
Adding complex icon to the google map

I need to represent the state of some devices from the db on the google map. Each device has it's location and complex status. Something like on line / off line / camera OK etc. For each status I need to draw a bubble next to the icon on the map (e.g. one green if device is on line and one red if camera is off line). For example I have ...

Can I use icons with RGBA transparency when using GTK+ drag and drop?

Hi, I am in the process of adding drag and drop support to an existing Mono/C#/GTK# application. I was wondering whether it was possible to use RGBA transparency on the icons that appear under the mouse pointer when I start dragging an object. So far, I realized the following: I can set the bitmap in question by calling the Gtk.Drag.S...

How to have icons for ipad and iphone ?

Hi I dont get it :) I have an Icon.pn that is currently 57x57, but when I compile I get a warning that it needs to be 72x72. If I make it 72x72 it complains that it needs to be 57x57. I do understand the problem but I do not know how to solve it, how can I tell xcode which icon is for which device ? Thanks ...

Icon not displayed correctly in setup project VS 2005

Hi, I am making a setup project for my dependent project in the same solution, i have a icon for my dependent project which i set in project properties, i have also added this icon to setup project in the application folder, i want this icon to appear in the add/remove programs dialog but so far only default no icon is appearing. this ....

Windows Application Icon Files

when creating an .exe on Windows (XP - 7, assuming it's the same process), what is the format for the application icon? what is the file extension? what size is the maximum? with applications on Mac OS X, it is possible to right-click on the application and select "Show Package Contents". from here, an .icns file can be found in a fo...

Android, get icons of running activities?

I've got a list of running processes from ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo, like this: ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Service.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); List<ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo> processes; processes = am.getRunningAppProcesses(); for(ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo info: process...

When creating an iOS app (Xcode), how can I turn off the automatic icon 'gelling'

Is there a way to get rid of the highlight that is automatically added to the icon when creating an iphone app, or will I have to compensate by hand in PS? Thanks ...

How to set launcher application icon on Android Cellphone with 1.5 api

I Im working with a Motorola DEXT with a 1.5 api, and the application launcher icon it's not shown. When I use an emulator with a 1.6 or newer api it works just fine. Is there any additional steps to configure the icon for older apis like the 1.5 I'm working on? Thank you very much ...

iPhone [email protected] not showing in Retina display

For some reason, the iPhone 4 refuses to display my high resolution icon file. I've checked out these solutions, none of which have worked for me: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3389160/how-to-setup-normal-icon-for-iphone3-and-retina-for-iphone-4 http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa2010/qa1686.html http://appworks.radeec...

favicon not working in any browser

Hey, I am trying to get a favicon to appear on my webpage. Disclaimer: I have never done this before, but it does seem rather simple. I have a ico image in a folder called pics that is part of my project. I am trying to do this inside my master page. <link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="~/pics/REDIcon.ico"/> That is correct, right? Is th...

What do the arrow icons in Subclipse mean?

What do the icons in the following screen capture mean? The icons are from Subclipse, an SVN plugin for Eclipse. I'm not asking about the base file icons, I know those (HTML file and Java source file). I'm asking about the right-pointing dark gray arrows, which are labeled "outgoing." What does that imply? Outgoing from the IDE to the...

Changing HTML page Icon?

I have a webpage. I want to change the icon on button down (this would be enough for me to understand but I'd be glad if you'd describe a way to animate icon after button click). ...

How to change default jar icon

First I have read all questions about this subject, so this is not a repeated question. What I want to ask about, how an application written in Java (such as eclipse) uses an icon instead of the default jar icons. I don't matter about compatibility, I always can make 2 different versions of my program to Windows and Linux. How to make...

iPhone add Icon to app

Hi, i have a icon (57x57 pixels) which i copyied to recources and addet it to info.plist but i don't see it on iPhone. Can someone help me? ...

How to change the installer's icon using Installshield 2011?

I'm using Installshield 2011 to create an installer and it create an output installer whose icon is something that I want to replace one of my own. How can I do it? Please help! ...

Google Map icon (pin) - how to define color?

hello, is it possible to change color of pin placed on google map creatted by it's api? or have to use custom icon to do that? it's google map api v3. tnx in adv! ...

Change toolbar icon dynamically with bundled icon

Hi, I'm using a toolbar in an UIWebview. I want to able to change an icon dynamically. That is from stop to refresh. How can i used the bundled icons? [stopButtonItem setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"refresh"]]; Thank you Teo ...

How to set icon inside the main app page in android ?

Hi Everyone, I have an android app and I want to set an icon. I have set the icon using androidmanifest.xml and that shows the icon inside the app list. However, I want the icon to be displayed while the application is running, also. Any help/hints ? Thanks. - ahsan ...

How do I set the .application icon for a ClickOnce deployment (online only)

I have a clickonce application that I would like to have the ApplicationName.application file have an icon for the application. Currently the ApplicaitonName.applicaiton file has the default window with blue top and green arrow standard icon. I have an application icon under the application setup, resources, icon and manifest. That ap...

Android: Why is the name of the android app taken as the name of the starting activity?

Hi, In my manifest file, I have given the application name as MyApp and the name of the starting activity as Main Menu. <application android:theme="@style/theme" android:icon="@drawable/myicon" android:label="@string/app_name"> <activity android:name=".MainMenu" android:label="@string/mainmenu_name"> <intent-f...