
if parentViewContoller statement

I'm writing a program with a UITableView with and add button in the Navigation Bar which leads to an edit page. When you click on an item in the table, a view (rView) is pushed with information pertaining to that item. This view has an edit button that also leads to the edit page. Is there a way that I could put an if statement for the ...

Wordpress Custom Value If/ElseIf - Doesn't Work

I'm outside the loop and want to call a custom value "featvideo" and display it. If there isn't "featvideo" then print an image... The video displays, but when there isn't a video a blank box displays. You can see the the issue here: http//wgl.buildthesis.com (and yes, $images is a function defined in functions.php and works) <?php ...

Checking Display Value of HTML element and saving to a Cookie in jQuery

I'm trying to use jQuery to toggle the appearance of a shoutbox and remember that state from page to page. My problem is getting the cookie that remembers the state set. Here's the code I've come up with so far, but it doesn't seem to be executing the if statement correctly. Any ideas why? function show_shoutbox() { $('#SB').toggle("f...

Wordpress loop > unique loop renders slightly wrong results...

A few things to understand before my question will make sense: I use a hidden category called 'Unique' to specify if the post will use the single.php or a special one used for the unique ones. I want the index to act as a single: showing only one post, displaying next/prev post links, and comments also. I need the index.php to say if t...

C# Refactoring of If Statement

I am experimenting with different areas of C# and refactoring best practices/patterns. As can be seen the Validate method below has 3 child validation methods. Is there a way to redesign this method/refactor it so that the if statement are remove? (possibly using Delegate?). Also what general code standard improvements would you sugge...

When to use a switch statement in Java

I appreciate that anything that can be done done by a switch statment can be done by an if else statement. But are there stylistic rules for when one should use the switch rather than if else statment. ...

ASP Question - How to count # of characters?

Today is the very first day I've ever even seen aspx, so, please bear with me... Basically, I want to determine if a string is empty. If it is empty, then I don't want anything to output, if it's not, then I want to output the string itself. <%= o_handler.renderDDesc()%> //This is the string itself... If this is empty, then I want ...

Case vs If Else If: Which is more efficient?

Possible Duplicates: is else if faster than switch() case ? What is the relative performance of if/else vs. switch in Java? Ive been coding-in-the-run again....when the debugger steps through a case statement it jumps to the item that matches the conditions immediately, however when the same logic is specified using if/else ...

how can i set custom message to sql query for this script

got this: if (mysql_num_rows($ak) == 0) { $sonuc = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); } elseif (mysql_num_rows($ak) == 1) { $sonuc = "you already added"; } this script works succesfully. but mysql_query($sql) echos "1" how can let it echo "successfully added." thanks... (im asking simple questions because im new to php)...

Writing Ajax Form with IF ELSE statements...where did I go wrong?

Need some help with a #jQuery issue. Can someone look at this - http://bit.ly/avGLl4 - and tell me where I went wrong? ...

Java function Else issue

Sooo I'm having an issue with my function. static int syracuse(int x){ if (x%2==0){ return x/2; else{ return 3*x+1; } } } Well soo my issue is : if x is even, return x/2 OR is x if odd. returns 3x+1. But when I try to compile java tells me that ( 'else' with 'if') I don't know what to do :\ why...

Is the conditional operator slow?

I was looking at some code with a huge switch statement and an if-else statement on each case and instantly felt the urge to optimize. As a good developer always should do I set out to get some hard timing facts and started with three variants: The original code looks like this: public static bool SwitchIfElse(Key inKey, out char key,...

How to run if/else statement to check if XML node is empty?

Hello Stackers! My question today deals with checking an XML file for a specific node. Example: <vid flv="videoName" thumb="thumbnail.jpg" title="Video Title" logo="Path to logo here"> </vid> <vid flv="videoName" thumb="thumbnail.jpg" title="Video Title" </vid> The first vid node contains a path to a logo graphic, I then need...

when using javascript how do you use select form to do if else statements?

How do you take a value of an option in a select form and use it for a if else statement? for example if apple is selected as an option then write to the document how to make applesauce but orange is selected then write how to make orange? so far I have a basic form and select options and I know how to do the document.write but I dont ...

I want to use contents of String or Array in an If-else statement for iphone

I want to check to see if an array has "-" to activate a shipping method. I put "-" in since the array value will aways =2 and I need to IF ELSE by the contents. If the user doesn't not enter an address in the contents of the array looks like this: Root Array (2items) Item 1 String - Item 2 String - Here is the code for ...

If else statement within Jquery function

I have the following code in Javascript and Jquery: $("<li />") .html('Somehtml') I would like to be able to change the content of .html by using if-else statement. My code should be something like this, however it's not working. var showinfo = <?php echo '$action'; ?> $("<li />") if (showinfo == 'action1'){ ...

Is it considered bad form to execute a function within a conditional statement?

Consider a situation in which you need to call successive routines and stop as soon as one returns a value that could be evaluated as positive (true, object, 1, str(1)). It's very tempting to do this: if (fruit = getOrange()) elseif (fruit = getApple()) elseif (fruit = getMango()) else fruit = new Banana(); return fruit; I like it,...

Need some help with onClick and an if/else issue...

I have a menu with seven items. If you click the first item, div one shows. If you click any other item (2 through 7) div two shows. That's what I'm looking to do. I'm new at all this but am pretty sure it's an if/else function, such that if I click on <a id="1">, show the first div, else show the second div. I suppose I can do a hide/s...

How do "and" and "or" work when combined in one statement?

For some reason this function confused me: def protocol(port): return port == "443" and "https://" or "http://" Can somebody explain the order of what's happening behind the scenes to make this work the way it does. I understood it as this until I tried it: Either A) def protocol(port): if port == "443": if bool("ht...

Batch file: Extracting substring from input parameter to use in IF statement

This is a very basic example of what I am trying to implement in a more complex batch file. I would like to extract a substring from an input parameter (%1) and branch based on if the substring was found or not. @echo off SETLOCAL enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion SET _testvariable=%1 SET _testvariable=%_testvariable:~4,3% ECHO...