
Upgrading IIS 5.1 To IIS 6 on Windows XP

Is it possible to update IIS on Windows XP from 5.1 to 6? If so how? Thanks. ...

Windows authentication problems using asp.net

I have an asp.net application that should access data from two SQL Servers. One of the SQL Servers is present on the same machine as IIS (let us call it SQLSERVER1) whereas the other SQL server is present on another machine (SQLSERVER2). The connection strings are trusted for both the SQL servers. Impersonation has been set to true in m...

IIS Manager IIS6 Rights Management on Windows Server 2003

We are using a dedicated hosting provider to host several of our public websites. There are two development teams/divisions within our company who each maintain public websites on these same servers. Is there a way through ACLs or some sort of rights management (e.g. individual logins) that I would only be able to see and maintain only...

IIS 6 Tuning Guide?

I have been a developer for 10+ years and so far my IIS knowledge is just enough for deploying stuff on it and get it running. Recently I have been playing with IIS 6 and realize the huge difference on the worker process model. I think I would need some good guide to update my knowledge in this area. Any good article/book recommendation?...

How do I recycle an IIS AppPool with Powershell?

I haven't really done any Windows scripting at all, so I am at a loss on how to pull this one off. Anyway, basically what we want to do is have a script that will take an argument on which IIS AppPool to recycle. I have done some research on Google and haven't had much success on getting things to work. Here is what I am trying now: ...

Is it possible to host a TCP endpoint in an IIS6 hosted service?

I created a wcf service based on ServiceHostFactory, and i'm hosting it in IIS6. If i use a HTTP endpoint everything works just fine, but when i try to switch to TCP it goes bad. Is it even possible to do this in II6? I have a more specific question posted here, that asks for a solution, but i would be happy with (for starters if not) ...

Target IIS Worker Processes on Request

Ok, strange setup, strange question. We've got a Client and an Admin web application for our SaaS app, running on asp.net-2.0/iis-6. The Admin application can change options displayed on the Client application. When those options are saved in the Admin we call a Webservice on the Client, from the Admin, to flush our cache of the options ...

How do I configure IIS to handle really large file uploads?

Platform: IIS 6, ASP.Net 2.0 (.Net 3.5), Server 2003. I'm building an application that accepts files from a user, processes them, and returns a result. The file is uploaded using HTTP POST to an ASP.Net web form. The application is expecting some large files (hundreds of MB). I'm using SWFUpload to accomplish the upload with a nice pro...

How can I make IIS6 default to .Net 2.0 when creating a new web site?

When I create a web site on IIS6 it defaults the ASP.NET version to 1.1. Is there a way to make the version default to 2.0? ...

What IIS 6.0 setting determines how a path is resolved?

I have a website that is deployed between 3 different environments - Dev, Stage, and Prod. For Stage and Prod, the site can resolve local paths to images with just the base url to the file, such as /SiteImages/banner.png. However, on the Dev server I have to hard code the full URL of the image path for the image to be resolved, such as h...

Starting multiple HTTP listeners on IIS using C#.NET 2.0

Hi, I have two windows services running on the same machine. Both the services uses private HttpListener listener; I specify the baseURL as "http://IPAddress:8080/" & "http://IPAddress:8081/" respectively for each of the services. Then I do the needful and call listener.Start(); The first service starts successfully at 8080 port. Bu...

URL-Encoded Angle Brackets in URL?

Hi, I'm working on a legacy app and for whatever reason it's trying to stuff URL-encoded angle brackets into a URL. For example, to get a URL ending with "<sometext>": http://somesite.com/somefolder/%3csometext%3e When the above URL-encoded URL is fetched, it generates a 400 error (Bad Request) on IIS6 and I can't quite figure out why...

Redirect all requests to ASP.NET MVC on IIS6

Hi, I am probably overlooking something really simple here but I am trying to redirect all bad URLs to an action that filters the URL based on conditions and then either 301 redirects to a suitable page or issues a 404 page. To this end I have a route like this at the end of my route table: routes.MapRoute("Error", "{*url}", new { con...

IIS 7 - IIS 6 Problem

Hi, I'm trying to run this script to assign Application Pool to web site running under IIS 6 Set oWebAdmin = GetObject("winmgmts:root\WebAdministration") Set oSite = oWebAdmin.Get("Site.Name='Site'") oSite.ApplicationDefaults.ApplicationPool = "NewAppPool" oSite.Put_ This script can't run under IIS 6... Is there is something wrong? ...

Windows Server 2003 Server to Server proxy avoidance configuration

Is it possible to configure Windows Servers that reside on the same domain such that when a web service call is made from a web app using an IP address, the request does not go via a proxy server? The web service is running on one of the servers on the domain. I want to configure IP based security on the server that hosts the web serv...

wcf wsHttpBinding and disabling anonymous access

http://blogs.msdn.com/drnick/archive/2007/03/23/preventing-anonymous-access.aspx Can someone clarify whether it is possible to use wsHttpBinding in WCF and disable anonymous access in IIS without transport (ssl) or message security being required? ...

aspnet_regIIS.exe -i does not add aspx to scriptmaps

After installing asp.net (and aspnet_regIIS.exe -i) the site doesn't accept my default.aspx page. When trying to access it I get a 404. When hitting directly to my mvc pages (/search.mvc for example) it works like a charm. We checked the website configuration and noted that there are no .aspx references in the scriptmaps node. What am ...

How can I setup iis with an ssl cert?

Is there a way to programaticaly install a ssl cert for iis 6 and 7? ...

Can I setup an IIS MIME type in .NET?

Can I setup a custom MIME type through ASP.NET or some .NET code? I need to register the Silverlight XAML and XAP MIME types in IIS 6. ...

Programmatically Creating a IIS6 Website/App Pool in Nant

Hi, I'm relatively new to Nant, what i'd like to do is have a task that creates a new Website and AppPool in IIS6 is there a way to do this in Nant? Essentially the task would need to set all the appropriate properties including the correct version of the .net Framework Ideally i'd also like to check if the site is already present in...