
Is There a Good Pattern for Creating a Unique Id based on a Type?

I have a template that creates a unique identifier for each type it is instanced. Here's a streamlined version of the template: template <typename T> class arType { static const arType Id; // this will be unique for every instantiation of arType<>. } // Address of Id is used for identification. #define PA_TYPE_TAG(T) (&arType<T >::Id...

Name an id dynamically with javascript?

How can I dynamically name id's using javascript? Something like this: js: var idName = "fruit"; html: <img id="javascript:idName" src="banana.jpg"> ...

IDs necessary in update script not being stored (or even seen!?) (PHP MySQL)

Hi guys, I really need help with this one...have spent 3 hours trying to figure it out... Basically, I have 3 tables necessary for this function to work (the query and PHP)... Authors, Books and Users. An author can have many books, and a user can have many books - that's it. When the admin user selects to update a book, they are pres...

The case of "id" attribute when signing an element in a XML file

Is the case of the "id" attribute important, when creating a reference to an element for digital signing following xml-dsig standard? I've seen attributes named "ID", "Id" and "id" and some software packages have trouble finding the correct element/node for different forms. Also following various specs and schemas, there are different ...

How Do I Add Multiple HTML Files To A (Google Web Toolkit) GWT Project In Eclipse?

Also keeping in mind the fact as to how to add GWT Widgets To The Secondary HTML Page? ...

Have problem understanding the id/name of java bean

In an XmlBeanFactory (including ApplicationContext variants), you use the id or name attributes to specify the bean id(s), and at least one id must be specified in one or both of these attributes. Does it mean the following are legal? <bean id="test"> <bean name="test"> But this is illegal: <bean non_idnorname="test">...

usb device identification

hello all i am using python on ubuntu 9.04 say i have two usb devices connected to a single PC. how can i identify the devices in python code.....for example like if usb port id == A write data to device 1 if usb port id == B write data to device 2 any ideas.... ...

Visual Studio .NET C# executable traces

Hey, i've got a question, is it possible to identify the creator of a .NET assembly, just with traces from VisualStudio within the assembly ? Or can you even get a kind of unique ID of the creator out of it? I don't mean the application information like company or description, they can be edited too easily. ...

how do you reuse a partial view with setting different ids

i have a partial view with a dropdown in it. the code looks like this: <%=Html.DropDownListFor(x => Model.Exercises, new SelectList(Model.Exercises, "Id", "Name", Model.SelectedExercise), new { @id = "exerciseDropdown", @class = "autoComplete" })%> the issue is that i want to reuse this partial view in multiple places but i want to ...

Need to find number of new unique ID numbers in a MySQL table

I have an iPhone app out there that "calls home" to my server every time a user uses it. On my server, I create a row in a MySQL table each time with the unique ID (similar to a serial number) aka UDID for the device, IP address, and other data. Table ClientLog columns: Time, UDID, etc, etc. What I'd like to know is the number of new d...

How to know all id's that i have in the file main.xml in android?

Hello guy's, i'm new at Android world, and i have a doubt, is there any method that give me the name of the id's i create in main.xml? For example i have this: main.xml <TextView android:id="@+id/text1" android:layout_width="70px" android:layout_height="70px" android:text="Google" /> <TextView android:id="@...

Pass struct as id possible?

I would like to execute a function which obtains a struct in an separate Thread but not sure how to pass the struct right. Having this: - (void) workOnSomeData:(struct MyData *)data; How to properly call: struct MyData data = ... ; [[[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(workOnSomeData:) object: ... Using &data d...

How to callback the new list id jQuery UI: sortable

Hi, I'm trying to use the sortable widget for my site. I have a mini scheduling app that I'd like to display a list of appointments for the week sorted by days. For this example we'll use only two days ( 2 lists ). If I wanted to drag an appointment (list item) from day 2 over to day 1, is there a way I can callback the id of list 1 a...

python remove everything between <div class="comment> .. any... </div>

Hi how do you use python 2.6 to remove everything including the <div class="comment"> ....remove all ....</div> i tried various way using re.sub without any success Thank you ...

C++ boost thread id and Singleton

hi. Sorry to flood so many questions this week. I assume thread index returned by thread.get_id is implementation specific. In case of the pthreads, is index reused? IE, if thread 0 runs and joins, is thread launched afterwords going to have a different ID? the reason I ask this is a need to implement Singleton pattern with a twist: ...

How can I use the FOR attribute of a LABEL tag without the ID attribute on the INPUT tag

Is there a solution to the problem illustrated in the code below? Start by opening the code in a browser to get straight to the point and not have to look through all that code before knowing what you're looking for. <html> <head> <title>Input ID creates problems</title> <style type="text/css"> #prologue, #summary { margin: 5em;...

Are GUIDs the ultimate ID?

I noticed some people don't bother having the usual incremented number as ID but instead simply generate a GUID. The advantages include: Quick and easy No need to keep track of previous IDs Guaranteed to be unique even across machines without knowledge of each other Some disadvantages are: Possibly performance bottleneck Uses a lar...

jqueryui sortable: How to get the ID of the li-element another li-element was sorted onto?

Hi Folks, guess i have this and guess that this list is a sortable one: <ul> <li id="a">Hey</li> <li id="b">Ho</li> <li id="c">Silver</li> <li id="d">!</li> </ul> Now im sorting the list. I move the third Silver on before the first "Hey" what makes the list looks like this: <ul> <li id="c">Silver</li> <li id="a">Hey<...

How do I specify a multi-column id in orm xml for a JPA entity?

I'm trying to create a JPA Entity backed by a view which does not have an id. The rows are uniquely defined by two columns, product id and node id. How can I specify that the id for the entity is a multi-column id, and do it using xml, not annotations? ...

How do I generate a unique ID without using AUTOINCREMENT

I am exporting data from csv into mysql database, I want the database to generate a unique id for each imported record. I want to use the unique field in generating a receipt number in crystal report. What would you suggest as the best way of doing this? ...