
How do I define an Icon in QT with a compile time predefined image?

I have a png file on disk at compile time. I'd like to have it included into the compiled executable. How do I define such an icon in Qt? ...

Update of application Icon in Windows-7 Taskbar

I have a normal MFC Application with an embedded icon. If I start the application, the icon is shown inside the windows-7 taskbar. But when I change the icon inside the resources, rebuild the application and start it, the taskbar doesn't show the current icon, but the icon from the first run. There is no special code inside the applic...

Android Image Button Problem

Hi, i have the following imageButton <ImageButton android:id="@+id/header_buttonleft" android:layout_width="40dip" android:layout_height="40dip" android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" android:layout_marginLeft="10dip" android:layout_marginTop="5dip" android:src="@drawable/icon_download" android:clicka...

Should an icon show current state or next state?

When using icon images without text captions, should the icon represent the current state or the next state? For example I have a block of text that I want to minimize / maximize or I want to toggle showing All User Records or just My Records. I'm sure there are compelling arguments for either side and know that consistency is key, but w...

How do you embed a resource so that it can be accessed for icons?

I have a C# project using VS2005. Basically I have two icons, one for the application, and one for files that are associated with the application. I have associated these files with the application, and I know how to set their icons in the Registry, but I can only set them to the application icon because it seems to be the only external...

Why does my JButton look differently of different computers?

I use JButtons in my application. They need to have different colors. First I used that btn.setBackground(col);. It works on my computer and on another computer my button just gray (not red, as it's supposed to be). Trying to solve this problem I decided to use images. I do it in the following way: tmp = new JButton(newIcon); Again, it...

How to set a transparent Icon from a transparent SVG file

Hello, I have a transparent SVG file. I would like to use it as the icon of a JLabel, via setIcon(). I use Batik for SVG, but I don't know how to do this. Can you help me ? Thanks :) ...

How to change the icon in the title bar in R?

I just installed R 2.11.0-x64 onto my Windows 7 Professional machine. With my previous installations of R (2.10.1 32 bit was the most recent) the little icon that appeared in the title bar and in the taskbar at the bottom of windows was the R "R." Now however, the icon almost looks like a small windows Task Manager. I know this isn't ...

Resource or documentation detailing all the default icons on the Android?

Anyone know of any resource or documentation detailing all the default icons used on the standard Android and where those icons are used throughout the device etc? I realise you can download the default set off the Android development site however there doesn't seem to be any documentation for them. Any help would be very much apprecia...

Favicon for all the pages in my website

I've learned that the way to add favicon for a web page is to have the following lines in the page. <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" type="image/x-icon" href="http://mysite.com/faviconfilename.ico"/&gt; <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="http://mysite.com/faviconfilename.ico" /> Should i add this code in each and every page my site h...

How to include 512X512 icon in my iphone app?

Apple HIG says I must include a 512x512 and a 29x29 icons along with the 57x57 icon. Now how do I "include" the large icons? I have Icon.png and Icon-Small.png files, but how do I include the 512x512 version of the icon? ...

Netbeans JLabel Icon/Text Does not Display when Project is Built

Hello, in Netbeans, I am using Jlabels to display images and text within a JFrame. The Jlabels display correctly in the IDE, but when I run or build the project, some of the Jlabels don't show up(Labels that are added later on after the first few). To fix this problem I have to start all over again and add the images all at once. This su...

Application icon is missing in the taskbar during program start, if another application is active

Hi, I've written a WPF application which has a custom (not the standard) icon. A Splashscreen is implemented too. The icon is correctly displayed if I start the application and wait until it is loaded. But, if I start my application and switch to another application (e.g. Outlook) before the my splash screen is shown, the icon is not ...

Does Qt Builder have a built-in tool for editing a toolbar?

Does Qt have a set of standard icons? (Like for Back,Forward, etc.) How would I add these to a button or toolbar in Qt Creator/Designer? ...

How do I set a custom icon in the Outlook explorer window for my custom item?

Using Using VSTO 3.0 for Outlook 2007 I have my own item type derived from post called "IPM.Post.CustomType". However in the explorer window (the list of all items in a folder), the icon for my item is still the standard post item. How do I make my custom item show my custom icon instead of the standard icon in the explorer window? An...

Need a java API to get the default bitmap icons in Android

Is there a way to get the bitmap icons based on filetype or mime type, programatically from Java in Android. Is there any API for the same which reads the file path (as string), and returns corresponding icon in bitmap or any other format? ...

Looking for icon shop

I'm looking for nice icons for my webapplications. Some of these applications are commercial applications. I want to polish them up by using nice looking icons, but where do I find specific icons/grafics? Does anybody know a icon shop, that allows me to buy single icons for commercial use? Payable via paypal or credit card. ...

Storage location of yellow-blue shield icon

Where, in Windows, is this icon stored? I need to use it in a TaskDialog emulation for XP and am having a hard time tracking it down. It's not in shell32.dll, explorer.exe, ieframe.dll or wmploc.dll (as these contain a lot of icons commonly used in Windows). Edit: For clarification, I am emulating a certain type of dialog in XP. The i...

ajax "loading" icon with UpdatePanel postbacks

I have a form that is being dynamically built depending on user selection using Ajax (built in .NET Ajax with UpdatePanel). how can I insert a "standard" ajax loading icon (maybe have it attached to the mouse pointer) while the postback is happening then remove it when the post back is finished? I do have the AjaxToolKit installed if t...

Adding icons in DataGrid

Is there a way to put icons for each row in a DataGrid in c #? ...