
Old Delphi hide/show desktop icons method not working under Windows 7 64 Bit

I have a Delphi 2010 app which shows/hides the desktop icons under XP fine. However under my Window 7 test environment (happens to be 64 bit) the icons don't disappear. Here is the critical code I am using (for the hide): ShowWindow(FindWindow(nil, 'Program Manager'), SW_HIDE ); I have found I can set the registry: [HKEY_CURRENT_US...

Automatically embed multiple icons in a .NET Executable

I basically have the same issue as this question: Embed multiple icons in WPF EXE My .NET 2.0 WinForms application currently has this when you click "Change Icon" in explorer: What I would like to see, and with some hacking about as suggested by the above article I get this: However the process of getting there all of the version ...

Multiple icons in executable in VS2010 (VC#E2010)

I have Googled and found multiple ways of adding multiple icons into the executable, but they all seem to work for VS 2003-2005-2008, nothing for VS2010. I have not tried the Win32 resource with /win32res because I do not know how to use it (can't figure to get a good Google result for that either). Any simple suggestion? Thanks in adva...

Low-resolution (ldpi) Android icons

On the topic of included standard icons the Android documentation mentions that: Shown below are standard menu icons that are used in the Android system. Because these resources can change between platform versions, you should not reference the system's copy of the resources. If you want use any icons or other internal d...

How to create an Icon attribute for a plugin in C#?

I’ve created my own plugin architecture based on the common practices but I’m stuck with icons. First of all my plugins define Clients to be used by the host and each Client is defined with attributes like: [Client("Heroes of Newerth", "Heroes of Newerth Chat Client", "hon_16.png")] With this my host application can read the plugin/c...

How can I use custom icons in a "Browse for folder" dialog?

There is a nice feature in the "Open Project..." dialog (see image below) in the NetBeans IDE which uses a custom icon for the folder symbols depending on the project type in that folder. For example, if a folder contains a pom.xml file, the Maven project symbol appears. Maybe there also an extension point in the Windows standard dial...

Properties.Resources the icon name does not appear in the intellisense

Hi, i am trying to make a thumbnail toolbar for which i need a icon so i added icon using solution explorer in the resources folder now when i do Properties.Resources the icon name does not appear. code can be found here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3519181/problem-showing-thumbnail-toolbar-in-net-3-5-form thanks ...

Icon Image Proxy in Perl

I'm trying to figure out the right way to serve icon files for our site listings. Basically an icon for a listing can come from an image file from a handful of different services (Flickr, Picasa, Google Static Maps, our own internal image hosting service, etc). The URL of the icon is stored in our database so I'd like to enable each list...

Examples of icons which don't travel well?

I was taught that certain icons do not translate well. For example a tick (check-mark) has no meaning in some cultures, etc. In practice I haven't seen many instances of icons which don't travel well. It may be that the problem was overstated or that culture has globalised. Do you have any examples of icons which have been missundersto...

Icons copyright

Are icons from http://iconfinder.com/ free to use? ...

Add site icons to links using Jquery

Hi, I have just tested this Jquery script with my site http://cool-javascripts.com/jquery/add-icons-to-your-links-automatically-using-jquery-css.html At present the script creates a default icon for external sites. It would be great to have custom icons for different external sites like Twitter, facebook, and youtube, but I am struglin...

Adding badgeValue or setApplicationIconBadgeNumber to buttons

How do I add a badgeValue or setApplicationIconBadgeNumber to a button? I'm wanting to add a badgeValue to buttons. In the following picture you can see the app has a e-mail icon with a badge on it representing how many unread messages there are. I am creating an app that is similar; it will have a (faux) Mail system where you get me...

How to display icon in QMessageBox?

I have an about box that I'm trying to display an icon inside. Here is my code: QMessageBox about_box(this); about_box.setText("..."); about_box.setIconPixmap(QPixmap("qrc:/images/logo.png")); about_box.setParent(this); about_box.exec(); Here is my resource file: <RCC> <qresource prefix="/images"> <file>logo.png</file>...

WPF: Can i use the system's default save/new/etc file icons? & How

what i refer to by "system's default icons" are the icons i see in say apps like office. the open/new/save icons. i wonder if i can somehow reference these? because they seem like a standard icon. or do i have to find those icons from the net and put them into my apps? ...

Win32: Displaying a Stock Icon in a Dialog Box under High DPI

Hi, I've got a dialog box where I need to display the standard Information icon. Here's my RC code: ICON "",IDC_ICON_INFORMATION,18,70,21,20 I process the WM_INITDIALOG message as follows: HICON aIcn = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_INFORMATION); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hWnd, IDC_ICON_INFORMATION, STM_SETICON, (WPARAM) aIcn, 0); Everything wo...

Setting multiple icon files

I'm in the final stretch of submitting an application for distribution in the iTunes store, but I'm getting hung up on the icon files! If I have only a 57x57 file, I get a warning in XCode and an error in Application Loader that I haven't provided a 72x72. If I set the 72x72's name to "Icon.png" instead of the 57x57, then it complains t...

Default/Common Ribbon Icons

I'm starting in WPF Ribbon development and it is very nice! My problem is to find (FREE) basic icons (like file save/open/etc, cut/paste/etc). Have you got some suggestion? ...

position of homescreen icons

Hi, Is it possible to organize the homescreen icons programatically so that i can arrange each icon's position? thanks ...

flex tree discloser icon problem

Hi, i gave the tree an ArrayCollection as dataprovider that i pulled from the database, and it contains the children, but the discloser icon wont disappear on an object that doesn't have a child. i think the problem is that the renderer doesn't recognize the leaf child, wich contains a children array of length 0, or null...... ...

JavaScript Change Cursor Icon

I already have the conditions and everything worked out, only thing I need is the syntax in JavaScript to change the cursor to the hand, like the user has moused-over a link, and then I need the syntax to change the cursor to the arrow, like they moused-out of the link. Not much to it, just need the JavaScript syntax for changing cursors...