
Dropdown menu keeps disappearing & menu items covered by pic in IE7

This problem only affects IE7. The hover effect works but when I attempt to hover over the sub-menu items, the menu suddenly disappears! Only, it's covered by the images in the header div. I've tried z-index and removing margin among other things but nothing works. Website: CSS #menu-container{ background: ur...

Yet another IE float problem

The site listed below works fine in all browsers except IE 7, where the footer moves up against the breadcrumb region, underneath the main content, instead of sitting at the bottom of the page. Ive tried all the IE tricks I can think of, but I cant move it. Does anyone know how to fix this? ...

ie7 problem: multiple floating divs with percentage widths equaling 100% inside container div

This seems to works in ie8, Chrome, and Firefox. Everything should be on the same line, but in ie7 the last div for some reason doesn't seem to "fit" and gets dropped down to the next line. Is there a simple way to get this to work with ie7? <div style="width: 95%"> <div style="width: 25%; background-color: blue; float: left;">test...

ie7 display:inline

I know this question has been asked a hundred times, and I feel like I've looked at all 100 posts, but this is driving me nuts. I swear this is the last IE7 compliant site I will ever do. Too much money wasted. I invite you to do the same. I'm still waiting for my check from Microsoft as a sorry for all the money you've lost developi...

jquery add to another div-boxes inside one special box... ie7+

hi folks, here is my code: $('.round').each ( function ( ) { var content = $(this).html ( ); $(this).removeClass ( 'round' ); $(this).html ( '' ); var inner = $(document.createElement('DIV')).addClass ( 'rc-inner' ).html ( content ); var outer = $(document.createElement('DIV')).addClass ( 'rc-outer' ).append ( inn...

IE7 Hover Problem (or Bug)

Hi, I am currently developing a website and I am very bad at cross browsing issues. Now, I encountered a bug which I am not able to fix. I have created a new HTML file for testing purposes, it does not have images but the bug is still there. If you open this website with IE7 You will see a text "Popüler D...

Website not working well on IE 7

I have this website, Now I tried many times to make it work on IE 7 (possibly IE6 too didn't check) but for some reason the middle frame on the right doesn't show content. If you compare it to Firefox or Chrome (or even IE8) it works ok. I need to fix this but I'm not sure what's causing the problem.. Note I ...

jQuery.css() for IE Only styling.

I'm using jQuery to position elements in a submenu. The html looks like: <div class="menu"> <div> <a>Menu Option</a> <div class="submenu"> <div><a>Submenu Option</a></div> </div> </div> </div> menu has position: relative, submenu has position: absolute. IE8 and FF are rendering the submenu...

iText Generated PDF Viewing Problem in IE7

Hi Friends, I am generating a pdf using iText. When I open the pdf through the link it does not open in IE 7 but works fine in Chrome. I also noticed if I remove the / from web.xml then it opens perfectly fine in IE 7. My security-constraint in web.xml is: Entire Application / I have to use the /* because of s...

css opacity not working correctly in IE 6 / IE7 or IE8 in Compatibilty mode

In the following code the first and second images with anchors have links and in these images the caption text does not hide (opacity 0) on page load in IE 6 / IE7 or IE8 in Comp mode. All other images work fine but I need to but links in them. Here is the code in JSfiddle FF works fine and IE8 in normal mode is fine as well I would p...

IE6 & IE7 z-index (non absolute) issue

This code currently works for all modern browsers instead of IE6/IE7. Any advice? I can't absolutely positioned any of this: all of it needs to be adaptable to content. Again, I believe this works perfectly in modern browsers.;raw <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "

Possible IE7 Background Bug?

Hey everyone. I'm encountering something I've never really come across before in IE7. I have a wrapper div with a background image applied to it. This image is supposed to repeat all the way until the end of the wrapper div. In IE7 there seems to be a scrolling issue where if I use the scroll bar to see parts of the page that aren't ...

Internet Explorer Missing Divs Issues...

I am having some serious trouble with missing DIVs under Internet Explorer and I cannot seem to get them to show up. The website is And it looks great, and functions perfect in most of the other required test browsers, but something about its appearance in IE7 is off. The issues are related to the #righty div ...

Script doesn't load on IE7

Hi, I got a problem with a script, when I try to load the page in IE7 Link to the website Expected identifier, string or number zoommap.js, line 126 character 6 This is what is in that line: }).appendTo(map).click(function(){ Object doesn't support this property or method setupMap.js, line 6 character 1 This is wh...

Seeing red: How to NOT clear a div in IE7?

First of all, do you see red?... I do in IE7 and I want to know why. Both paragraphs are floated in opposite directions and there's nothing else that could possibly be clearing the container div. I know what you're thinking... "What's the problem? What's wrong with the container div clearing the paragraphs?"....

Invalid argument in IE7: jQuery and prepend

The below code renders an invalid argument error when the the prepend method tries to execute // close button closers = overlay.find(conf.close || ".close"); if (!closers.length && !conf.close) { closers = $('<div class="close"></div>'); overlay.prepend(closers); } This is part of the jquery.overlay.js and the error is only...

Icons show in IE8 half in IE7 and not in IE6...§§§

Hi, This is my first post here :) I have made a wiget site based on iNETTUTS (great tutorial btw:) In the example below you can see it's working fine in Safari, FF, IE8. In IE 7 it's showing half of the icons and in IE6 the icons are not showing at all....:( I hope somebody can help me out? Thanks....

IE7 viewport dimensions including scrollbars

My definition of "viewport" is everything between the browser's borders (visible area + scrollbar) As you can see, I tried: document.body VS document.documentElement scroll* client* offset* getBoundingClientRect() html { 100% } body { 100% } The Internet Explorer 7 bug per say is that offset* and getBo...

Confused on where exactly i should test my ie code. the tester is bugging me

Hi there, ie6 has been bugging me up from a very long time from now. and i am feeling so frustrated. however here is the problem i am facing. i have written the XHTML markup , html and css code. i want to test the cross browser compatibility, i know there are lots of tools out there to do it, and i am already using some of them. i am ...

IE7 anchor tag problem

Hi, I am having a weird problem with a webpage in IE7. The structure is as follows: <a id=".." href="...."> <img id=".." src=".."/> <div class=""> <em> <img class=".." src=".." alt=".."/> </em> <div class="..">My text</div> </div> </a> Everything is "clickable" except the img inside the em tag....