
Is there a better way to sort my IList-bound GridView?

I have an web application that has a page with a GridView. The GridView is bound to an IList object. As you may know, the .net framework does not provide for sorting of such a GridView; the sorting must be handled in code. Here's the code I was able to draft. As you can see, the issue is that the name of the field to sort by ...

Storing complex data in a list

Hi, I'm working with a product called SiteFinity. I have a class which looks like so: public class Categories { public IContent oContent {get; set;} } I'm then looping through a list and trying to check whether the current value already exists, like so: IList items = base.CreateDataSource(); IList filteredList = new Lis...

How Do I Sort IList<Class>?

There's no Sort() function for IList. Can someoene help me with this? I want to sort my own IList. Suppose this is my IList: public class MyObject() { public int number { get; set; } public string marker { get; set; } } How do I sort myobj using the marker string? public void SortObject() { IList<MyObject> myobj = new List<MyObj...

Issues binding an IList within a view model to a gridview in mvc2

This may be an easy question, but if it is one i haven't found a solution. I have a view model that is updated when a button is pressed, and on the update an IList within it will be given some results (this i know works). However i am trying to bind this Ilist to a gridview within the view page. Every time i try to assign a datasource or...

Dual enumerators, second one via interface- type collisions on implementation

I have a generic class that implements IList public class ListBase<T>: IList<T>, IListBase{ IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator(){ .... System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator(){ return GetEnumerator();} } The IListBase is an interface I use to access methods on this class for cases where I don't know the type of T at runtime. ...

How to remove an IList<Class> value using dictionary key.

For example I have a class named Temp then I assigned values to it using an IList<Temp>. After populating the IList<Temp> I created a dictionary and assign an int key to each object. My question is that how do I remove from IList and dictionary the temp_value with the name b and a with a key value of "2"? class Temp { public string ...

error: Object reference not initialised ....

I have the following code in C#: IList<string> myList = null; myList.Add(temp); temp is a string that is decalred elsewhere and is not null (I checked it). I keep getting the following error at the line myList.Add(temp); "Object reference not initialised to an instance of an object" What am I doing wrong here??? Updating the quesit...

Sparse sorted numeric sequence class for .NET

Hello everyone. I'm in need of very specific class, I would really like to know if there is existing one, so I don't have to re-implement it. I have a set of items. Each item has a numeric value associated whit it - weight. Weight of each item is unique within set. Items must be sorted by weight. Weight can be modified for each item, but...

Multiple initializer values for default property, 'dataProvider', of type 'mx.collections.IList'.

Hi, Looking at answers to similar questions it sounds as if this error comes from a simple mistake but I cannot seem to find it I have a set of buttons for each letter of the alphabet. When a user clicks one a list of sport players is returned in a drop down list. The user then clicks on a name to get more information about that player...