
if-else structure

I have these long statements that I will refer to as x,y etc. here. My conditional statements' structure goes like this: if(x || y || z || q){ if(x) do someth else if (y) do something if(z) do something else if(q) do something } else do smthing Is there a better, shorter way to write th...

Using PHP to display button with hyperlink or greyed out button if no URL in database

I've got a webpage that I'm working on where you click on a letter or category and it displays records matching that query from a database. One of the things I want to display is a hyperlinked button that says "Website" if the database record contains a URL in the 'URL' field, and if there is no value in that field, it will display a gr...

Unexpected T_ELSE error in PHP

I am working on an example from a php book and am getting an error on line 8 with this code <?php $agent = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT"); if (preg_match("/MSIE/i", "$agent")); { $result = "You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer"; } else if (preg_match("/Mozilla/i", "$agent")); { $result = "You are using Mozilla firefox"; } else...

How to merge if/else statements in JS?

Hello! I'm wondering how to merge these JS if/else statements correctly? if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('dosomething', foo, false); } else { document.addEventListener('dosomething', foo, false); } if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('dosomething', foo); } else { document.attachEvent('dosomething', foo);...

In an If-Else Statement for a method return, should an Else be explicitly stated if it can instead be implicitly followed?

I have a method that checks certain things and returns a Boolean based on those checks. It involves a single branching If section that checks about 5 conditions in sequence. If any of those conditions return true, then the method will return true;. If none of the conditions return true, then the method will return false;. Since the code ...

jquery if else, why does not work?

In the following function it goes through the if and the else, why is that? function test(){ $(".notEmpty").each(function() { if($(this).val() === ""){ alert("Empty Fields!!"); return; } else{ AddRow_OnButtonClick('tblMedicationDetail',6); } ...

Condensing multiple else if statements, referencing them from a table?

Hi I'm about to type some 500 else if statements into my code (PHP) which have the exact same coding each: if (color=White); rgb = 255-255-255; print rgb; else if (color=Black); rgb = 0-0-0; print rgb; else if (color=Red); rgb = 255-0-0; print rgb; else if (color=Blue); rgb = 0-0-255; print rgb; [the list keeps g...

Java if/else behaving strangely

I'm a real newbie to java, so please excuse me if this is a hopelessly straightforward problem. I have the following from my java game server: // Get input from the client DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream (server.getInputStream()); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(server.getOutputStream()); disconnect=false; w...

How do i compare 2 strings in shell?

I want the user to input something at the command line either -l or -e. so e.g. $./report.sh -e I want an if statement to split up whatever decision they make so i have tried... if [$1=="-e"]; echo "-e"; else; echo "-l"; fi obviously doesn't work though Thanks ...

javascript - how to control if /else if / else

How to control to which if the else is correlated? ex: if X = 1 { // A if Y > 1 { // B gothere(); } } else if X < 1 { // C gohere(); } else { // D gonowhere(); } how to make sure C and D will not be related to B??? here´s another example: if xxx { ... FM_log(7,"vList.length = "+vList.length); if (skippin...

Refactoring if/else logic

I have a java class with a thousand line method of if/else logic like this: if (userType == "admin") { if (age > 12) { if (location == "USA") { // do stuff } else if (location == "Mexico") { // do something slightly different than the US case } } else if (age < 12 && ...

My ifelse statement's result depends on the actions for true/false?

Currently I am building a route for a truck to drive inside my netlogo-land. When the truck is next to the shop-patch where it should deliver, the truck needs to change its actions. However my if or ifelse statement does not seem to respond well and the answer depends on the output. With some tests: *turtles> ifelse ((patch (first di...

Question regarding mysql_insert_id() application in my code..

I have a page in which there is an if...else loop for processing of input data, this page is reverted two times when submitted, that is when a button called "Continue" is clicked and and second time "Add to cart".... Now in this case when Button "Continue" is clicked then the if loop is executed in which data is inserted in the Database,...

Password test in 1st Tab.m to load a loginView gives class error?

I have a name and password in NSUserDefaults for login. I have this in my 1stTab View.m class to test for presence and load a login/signup loginView.xib modally if there is no password or name stored in the app. Here is the pulling of the defaults: -(void)refreshFields { NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaul...

How efficient is an if statement compared to a test that doesn't use an if? (C++)

I need a program to get the smaller of two numbers, and I'm wondering if using a standard "if x is less than y" int a, b, low; if (a < b) low = a; else low = b; is more or less efficient than this: int a, b, low; low = b + ((a - b) & ((a - b) >> 31)); (or the variation of putting int delta = a - b at the top and rerplacing instance...

Why it's not "if" and not "else"?

I have this code: $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "ctmanager", "pswsafgcsadfgG"); if ( ! $link ) die("I cannot connect to MySQL.<br>\n"); else print "Connection is established.<br>\n"; print "a"; if ( mysql_create_db("ct", $link) ) print "AAA"; else print "BBB"; print "2"; die(); And this is the output: Connection is...

C Preprocessor and if-else condition statement question

I run my C code in vs2010 (win32 console application). It was compiled as c++ application. #include "stdafx.h" #define YES 1; #define NO 0; // function to determine if an integer is even int isEven(int number) { int answer; if ( number % 2 == 0) answer = YES; else answer = NO; retu...

If else is not workin in Jquery??

Here my Jquery code: <script> $('.smenu li').hover(function() { var lid = $(this).find('li').attr('id'); closeAll(); //show perticular div if(lid == "d1") { $('.hbg div#info1').show(); } ...

IF/ELSE statements on IFrame Source attribute

Hi Everyone, I am currently defining the src attribute of my Iframe with the URL + a ID (of specific person) that I am retrieving from a database. It returns a picture that is stored at a repository for each person. For people that currently do not have a pic I would like the URL to be URL+00000 instead of the 404 error page. I'm tr...

What's wrong with this OCaml code?

What's wrong with this code? let vm_run vm = let guard = ref true in while !guard do if vm.cur_pc = -1 && not (Stack.empty vm.call_stack) then vm_pop_ar vm else if vm.cur_pc = -1 then guard := false else if vm.cur_pc < Array.length vm.cur_code then execute vm Array.get vm.cur_code vm.cur_pc; ...