
Detect the location of an image within a larger image.

How do you detect the location of an image within a larger image? I have an unmodified copy of the image. This image is then changed to an arbitrary resolution and placed randomly within a much larger image which is of an arbitrary size. No other transformations are conducted on the resulting image. Python code would be ideal, and it...

Graphics Gems IV. Binary Image Thinning Using Neigborhood Maps

What's mean this expression in algorithm? p = ((p<<1)&0666) | ((q<<3)&0110) | (Image->scanLine(y+1)[x+1] != 0); Algorithm "Binary Image Thinning Using Neigborhood Maps" in a book "Graphics Gems IV": static int masks[] = {0200, 0002, 0040, 0010}; uchar delete_[512] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1, ...

edit and save image in google app engine

Hi, In my GAE Java, I would like the user to be able to edit the images that I serve, using Javascript, and then upload that image back into the GAE. The reason I am thinking of using Javascript is that GAE Java does not have many image editing capabilities. Original image is stored as Blob in DataStore. Image is served (currently) j...

Image processing-Shape Recognition.

I want algorithm for recognizing multiple no of shapes(Specially rectangle and squares) in a picture.Preferably I am using C# so, I am looking forward for solutions in C#. ...

Put PNG over a JPG in PHP

Hello I want to do the following in PHP: I have two images, a jpg and a png. I want to resize the jpg to the same size as the png then put the png on top. The PNG has transparency so I would like to preserve that so the jpg shows underneath. If anyone could help that would be great! Thanks ...

Sample configuration to speed up POVRAY image creation

Hey all, We're using POV-Ray to generate some 80 images per run, which we stitch together to form two moving GIF files (two 360 degree views of a scene). We're looking for ways to speed-up this image creation (on a headless linux server) as much as possible, as they'll be displayed on a webpage directly following creation. Now I know ...

create a images for dynamic text using php

Hi, I want to create a images for my dynamic text. My problem is that i am reading folder name from some specific directory. So folder name will be what ever but client wants that folder name should come as the images only. So i have thought that i will place one image with the same name as folder on any unique name. but client don't wa...

Image recognition software library?

I am writing an application that takes an input image and looks in a library of other images for "similar" images. Part of the challenge is that I am not looking to do a complete image match, but rather I am The images might be at different sizes (take up different percentages of the page) The images might be rotated The images might...

Rotating an image in C/C++

I need code for rotating an image in C++ which functions like imrotate function of matlab. Please suggest a good link. Or if someone can provide the code for imrotate. Or at least please explain the algorithm. Its not a homework. I need this code for my project. And we can use any external library or code. ...

Augmented Reality: Just marker recognition

Think about the usual augmented reality implementations: there's one or more marker, the software recognize the markers and usually shows something on top of them. I'm interested just in the first part. I need an algorithm, component, framework or class to determine if a given marker is present or not in a photo. Where can I start from...

How to deal with images that have white spots because of lighting while making snapshot?

Does anyone know how to remove the effect of the bright white spots on the image? That is, these spots occur because of the lighting when photographing. As a result, these spots affect the further processing of the image. If you cut a white spot of light from the image, then the results will be very good. This happens if you make a pictu...

Cumulative distribution function: how to calculate it in discrete case.

I have some values and their possibilities, actually histogram of image. My aim is to equalize that histogram using this formula: In order to use this formula I devided the histogram by number of image pixels. So I got a normalized histogram (probability values). Then for every pixel of the image I calculated a new value using that for...

Adaptive threshold Binarization's bad effects

I implemented some adaptive binarization methods, they use a small window and at each pixel the threshold value is calculated. There are problems with these methods: If we select the window size too small we will get this effect (I think the reason is because of window size is small) At the left upper corner there is an original image,...

Can you iterate over chunks() with request.POST in Django?

I'm trying to optimize a site I'm building with Django/Flash and am having a problem using Django's iterate over chunks() feature. I'm sending an image from Flash to Django using request.POST data rather than through a form (using request.FILES). The problem I foresee is that if there is large user volume, I could potentially kill memory...

Sum of Square Differences (SSD) in numpy/scipy

I'm trying to use Python and Numpy/Scipy to implement an image processing algorithm. The profiler tells me a lot of time is being spent in the following function (called often), which tells me the sum of square differences between two images def ssd(A,B): s = 0 for i in range(3): s += sum(pow(A[:,:,i] - B[:,:,i],2)) ...

Are there any open source PHP classes to resize an image to a certain width and height?

I have one currently that simple does it by aspect ratio, however I need it to fill a 150 x 150 size, whereas mine would honour its ratio and do 150 x 120 for example. Ideally it would goto the centre of the image. Thanks ...

zig zag scan algorithm

I need a pseudocode or real code on how to do a zig zag scanning on a 2-d array using the following pattern: I have tried to use google to find this, but can't find any answers... This pattern is usually used for image decoding ...

Best way to open,crop,rotate and convert a windowsbitmap (bmp)

I like to open a Windows bitmap file within php. I found some piece of code (imagecreatefrombmp), that converts a bmp to png. But that code is in plain php and to slow. My images have a size around 1000x2000 pixels. gdlib doesn't open bmp files. IMagick to complicated to compile and i don't find windows binaries that work with my php...

Analysis and transformation of the image on the basis of this analysis for better OCR results

I have an OCR project, but it works good only with images in which the text is fairly straight, not upside down. (not rotated text) So I want to make OCR to be able to recognize any kind of images, even upside down. But I don't know what are approaches to solve this problem. I need something like analysis of lines of letters, but even ...

How to flip text vertically/horizontally using php?

Does anyone know how to achieve this? ...