divs when they click on another part of the main navigation. DONE Thanks go to everyone especially..Matchu.... the code is now as below and works.... <script type="text/javascript"> ...

how to force link from iframe to be opened in the parent window

i need to open the link in the same parent page, instead of open it in a new page. note : The iframe and parent page are the same domain. ...

a:active issue in ie6

I'm having some questions about changing the class/state of a link back to normal in ie6. I'm using a:active to change the background of a span when the user clicks on it. The target of the link is set to javascript:void(0), so clicking on the link just invokes a JS function I have. However, when the user releases the mouse button, the ...

How can I assign a callback function to an asp:HyperlinkField?

I want people to click on a link (generated from an asp:HyperlinkField) and have it call a method on the server rather than redirect the user somewhere. Anyone know how to do this? Thanks, Matt ...

Javascript problem with a global external link confirmation alert

Below is the code from a plugin for Joomla. It works on it's own and it's purpose is to detect external links on the page and force them into new browser windows using _blank. I've tried for about an hour (I don't know javascript well) but I can't seem to figure out how to get an onclick function working. End result, I want to add to t...

Procedural Hash Function

I am wondering what is the best hash function for procedural textures, especially perlin noise. I know about the PRNG posted on this page, but this claims that it is not a good PRNG Thanks ...

How to make links break out of iframe when you only control the iframe page (not the framed pages)?

I have a site that displays other sites through an iframe on certain pages. It does this in order to display a toolbar that is relevant to the reader (like Facebook and Owly does). However, when the user chooses to leave the original site I want the bar to go away. As you might gather, I don't control the sites in the iframe, and they're...

Change link color in RichTextBox

I have a RichTextBox which contains links posted by the users. The problem is that my RTB makes the color of the links black, and the background color is also black. This leads to the links being invisible. How do I change the color of the links in the RTB? ...

"Back to top" link, is it useful?

Many sites show a "Back to top" link in their footer. Others, even worse, have that link throughout the page. Personally, I never used any of them, but probably it's me to be strange. Do you think it is an useful link? UPDATE: when I rarely need to go straight back to the top I use CMD + upwards arrow ...