
Application launcher icon is not deleted from Home screen when uninstalling android app.

Hi I'm using a similar codesnippet as shown below to add an application shortcut on the homescreen: Intent shortcutIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); shortcutIntent.setClassName(this, this.getClass().getName()); shortcutIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_KEY, "ApiDemos Provided This Shortcut"); // Then, set up the container i...

Android SDK v6 Level 8 API icon

When I compile my app with Level 8 API and SDK 6, my app icon cannot not be found and the default android icon is shown instead. However, once I use level 4 API, i can see my icon on the screen. Does anyone know the solution? ...

How to hide the midlet icon on Nokia phones in J2ME?

Hello Everyone, I have developed a midlet that is supposed to be invoked using Push Registry only. The user must not be able to manually start the app. I have achieved this by checking if the midlet was not invoked through Push Registry, then exit the midlet immediately. but is there any way to hide the app from application folder on No...

C# application GUI breaking on different Windows icon/text size settings

http://i.imgur.com/OXfC7.png I have a c# form application that has a fixed size (cannot be resized) and cannot be maximized. Users who have a different setting for their icon/text sizes breaks my GUI (the entire form is bigger, background images start tiling, etc. Help? ...

Cocos2d icons for universal app

How to add icons for iphone and ipad in cocos2d for universal app? ...

Create a repeat symbol in XAML / WPF

Hello, I need to create a repeat symbol in XAML / WPF (procedural code would be ok too, though I'd prefer XAML if possible), something like the following, but I just need the not finished circle with the arrow (the white drawing in the button): http://www.vista-style-icons.com/libs/phone/repeat.htm I know how to create a circle in XAM...

How do I get the android icons to change state (highlights)?

I am using the Android SDK icon-button for refresh (ic_menu_refresh) in a widget and I need to change the selection state when it is pressed. How is this done? Do I define an XML for the button? ...

How to detect if *.ico file is a valid icon in PHP

I would like to test if *.ico images are valid icons in PHP. I tried to use getimagesize function but it doesn't support ICO files. ...

How to setup normal Icon for iPhone3 and Retina for iPhone 4

I heard somewhere of an workaround by adding the following files to your xcode project: Icon.png - 57x57 pixels application icon for standard resolution iPhone [email protected] - 114x114 pixels application icon for high resolution iPhone 4 Icon-72.png - 72x72 pixels application icon for iPad Icon-Small.png - 29x29 pixels settings icon for s...

android icon menu in application

i would like to show a menu with icons with text below every icon in android the menu should fill the entire activity like the launcher menu eg: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3060/2775168927_e94f2ae79e.jpg i want the user to choose from a set of options (static options) with icons i was thinking about a grid view with buttons or ima...

Setting "Home Screen" icon name for mobile Safari

By default, when "bookmarking" a website as an icon (by choosing to Add to Home Screen from within Safari's "+" menu), the icon name defaults to the page's <title>, truncated to 12 characters. In much the same way that apple-touch-icon lets you specify your own iconified representation of the page, is there a way for the webpage to spec...

Professional Windows 7 icon packs

First of all, I know that there are some topics about icon packs here on stackoverflow. However I'm looking for specific Windows 7 style icons. Most icon packs that you find have a rather old look, or non natural Windows 7 look or too futuristic, catchy, kiddy, non professional. I came across these: http://www.iconshock.com ( http:...

How can I set dynamically created bitmap as livefolder icon in android?

How can I set dynamically created bitmap as livefolder icon in android? LiveFolder takes EXTRA_LIVE_FOLDER_ICON as ShortcutIconResource. Is there a way to reference dynamically created bitmap as shortcuticonresource? In the following code segment instead of using icon as int value I would like to set the file path for the newly created ...

Tab icon guidelines

http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/icon_design.html#tabstructure Are we sure this page was written correctly? It states that UNSELECTED icons must be "WHITE"; and SELECTED icons must be "GRAY". This seems backwards and looks quite odd in my application. ...

Displaying different icon sizes on different BlackBerry devices

I'm trying to dynamically set a different icon based on device. I have set up an alternate entry point within the app's descriptor XML file. It passes an argument of "icon" into main() of my application. The entry point is triggered as expected (installing the app and on power cycle), but it has issues when calling updateIcon() on certa...

Help with application icons.

Hey everybody, I'm building a program in C++ (target is windows XP) using Visual Studio 2008 and I'm trying to add application icons, the ones that show up in the taskbar, explorer, desktop, etc. My .ico file has the sizes 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, and 16x16 pix in color depths 32-bit, 24-bit, 256 colors, and 16 colors. For what it's worth, ...

How to get favorites star

I would like to add a favorites star like the one in the contacts list on android. Is there any way we can get that star or will I have to write my own? I can't seem to find any standard GUI Elements from android other than the options menu icons. Are there any more that I have not found? Look at the one the right next to George Ande...

Mac OS X document icon template?

Is there a template available for the Mac OS X document icon? It looks like a white piece of paper with the top right corner curled down. Lots of applications seem to use this icon as a base for their own custom document types. Does everyone use a template for the basic shape, or does every developer have to draw their own from scratch? ...

Are images in Android global?

This is a strange problem -- may be not a problem. Before the last step to finish writing a application, I would use icon to replace any image. That is, all the things like <ImageButton android:id="@+id/top" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:scaleType="center" android...

[Cocoa] Is it possible to change the Dock icon of an app so it remains when it is not running?

Is it possible to badge a dock icon and have the icon persist when the application is quit? iCal does this, but I have not seen it anywhere else. ...