
I cannot access files in IIS 6

Hi, I have a default IIS 6 install and I can access only .html files. If I create a html file I can see it on the browser. Any other files like ini for example are not visible (404). Any idea on what can be the issue? ...

How do I change a windows password through asp?

I have a web application that uses Integrated Windows Authentication to validate users. Most of them are remote and don't have access to a workstation to update their AD password. Rather than manually managing passwords my self, I'd like to put together a script so they can change them on their own. How would I update their windows pas...

ASP.net application can't connect to sql server 2005 database.

Here is the scenario: IIS 6 and SQL Server 2005 on same machine: I have just created a new application inside of my main website in IIS. The root website has its own database. The application I just created under the root site has its own database, as well. ASP.net pages in the root site connect to their database using trusted securi...

IHttpHandler that handles all URL extensions in IIS 6, IIS 7 and ASP.NET Development Server

We have a custom IHttpHandler that is responsible for file downloads. The handler is mapped to URL /downloadfile.rem The browser redirects user to URL formatted like: /downloadfile.rem/[fileID]/[mimeType]/[fileName].[extension] example: /downloadfile.rem/54923876129874545456621/text$plain/data.txt Our handler gets the supplied informa...

SoapHttpClientProtocol authentication caching

We encounter a strange problem when making web service calls via SoapHttpClientProtocol in .Net. We have UseDefaultAuthentication set to true. In Internet Explorer an account with less permissions has saved passwords (and in fact created a pass-through). When the web service calls are made under an account with more permissions, the call...

Beginners threading in C#

Can you recommend a good series of articles or preferably a book on how to get started with threading in general and in C# in particular? I am primarily looking for the use of threads in console applications and in ASP.Net apps. I understand only the very basics of threads and know that "here be dragons", so want to get a good grounding...

Add user to SQL Server 2008 - permission denied

I have recently had some problems that I think might be helped by debugging my ASP.NET MVC application in IIS instead of with the default ASP.NET Development Server. However, when I try this the application can't access the database server (MS SQL Server 2008 Express) - it works fine on the Development Server though. The error I get is ...

ASP.NET Membership, Roles and AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers

Hello, I have a ASP.NET MVC website with XML based membership and roles. I have the ReadOnlyXmlRoleProvider and ReadOnlyXmlMembershipProvider deployed in bin-folder as two signed dll's. The site works perfectly on one service provider's new platform (IIS 6 + full trust), where I've tested it. I had to ask for Wildcard Mapping, to get t...

Can I use threads to carry out long-running jobs on IIS?

In an ASP.Net application, the user clicks a button on the webpage and this then instantiates an object on the server through the event handler and calls a method on the object. The method goes off to an external system to do stuff and this could take a while. So, what I would like to do is run that method call in another thread so I can...

WCF service on root of IIS host

How would I set up a WCF service hosted in IIS on the root of the domain? i.e. http://www.example.com instead of http://www.example.com/Service1.svc/ I can't figure out how to get rid of the service filename. ...

How do I set up a secure WCF service behind a firewall?

I have a WCF service that is behind an enterprise-class firewall, which is doing both hostname and port translation, e.g.: https://ws.address.com/Service.svc --> https://serv.internal.com:44000/Service.svc The service is secured with SSL-128 and requires a client certificate. Because the internal server name is not accessible from out...

HttpModule URL rewriting using IIS6 with no extensionless URLs

We are using the Intelligencia URLRewriting module for asp.net with version 2.0 of the framework and IIS6. Our URLs typically have no extension. I understand that IIS6 cannot really deal with this situation without a blanket wildcard (which causes other problems). However, it works! Sometimes. At other times (e.g. on one dev's mac...

IIS server version compatibilty

Can we run an application developed for IIS 5.0 to its higher versions i.e. IIS (5.1, 6.0, 7.0)? ...

Sharing authentication between IIS applications on same domain

Hi, I have an IIS website on www.example.com and a virtual directory at www.example.com/demo/ How can I use the authentication cookie from www.example.com in my virtual directory? ...

ASP.Net:Best way to run scheduled tasks

Today we have built an console application for running scheduled tasks for our ASP.NET website. But I think this appoach is a bit error prone and difficult to maintain. How do you execute you scheduled task (in an windows/IIS/ASP.NET env.) Update: Examples of tasks: Sending email from an emial-queue in the database Removing utdated ...

PHP 5 and Zend MVC on Windows and IIS

Are there any major issues to be aware of running a PHP 5 / Zend MVC production application on Windows? The particular application is Magento, an ecommerce system, and the client is really not interested in having a Linux box in their datacenter. Has anyone had luck getting PHP 5 and Zend MVC working correctly on IIS? ...

IIS 7 can't connect to SQLServer 2008

Sorry if this is the most seen question on the web, but this is my turn. I am trying to publish my asp.net mvc app on IIS 7 under MS Sql Server 2008. I am on a Windows Server 2008 virtual machine. I get the following classical error: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Serv...

Run Win32 IIS applications under Windows XP 64bit

How do I run windows 32bit applications in IIS on Windows XP 64 bit? Note: This is not running within Visual Studio. Note: Only 404 errors are logged. Note: 404 errors caused by IIS disabling CGI scripts ...

Virtual Server IIS WMI Problem

I have been tasked with finding out what is causing an issue with this bit of code: public static ArrayList GetEthernetMacAddresses() { ArrayList addresses = new ArrayList(); ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapter"); // This causes GetInstances(options) // to return all subclasses of Win32_Netwo...

Is it possible to change the HostName for a request in ASP.Net on IIS6/7?

Hi, Is it possible to change the HostName for a request in ASP.Net? We need this for rewriting all requests to abc.xyz.com to abc.xyz.com/sites/abc (we are running Sharepoint). I understand this is possible with ISAPI. We are running IIS7. Kind regards, ...