
Why Android file can be in src/ or gen/ ?

Hi all, When i started learning android i learned that files goes to /gen folder recently i saw it on /src file ( in WROX-Professional Android App Dev- sample code downloads ). How does this work. and also in some code i saw ( xml layout ) android:id="@+id/" ( i don't remember in which web page i saw this code ,...

Changing an iPhone app id?

I would like to change the app id of an iPhone app that i am selling. Is it possible to do so, update it, maybe add in-app purchases and have no problems? Thanks guys, please tell me anything bad that could happen... ...

How to set IDs for select elements of Quickform_date?

Is there some way to add ID attribute to every select element generated by Quickform_date so it would look for example like this? <select id="date-d" name="date[d]"> <option value="1">01</option> <option value="2">02</option> ... <option value="31">31</option> </select><select id="date-M" name="date[M]"> <option v...

get iphone ID in web app

i want to create a web-app for the iphone and i need to get the ID of the device (instead of username/password). can this be done? ...

In Cocoa, how is the id type defined?

This question is out of pure curiosity. How does Cocoa define the id type? Is it just a typedef for a void *? Also, if you know which header file it is defined in, I would be interested in taking a look. ...

.NET: Strongly-typed HTML "id" attribute

Is there any object in the .NET framework that will sanitize a string so that it is safe to use as the "id" attribute value for an HTML tag? ...

get unique machine id

hi all I want to get unique unchangeable Machine id Like Processor serial number of the computer for distribute a software with out copying.I tried with processor serial number and hard disk serial number that all are changing after formatting and reinstalling the windows. Any idea how i can get an unchangeable serial number of a compute...

Hibernate Auto Increment ID

Hi.I have a j2ee application using hibernate with annotation. How do I annotate the Id field in my pojo class to set it as auto increment or auto generated. and in adding the bean do I leave that field in my bean null? ...

Get a column value (like id) after mysql INSERT

Can I get from PHP a value back like the new id from the row I've just added to the database or should I make a SELECT to retrieve it? <?php $sql = "INSERT INTO my_table (column_1, column_2) VALUES ('hello', 'ciao')"; $res = mysql_query ($sql) or die (mysql_error ()); $sql = "SELECT column_id FROM my_table WHERE column_1 = 'hello'"; $...

jquery Find ID of dynamically generated tr tag

i have a table with tr containing 10 td elements. The tr are generated dynamically. For eg <tr id = "<?php echo $count; ?>" > <td>name </td> <td>info </td> ... ... <td><a href="delete.php">delete</a></td> </tr> What i wish to do is when i click on delete link , using ajax go to delete page do the needful and then without page refres...

Symfony: update a related table with the id for newly saved records?

Hello, I have the base table called SnUser and a related table, SnAltceva schema.yml SnUser: columns: name: { type: string(100) } age: { type: integer(1) } level_id: integer relations: SnAltceva: { local: id, foreign: user_id } and SnAltceva: columns: user_id: integer field...

android:id what is the plus sign for

The document says "@[+]id/myid" as the definition for android:id, from the notation it indicates that the plus is optional. But nowhere can I find a definition of what the plus sign means or not supplying it would mean. What does it mean and why is it there? ...

CryptGenRandom to generate session id

Hi! does anyone have working example of CryptGenrRandom class to generate session id (need to use in my iis module). HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv; BYTE pbData[16]; if(CryptAcquireContext( &hCryptProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) { if(CryptGenRandom(hCryptProv, 8, pbData)) { std::st...

how to assign target control to validator control on serverside

Hi I am having N numbers of Text boxes those are generating dynamically. I want to validate each textbox for Formate HH:MM:SS PM/AM so i dynamicaly create the validation control . but as the dynamic textbox has no ID , so what i have to pass to the Validation control for ControlToValidate Property ? ...

Why does Wicket changes the id of the html elements?

If I write <form wicket:id="form" id="form> or even <form wicket:id="form>... Then the rendered HTML shows the id 'form' appended with different numbers whenever the page is refreshed e.g. <form id="form7".... Is there a way to disable this behavior of the Wicket framework? ...

Grails way to prevent bad request "ids" on url

Like here in stackoverflow if i force put bad characters on URL in id place it redirects you to a page error. I would like to know if with Grails it has some kind of plugin for prevent id like: "123$#3" or an easy way because i have a lot of actions and do something like below dont seems to be the best way: def find = { def v...

Android id collision mechanism for

We all know that when generating an id for Android using @+id/foo Android creates for us an entry in like: public static final class id { public static final int foo=0x7f060005; } What happens if there is a name collision in different xml files (let's say, inside two layouts)? The @+id mechanism ensures us to overw...

jquery - How do i call the same function with different element id tags?

I am a very new to jquery and am having trouble calling more than one instance of a function. i have a function $('#open_dialog').click(function(){ $("#dialog").dialog("open"); return false; }); To call this function i have an href link with an id tag name of open_dialog. Obviously this works great if it is the only...

form fields; jquery validation

i am trying to validate my form fields calling the input text ids, but jquery is not validating it. here is what i have: email2: {// compound rule required: true, email: true }, if i change name="email2" it works fine, but i want name="email[]" as i have an array of ema...

Generate id for row in JSF datatable

I am trying to achieve the expand/contract functionality of table rows in JSF using core faces implementation. As answered in one of my earlier thread this is not straight forward to achieve in core faces implementation. So, I thought of using HTML + jQuery to achieve the functionality. I am calling the row with +/- gif as parent row and...