
Changing Application Icon ....

I have changed the application Icon in the properties page, tried, then changed my mind, selected another one, rebuild, file shows the latest icon but soon as i create a shortcut shows the older icon i wanted to change!!! Any ideas? ...

Gnome Desktop Icons Alignment

Hi all. It has been a long time since I started to compare the gnome desktop to the windows desktop. But since I began to use linux, I realized that the "gnome way" to align the icons on Desktop is not that nice for me. And comparing to Windows's way, windows is better for me. (remember, for me). I'd like to know if anyone has some tip ...

Adobe's file type icons

Where can I find a list of Adobe icons? Not for the programs themselves but the recognized file types; i.e. http://blogs.adobe.com/typblography/cs5icons/CS5_file_swf.png. Where are the .ico files stored on Windows 7? ...

display Icon in wpf Image

I have a wpf application that needs to extract the icon off of an executable I found here that i can do this Icon ico = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(theProcess.MainModule.FileName); but when I try to set the source of a wpf Image I get "Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Drawing.Icon' to 'System.Windows.Media.ImageSource' Any sugg...

Is there a way to change the console Icon at runtime

i'm not interested in changing the actual icon in the EXE that shows up in windows explorer, but just the icon that shows up in the top left of the console window. Already i set the icon in the visual studio project and i'm getting it nicely in windows explorer, and also that icon is showing up in the console window, i just want to be ab...

How to change executable icon from c# code? (not my app icon)

How can I change *.EXEs icons from c# code (not my main app icon but from that app i want to change the icon of another exe). I eventually would have to change the icons for A LOT of files so I am looking for a fast and good performance way to do it. I have been googling for 30min but all I found is how to set the icon for the app in V...

How to perform "shell" icon embedding in Visual Studio 2010?

As far as I can tell, there have been (at least?) three types of icon embedding. There's the original style used by shell32.dll and friends, .Net's embedding, and the new type that WPF uses. I'm looking for how to perform the first one, as I want to have a few other icons available as resources for a jumplist, which can only accept that ...

Replacing/Adding resources (icon) programmatically in c#?

I am trying to replace (or add in the case it doesn't exists) icons from .exe files using c#. So far I got this: string filename = "c:\\test.exe"; IntPtr hResource = BeginUpdateResource(filename, true); if (hResource.ToInt32() == 0) throw new Exception("File Not Found"); byte[] ico = System...

Flash :: Replace Projector (exe) Flash Icon With Own?

Hi there, is there any way to change the flash player icon which displayed on desktop taskbar with my icon? ...

What size should apple-touch-icon.png be for iPad and iPhone 4?

Are Apple touch icons bigger than 60x60 supported, and if so, what dimensions should I use for the iPad and iPhone 4? ...

VS2010 "An item with the same key has already been added"

I recently installed Visual Studio 2010 and copied and converted an old VS2005 solution to VS2010 When I edit this solution, if I try to change a control's .image property, VS2010 creates a message box telling me that "An item with the same key has already been added" (screenshot below), and won't let me browse for an image. I can add ...

Click-Once Update Deletes User Created Desktop Icon

In some, but not all, of our click-once applications when the user copies the icon to the desktop the icon will be deleted when the user updates the application. What causes this and how do I prevent it from happening? ...

How to include different resolution icons with Android App?

The Android docs indicate that I should ship with different icons for different resolution phone screens. http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html#qualifiers res/drawable-ldpi/my_icon.png // icon image for low density res/drawable-mdpi/dpi/my_icon.png // icon for medium density res/drawable-hdpi/my_ico...

How to add ONLY system tray icon to application?

I am developing an application that will be running behind the scenes in Windows and would like to put an icon in the system tray for troubleshooting purposes (simple way for users to tell if the app is running). There is no other UI for the application, and the icon does not need to have any functionality as of right now. All of the so...

Add icon on spark button skin

Hello all I am trying to add different icon on different buttons. I have my skin file ready but not sure if I have to create different skin class for different button. It sounds inefficient. Any suggestions? Thanks for the reply... <s:Button id="pass" width="110" height="35" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="12"...

Is there a way to get different sizes of the Windows system icons in .NET?

In particular I'd like to be able to get the small (16 x 16) icons at runtime. I tried this: new Icon(SystemIcons.Error, SystemInformation.SmallIconSize) Which supposedly "attempts to find a version of the icon that matches the requested size", but it's still giving me a 32 x 32 icon. I also tried: Size iconSize = SystemInformation....

Delphi Shell IExtractIcon usage and result

I am developing a listview baised on the shell. When trying to extract a shell icon/image... I try to extract thumbnail using IExtractImage if that fail I try to extract icons using IExtractIcon, to get maximum iconsize, but IExtractIcon gives strange results. Problem is I tried to use a methode that extracts icons from an imagelist but ...

Android Icon Duplicates in Application Dock

For some odd reason, my project is generating two icons, same name, launches the same project, in the app drawer. I can't figure out what is causing this. Does anyone have any suggestions? Link to screenshot The M in the white circle is my default icon. If you view the screenshot, you'll see it appears twice. I've checked the applicati...

Android Application Icon Change

Hi, Is it possible to change the android application icon at run time? I've read through Changing the application icon text dynamically in Android and How can i change an application icon programmatically in Android?. All answered can't. I use Android 1.6. Is there any way? ...

Visual Basic my.resources icon file as image on button

Hi all, I'm using resources in VB.NET(2008) to manage my files and have 3 icon files that need to be on 3 buttons on my form (clicking the button changes the icon of the form tot the pressed button) ICO_1.ico ICO_2.ico ICO_3.ico but when I try the code below i get the error that "Value of type system.drawing.icon cannot be converte...