
Localize Application icon for UK market and for USA market on iTunes

Hi, I'm trying to figure out a way of localizing the application icon (Icon.png) for the US Market and the UK market for my app I want a different type of vehicle picture for the uk rather than the US for instance. This looks quite easy to do the info.plist and localize for English to French for instance but I couldn't figure out a way...

setIcon in j2me to set icons for buttons

Hi, I am trying to put in an icon (a scaled image) as part of a button that also contains some text. I am programming in J2ME for the Nokia SDK (S60 device) and using Eclipse. The code is as follows: but = new Button("Some text"); Image img = null; try { img = Image.createImage("/flower.png"); } catch(IOException e) { e1.printStackTr...

How Do I Add a number to the Launcher Icon Like HTC Mail Does?

Does anyone know how to accomplish adding to my application's launcher icon the circular badge with a number inside of it (indicating number of unread emails) like the HTC mail application does? I know how to do this for notifications, but not for the launcher icon. To clarify, it's not a widget, but an application icon. Thanks! Jeff ...

Custom email icon outlook add-in

Hi, I would like to show a very small modifier icon on email messages that are displayed in outlook using my outlook plugin. Despite a lot of searching, I am unable to find any sample code to do this. Is there any way of adding custom icons to email messages. I don't want the user to be able to easily change them (there is a process fo...

WPF : Use different icon images as an ImageBrush?

An Icon can contain more than one image. I want to use an icon for an ImageBrush and I want to set which image inside the icon should be use. But somehow it seems I can't do that. The brush always picks the largest image from the icon. Is there a way to choose the image manually? ...

Use image from an image that contains multiple images!

So looking in the image file repository that comes with vs 2010, I can see lots of images that contain multiple images...say of different sizes. How do I use that file to display one of the smaller images that is contained in the file? Hope that makes sense!! I didn't have much luck with google...probably because I didn't know what to ...

Printing a GPL licensed icon (or embedding it in a PDF document)

In my thesis I'd like to use the Gnome Web browser icon inside a figure. However, this icon isn't licensed under a CC license, but under the GPL. While I'm aware of the conditions imposed by the GPL on software, I'm unsure of the implications when embedding a GPL licensed icon inside a document that is distributed as PDF and in printed f...

Adding icons to nativemenu items in air application

hi I have a native menu with items and it is displayed as a pop up menu, i would like to add icons to the native menu items in an air application using flex3. How can i do that? Thanks in advance. bagi ...

Java: Replacing the coffee cup icon in the top-left corner of the Window

Java Swing applications by default have the Java coffee cup icon appear in the top left corner of the application. I would like to replace this with my own image - what API is used? Can this be done at run time, or must something be done at install time? Thanks! ...

Convert an image to an iPhone toolbar icon

I have a grayscale icon that I'm editing with Photoshop with a transparent background, but I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to convert the icon to one that can be used as an iPhone toolbar icon. If I simply save the image as a PNG, it doesn't show up as anti-aliased on the iPhone because every pixel with color is being rendere...

Incorrect icon size when imported to exe

EDIT: Solved, (at least for the explorer) the problem was it keeps the old thumbs.db. I have a png icon and I've created a 128px, 96px, 64px, 32px, 16px icon using several tools. But the result is always the same.. when I compile the exe using that icon and resize to max icon size, it stays to something like 32-48px. Anyone got the same...

Re-use toolbar icons in regular UIImageViews and add colors by masking

I have several icons I'm using for a toolbar, and I'd like to use some of these icons in a normal UIImageView. However, the primary background of my views is black, so the icon just shows up as a black image with a slight outline. How do I properly apply a mask so that it shows up like it does in a toolbar or tab bar? That is the image i...

a component in windows live messenger in flex

hi everyone, in windows live messenges the status setting component tht is an icon, label and a dropdown arrow. on rollover it gives u border around the component, how to implement the same in air application using flex. i got this link. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd570146.aspx but how to implement it in flex? thanks in adva...

GPS icon won't disappear when activity destroyed?

Being an Android newbie experimenting with GPS stuff I managed to put together this code and it works just like I expect it to except for one thing, the GPS icon never goes away. How can get the GPS icon to disappear when the activity is destroyed? I have locationManager.removeUpdates(GPSMapTest.this); locationManager = null; i...

I couldnt find any- "comment" / "uncomment" icons/images in the VS2010ImageLibrary, can anyone help me?

hi, I am searching for icons/images for my application.. especially for the menu and toolbar.. i am looking for the following icons/images (16x16 if possible): 1. comment 2. uncomment this icons can be found in the IDE of Visual Studio (comment/uncomment lines) I am asking this because for some reason I couldn't find any of this icons i...

How do you merge an .ico file with the compiled .exe file?

how do you merge an .ico file with the compiled .exe file? without the .ico file, the exe file will crash upon booting... I've already added the ico file in the project properties thanks in advance ...

Icon to Image - transparency issue

I'm trying to build a treeview like file list in a richtext box. It should look like an explorer treeview. My code is able to get an resize the icon, but the transparency is missing (light gray background instead of transparency). What do I need to change here? Is the Image format wrong? Is there a better way to add an image to a richte...

PyQt QTableView not displaying icons after update to PyQt 4.5.1

I'll try to be as clear as possible, though this is all a bit muddled in my head. I have a PyQt application that has been working for about a year now. After updating to PyQt 4.5.1 (from 4.3.3) none of my icons appear in the QTableView anymore (this update was concurrent with an update to python 2.6.5 from 2.5.1). Reverting to the old...

Set application icon and window icon to Windows 7 friendly icon

I've created a WPF project in Visual Studio 2010 using .net 4.0 I've created an icon with many different sizes and formats right from 16x16 4 bit BMP up to 256x256 24 bit BMP. I set it as the program's icon in the property pages for the application, and as the window's icon in the icon propety on a WPF Window. This works to a point. ...

How to make custom style for application icon on iphone?

Hi guys, When I add an icon to my iPhome application Apple automaticly adds some styling to this icon, how can I get rid of it? Actually my icon is quite simple, I have a letter on a color background, and this styling applies to both letter and background. I would this styling won't apply to letter but only to background, I can guess ...