
How do you access the current location of an iframe?

The problem is I'm using an iframe to process a login form via POST over https, but the parent hosting the iframe is http (although in the same domain) is this doable? I can't test this quite yet because I can only use https in our staging environment. Thanks function process_form(f){ var l = $("iframe#loginFrame"); i...

Is it possible to get the url of an iframe when the src is https and the parent is http?

I get an error on String(u).indexOf() saying access denied http to https... so I'm thinking this doesn't work. But maybe i'm missing something. This is on the same domain, just a different protocol. function process_form(f){ var l = $("iframe#loginFrame"); if(l.length==0){ f.attr("target","loginFrame"); ...

overlay opaque div over youtube iframe :)

How can I overlay a div with semi-transparent opacity over a youtube iframe embedded video? <iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="520" height="330" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NWHfY_lvKIQ" frameborder="0"></iframe> <div id="overlay"></div> CSS #overlay { position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%...

Iframe onload when downloading file

Hi there! I've been pulling my hair out for hours trying to figure this out. I have an iframe with which I want to download a file. It all works fine, but the iframe onload is not called if my Response.ContentType = "APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM"; My javascript function is as follows: function DownloadStuff(){ var DownloadSource = "http:/...

IE7 won't display images in dynamically generated iFrame

In order to aid with printing, I'm dynamically generating an iFrame and then populating it with some content. This works on IE6, IE8, Chrome and Firefox on both PC and Mac. The problem is for some reason it's not working right on IE7. In IE7, the images do not display; instead they show as broken images. Same result when viewing. It's s...

Frame breaking only cross-domain but not for iframes from the same origin?

This question was previously asked and answered correctly, but there did not seem to be a solution posted. If a site has iframes, and one wants to prevent those from being enclosed in a frame from a different domain, simplistic frame-busting will not be useful: <script>if (top != self) top.location = location</script> However, since ...

Jquery Menu and iFrame shimmer

Hi, We have a JQuery menu which does not hide all HTML elements when displayed on top of those elements. We have seen other menu libraries providing support to use iFrame shimmer. Did not come across any such in JQuery. Anyone knows how to apply iFrame shimmer for JQuery Menu please? Thanks ...

IE problem with facebook iframe application

Hi, I have a strange problem with my application on facebook on IE (on FF, Opera, Chrome it works fine). Application is using iframe, and when it's trying to load, IE tries to download the content of iframe instead of displaying it... Thanks in advance for any tips. ...

Avoiding pollution of globals via iframe script loader?

Problem... Poorly-coded scripts exist which need to be included on a web page. These scripts pollute the global scope by doing things like: Assigning values to undeclared identifiers Adding properties to built-in constructor functions (like Object and Array) and their prototypes Other nasty stuff. Solution? I want to include t...

jQuery UI dialog with iframe and anchors

I am loading a page into an iFrame in the dialog. This is a help page with anchor tags. When I load the page using an anchor or even when using the anchor tags in the dialog the browser jumps up to the anchor, even if the dialog is centred. See: http://immoshots.com/test/jquery.ui.dialog/default.html Is there a workaround for this? An...

What's wrong with this jQuery code to access elements inside an iframe?

I'm trying to use jQuery to fill in a form in an iFrame. Do you see anything wrong with this code? It should be selecting the inputs and filling them in with the values TESTuser and TESTpassword. Here is the HTML from the iFrame : <td align="right"><label for="rcmloginuser">CSID</label></td> <td><input name="_user" id="rcmloginuser" ...

Best way to open, and write (save) content in an iframe

I would like to know the best method to open an html file to an iframe that has document.designMode="on" functionality, and then save any edits to this html file (essentially an open and save method for the Mozilla Midas spec) I only would like to use javascript or PHP moz midas spec I am very new to javascript so please excuse me if...

How useful is the X-Frame-Options header in protecting against malicious framing?

Adding the X-Frame-Options DENY to the response header helps protect against malicious framing of the web page and as a solution it's certainly better that client-side JavaScript solutions. But just how useful is it? Is is supported by all (modern) browsers and can it be bypassed by hackers intent on hijacking your site? ...

How do I disable scripts in my iframe?

I have an iframe that loads a page that I would like to disable the javascripts loading in the iframe loaded page. The loaded page has menu bars, dropdowns, etc. that make the home page that I am loading this iframe from load slow. Is there a way to disable javascript from my iframe page? I need the javascripts to remain in the page...

Set iframe height to that of internal content (on same domain)

I have an iframe embedded within my page - it's just part of my page, not the whole thing. I am reloading the iframe dynamically and want it to resize according to the height of the content within it. The content is on the same domain, so (hopefully?) no need for a solution as complex as that given in Resizing an iframe based on content...

Draggable, resizable and movable iframe

I can't find any draggable, resizable and movable iframe on the web. Can anybody help? jQuery would be better. ...

How can I prevent an iFrame from stealing focus [advanced]?

I am working on a site that loads an iframe (from another domain) as a user types into a textbox. Sometimes, the iframe loads a site that will steal the focus. This is particularly annoying, as the user will have been typing in my textbox, and now will be typing into the iframe's textbox. It seems there's no way to disable an iframe f...

Facebook tab not working

I made a facebook canvas application - Canvas Page http://apps.facebook.com/mybuzzrapplication Canvas URL Canvas Type IFrame I also added a tab to it - Tab Name Deals Tab URL http://apps.facebook.com/mybuzzrapplication/ Now this canvas page is working fine the base url is w...

jquery get height of iframe content when loaded

I have a Help page, help.php that I am loading inside an iframe in main.php How can I get the height of this page once it has loaded in the iframe? I am asking this because I can't style the height of to iframe to 100% or auto. That's why I think I need to use javascript.. I am using jQuery CSS: body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }...

Styling a parent from a child off-site Iframe?

This is most likely possible, but I want to style the main page using CSS while all I have access is a sandboxed iframe child. Please note that the child iframe is on a different subdomain than the parent. Can this be done? and how? ...