
Windows 2000, IE6, applet attaches to wrong frame.

I have an applet which communicates with the browser via javascript. I load the applet, and some javascript, in an iframe, and in Windows 2000 with IE6, I have determined that the messages the applet propagates hit the parent frame, rather than the iframe. Is there a better solution to fix this than include windows2k.hacks.js, with prox...

css z-index problem with ie6

i know an ancient browser but still i want to get it to work just a simple dropdown menu over text. It doesn't work in ie text is over de dropdown. How can i fix this??? ...

IE 6 doesn't load other Flickr photos from photo stream

I checked this in firebug lite, and it's loading everything into the DOM properly, but immediately hangs on the second image. When I try visiting the images individually they don't load either. Any ideas? I should also point out that this script works fine in: IE7, IE8, Firefox 2,3, and Safari. $(document).ready(function() { var reg...

ie6 bug, text cropped inside div

i have this this simple div : <div id="error_message">Some bad things happened here, sorry... try again later!</div> and this css: #error_message { width:170px; height:44px; color:green; font-size:15px; margin-left:10px; text-align:center; } ok, as i expected ie6 kicks my butt again :D so what it does ...

Jquery IE6 hover problems, keeps loading background image.

Hi, Take a look at this page: In IE6 the menu's background image loads every time the user hovers over a menu item, which is obviously making a very rubbish looking menu. Is there any special reason as to why IE6 would re-load the image on every hover? ...

IE 6 png transparency issue...

My page is not rendering properly in ie6 because of transparency problem in ie 6. How can fix this issue. ...

Underline ie6-bug. Inline element in <a> tag.

There is a markup: <a href="#"> lorem ipsum<span>15</span> </a> There are styles: a{ text-decoration: underline; } a span{ background: #fff; //To clean the bottom underlining under <span> } Works in all interesting me browsers. Except IE6. The bottom underlining under <span> remains. How to solve this problem withou...

IE6 Hacks: Getting jQuery tools expose to work properly on my site

Hi, I am trying to get the jQuery tools 'expose' function to work properly in IE6. The page is You will need IE6 to reproduce the bug (obviously :)). If you click 'Sign In' on the top-right corner (below the 'Join Today!' button), you will notice that the sign in panel (fieldset#login-controls) ...

Why are cookies unrecognized when a link is clicked from an external source (i.e. Excel, Word, etc...)

I noticed that when a link is clicked externally from the web browser, such as from Excel or Word, that my session cookie is initially unrecognized, even if the link opens up in a new tab of the same browser window. The browser ends up recognizing its cookie eventually, but I am puzzled as to why that initial link from Excel or Word doe...

IE6 rendering bug. Some parsed <li> elements are losing their closing tags.

I have been working with IE6 for many years [sob], but have never seen this particular bug before, and I can't seem to find a reference to it on the Web. The problem appears to be with how IE6 is parsing the HTML of a nested list. Even though the markup is correct, IE6 somehow munges the code when it is parsed, and drops the closing tags...

IE6 - body shrink on hover / z-index change

I'm debugging a site to make it work for IE6 (god, please, let this be the last time). I've gotten pretty far with getting the the layout look right. There's just one more thing bugging me. Some elements like links, when they get hovered, the body of the site shrinks. I have built a dropdown with javascript. When it should show, the ...

Why can't IE6 shows semi transparent png8 files with alpha filter ?

-- read the whole question before answering -- Hi, i work on a big website that had a lot (45000+) of png24 images (with semi transparency). I converted them to png8 and it works very well (a big help on page load time...). The thing is i had to keep png24 files for ie6 users (with alpha filter to have semi transparent pixels) because...

Drop Down not even showing up in IE6

I've got a drop down menu here that just plain won't show up in IE6. The site works perfectly in every other browser. Seems daft to lose sleep over IE6, I know, but the site is for a demographic who could very well still be using it. Here's the CSS: html { height:100%; } body, p, a, ul, li, ol, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { margi...

Jquery 3d image carousel - IE6 transparency

I'm using the 3d image carousel available at . It's great but I've hit a wall with regards to transparency support for IE6. As the images are being manipulated by javascript after they are loaded, it's quite a headache. All the mainstream png fixes fail in one way or another...eithe...

Major differences in CSS design for IE6 & Other browsers

Hello This might sound to be a big question, but could you specify what are the issues to be considered which designing CSS for IE6 & Other browsers. To be in more simple terms, what is so different in CSS for IE6 when compared with other standard browsers. What are the Issues to be considered when making a IE6 compatible CSS ...

Absolute positioning error in IE6 with dropdown list

I have a div, that I'm using JavaScript to position, so that when someone hovers over an image, it displays a tooltip message that follows along with the pointer. (Using tooltip-0.2.js ) The problem is that when a user goes to the page in IE6, a disabled dropdown box on the page is showing through this absolutely positioned tooltip whe...

CSS image float div problem in IE6

In the bottom cap of this page (bottom with corners) I seem to be having a weird IE6 issue. I've tried Google with no luck, as really, how do you ask this question. In IE6, the corner images that are floated left and right seem to cause the whitespace to drop. Any suggestions for why this may be? ...

IE Cannot open the internet site (no JS on the page)

I know that there are many posts about this on Stackoverflow, but this one is different. All of the other fixes to this have to do with javascript, but I don't even have javascript on my page. None. And I am still getting this error. Was there any other reasons why this error was being caused? Also, it only happens when I visit my t...

Z-Index problems with IE6 and html <select> element

I have a <div> that opens up on a jquery hover event (display goes from hidden to block). Sometime it's opens up over some form elements. And of course it works fine in all browsers except IE6. <select> boxes bleed through as if there z-index is higher than the <div> tag. I've tried setting the <div> tag with a higher z-index, but it...

Problem on IE6-8 with jQuery

Hello guys, I'm stuck here with this IE6 issue.. always a pain. So I'm using jQuery's "live" feature to add a product each time. Then once each dropdown's value is changed, an input field assigned to it changes its value too so when I hit submit, it sends all the info. Everything works perfectly fine except in IE6, IE7, and IE8. I have...