
Matlab MPEG 7 descriptors

Hello, I need some descriptors of MPEG7 in Matlab. The descriptors are dominant color, color layout, color structure, scalable color, edge histogram and homogeneous texture. Do you know where can I find Matlab source code for these descriptors? Thanks ...

Rescale intensities of a PIL Image

What is the simplest/cleanest way to rescale the intensities of a PIL Image? Suppose that I have a 16-bit image from a 12-bit camera, so only the values 0–4095 are in use. I would like to rescale the intensities so that the entire range 0–65535 is used. What is the simplest/cleanest way to do this when the image is represented as PIL'...

Visual Basic 6 Image conversion from GIF to JPG or TIF

Hi, Language Visual Basic 6. I want to know if there is an open source or existing Microsoft Image library that will allow me to convert a GIF (8 Bit Depth) image to either one of the following: JPG, TIF. I am currently using Imaging for Windows V2.7 API. I only found recently it does't support all the GIF type images. I found that ...

- (void) processImage:(char *)image; ---char* causes a memory leak?

Hello everyone, in my app I'm trying to process an YUV422 image from a webcam. but I'm getting a huge memory leak. below you can see a sample of simplified code of my app. if I disable the "(m1..." line in the function, there is no leak. (but the images are not being processed). I've tried locks, pools, etc but nothing changed. I'm rela...

Atalasoft DotImage Licensing...

Hi, I have been trying to find decent Image Acquisition + Image Processing solution at a bargain price. I have looked at names like Kodak, Global360, Iris. What I found with all these vendors is that they are very, very, very expensive. I have also found that the SDK API licenses are just as expensive, if not more. Please see Atalas...

Silverlight Image Editor control

Do you know of any Silverlight "Image Editor" controls, commercial or open source? Primary feature requirements: Crop/resize/rotate image Set background color Insert text Insert multiple images I'm aware of this similar question (November '08), but the Atalasoft offerings (currently the only answer) doesn't seem to include a Silverl...

Visual Basic 6: Tif Page convert from compression type ZLW, JPEG etc to Group4

Hi, Does anyone know of an open source library in Visual Basic 6 that converts pages in a TIF file from lets say LZW to Group4 format? Thanks. ...

Novice needs advice for script that gets data and returns it in a usable format.

I have a large number of images that I am putting into web pages. Rather than painstakingly enter all of the image attributes, I thought I could write a script that would do the work for me. I just need a little push in the right direction. I want the script to get the width and height of each image, then format this into an img tag th...

How to get a C method to accept UIImage parameter?

I am trying to do some Image processing on a UIImage using some EAGLView code from the GLImageProcessing sample from Apple. The sample code is configured to perform processing to a pre-installed image (Image.png). I am trying to modify the code so that it will accept a UIImage (or at least CGImage data) of my choice and process that inst...

finding Image shift

Hi, How to find shift and rotation between same two images using programming languages or C++ or C#? Please help urgent ...

is libpng a png file decoder

I'm looking for a way to decode some png file, I heard about libpng, but I don't understand how this one works. Does it convert the png file into an array of bytes in the ARGB8888 format or something else ? ...

What do you think of this interest point detection algorithm?

I've been trying to come up with an interest point detection algorithm and this is what I came up with: You go through the X and the Y axises 3n pixels at a time creating 3n x 3n squares. For the the n x n square in the middle of the 3n x 3n square (let's call it square Z), the R, G, and B values are averaged and rounded to preset valu...

Rectangle detection with Hough transform

I'm trying to implement rectangle detection using the Hough transform, based on this paper. I programmed it using Matlab, but after the detection of parallel pair lines and orthogonal pairs, I must detect the intersection of these pairs. My question is about the quality of the two line intersection in Hough space. I found the intersec...

Image acquisition hardware scanning from Java

Hi. How can I implement image acquisition from hardware scanner in Windows? I found JTwain library, but it's commercial. Is there any free frameworks? Any information about this? ...

Snow Leopard / 64-bit ruby gem problem?

I just upgraded to Snow Leopard, including installing the new XCode, re-compiled Ruby 1.8 and MySQL. My Rails app is running fine in the updated environment, except for some image processing features, which depend on ImageScience/FreeImage. I upgraded MacPorts to 1.8, removed all previously installed ports and reinstalled them in 1.8, ...

Looking for an open source C/C++ image / video thumbnail generation libraries

I am looking for an open source C/C++ image/video thumbnail generation libraries. (other than ffmpeg or DevIL) ...

Convert Word document [Multi Page] into JPEG File in C#

I want to convert the contents of word file [3 or 4 page document] into JPEG file in C#. I have tried using clipboard option, but it is converting only the first page. Please help me. ...

How do I multiply the spectra of two images of different dimensions?

Hello, This is not a "programming" question. But I'm sure it's something that is widely known and understood in this community. I have an image, x, and a much smaller image, y, and I need to convolve the two by multiplying their FFTs. But since they are not the same size I don't know how to do the frequency domain multiplication. I ta...

Compress image in .NET

How can i compress and image file(bmp,jpeg) in C#, I have to display some images as background on my controls, i m using following code to scale my image Bitmap orgBitmap = new Bitmap(_filePath); Bitmap regBitmap = new Bitmap(reqSize.Width, reqSize.Height); using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(reqBitmap)) { gr.SmoothingMode = S...

Error on G360 Execute 360 when importing TIF file format

I am using the CAL and eiStream Imaging software to create a workitem (document) with a TIF import file. The workitem gets created without a problem, but as soon as I add the import file I receive an error saying incorrect format. This only occurs on some TIF images. What could the problem be? ...