
What would cause this IllegalArgumentException during event dispatching?

This is the stack trace that is generated: Exception occurred during event dispatching: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot format given Object as a Number at java.text.DecimalFormat.format(Unknown Source) at java.text.Format.format(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JTable$DoubleRenderer.setValue(Unknown Source) at j...

Java: Illegal Argument Exception

I'm getting an IllegalArgumentException, but I can't figure out why. The function I'm trying to access: private static Player checkEvents(Player[] players, GameMaster bananas) The problematic code: @Test public void testCheckEvents() throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, I...

Spring's JDBCTemplate IllegalArgumentException: datasource required

Well, I am having a problem with configuring Spring's JDBCTemplate to work properly. I am trying to inject the datasource but it seems that it's always null. Here is a sample code: applicationContext.xml: <bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="...

Problem with Inner Class. Illegal Start of Expression error

Hi, I am practicing using inner classes but am having difficulty with a homework question: It is as follows: Create a Swing component class BetterButtons that extends JPanel and has three Jbutton instances labelled "One", "Two", and "Three". In the constructor of BetterButtons, write a local class ButtonListener that implements Action...

IllegalArgumentException for dataSource in Spring application

Hello all, I am trying to deploy a simple spring app. It takes a username(from a jsp), insets the value into a db and displays a greeting on a new jsp page saying hello!, [username]. My environment is: OS: windows xp professional Db: MS access (this is just for trying things out at first, intend to shift to mySQL) IDE: eclipse Server...

Android SlidingDrawer in Eclipse IDE

I am trying to design an application for Android that makes use of the SlidingDrawer, but I have not been able to use the form (layout?) designer to add this element without producing an exception "IllegalArgumentException: The handle attribute is required and must refer to a valid child." As of March 17th, I believe I have everything u...

Saving a 'Date' using DataMapper on AppEngine+JRuby

I have a a model as follows: class Total include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :amount, Float, :default => 0.00 property :day, Date belongs_to :calendar end I am trying to select a specific Total from the data-store. class Calendar include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial ...

IllegalArgumentException: width and height must be > 0 during zoomOut in Google MapView

I'm trying to zoom in on a Google MapView on step in the oncreateMethod of my Activity. Everytime I try to zoom the map via the mapController I get an IllegalArgumentException: 04-15 10:16:51.012: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(528): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{android.client/android.client.ui.showstores.Sto...

The key must be an application-specific resource id.

Why do I get this Exception? 05-18 20:29:38.044: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(5453): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The key must be an application-specific resource id. 05-18 20:29:38.044: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(5453): at android.view.View.setTag( 05-18 20:29:38.044: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(5453): at com.mypkg.viewP.infla...

Android - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: contentIntent required error caused by notification?

I have a service running that updates a notification in the notification bar when it recieves a message saying it has to be changed. However I get the following error sometimes when the notification is to be updated java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: contentIntent required Here is my code: Variable setup int icon =

Javadoc giving me problems

I'm trying compile LuaJava and I'm getting this error: Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.30729.01 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin\javadoc" -classpath "src/java/" - public -d "doc\us\API" src/java/org/keplerproject/luajava/ s...

In Clojure: Error executing a Java call with let inside a function but not in REPL

I have the following code: (defn post [title content timestamp] (let [[innholdet tajm] [(str "<html> <head> <title>" title " :: " blog_title "</title></head> <body><h1>" title "</h1> <br/>" content "<br/><i>posted " (Date. timestamp) "</i> <br/><a href=\"...

Automated IllegalArgumentException message?

Hi! I always check the arguments of public functions and throw exceptions when something's wrong. (For private helpers I use assertions). Like this: if( a < 0 || a >= b ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("'a' must be greater or equal to 0 and smaller than b "); But it always annoys me to write these error messages. Th...