
Image orientation maps

Hello, What is the most common way to get 4 Orientaton maps at 0, 45, 90 and 135 angles from Image. I want to apply orientation kernels. Is that good solution ? for 0 orientation -1 -1 -1 2 2 2 -1 -1 -1 for 45 orientation -1 -1 2 -1 2 -1 2 -1 -1 for 90 orientation -1 2 -1 -1 2 -1 -1 2 -1 for 135 orientation 2 -1 -1 -1 2 -1 -1 -...

Is that a right way using premultiplied alpha to do alpha blending in GL-ES?

As I know alpha composition uses straight alpha basically. But all GLES blending sample codes I've seen are using premultiplied alpha. Is this correct and right way to do this? Is premultiplied alpha a regular way in real-time graphics? ...

Practical way of explaining "Information Theory"

Information theory comes into play where ever encoding & decoding is present. For example: compression(multimedia), cryptography. In Information Theory we encounter terms like "Entropy", "Self Information", "Mutual Information" and entire subject is based on these terms. Which just sound nothing more than abstract. Frankly, they don't r...

php image arrow line need to be smooth

im making a line in php and so far its showing fine, but what problem im getting now is the line is not being smooth, it shows as breaking edges. following is the code for making radius line: function draw_radius($img, $x1, $y1, $radius, $angle, $arrow_color, $arrow_length = 10, $arrow_width = 3) { $x2 = $x1 + $radius * cos(deg2rad(...

do i need "Java Advanced Imaging API" to learn "image processing" in Java

hello everybody. do i need "Java Advanced Imaging API" to learn "image processing" in Java? and is there any good link for learning "image processing" in java? ...

EmguCV - how to detect and track a color

hey everybody :-) i want to make application using EmguCv (C# language) to detect a color range from user input and keep tracking it is moves and position, so can some body help me? or if there is demo application doing thins that is will be good. thank u and waiting the answer ...

Merging two images

Hello! I need to merge two images (BufferedImage) in Java. It wouldn't be a problem if there was no transparency. The base image already has some transparency. I want to keep this as it is and apply a "mask" to it, the second image. This second image has no opaque pixels, in fact it's almost completely transparent, just has some less tr...

Using PHP to recreate something similar to VistaPrint / CafePress / Zazzle. Any Ideas?

I am working on a website in which the client wishes to have users upload background images to a printable design, crop to size, add text. Do this to multiple pages then generate a pdf of the 'book' I am running into the following issues/questions and just need to see where I can start Are there any PHP developer packages that can do ...

Python Drawing Portion of Image When Mouse Hover

Hi My question relates to Python GTK I have an image -a JPG - which I draw onto a drawing area. I want to reveal a portion of the image -say a 10pix by 10 px square -only where the mouse pointer is currently at. Everything 10 x 10 px square away from the mouse should hidden i.e. black. I'm am new to PyGtk please can anyone help? Tha...

Finding Sub-Images in a image

I have a fairly simple situation. I just don't know any specific terms to search for. I have a single image, in that image I have several other images that follow a basic pattern. They are rectangles and will possibly have landmark image to base things off of. An important part, is that I need to detect rotated/mis-scaled sub-images. B...

Converting rgb images to grayscale and renaming them using matlab

Hello, I have 500 images named Image1.tif all the way to Image500.tif and I need to convert all of them to grayscale and save them as Image1A.tif to Image500A.tif. Is there a quick way to do this? Thank you. ...

What is a good algorithm or library for cropping images to avoid whitespace or empty areas?

I have a whole bunch of images of illustrations that I would like to crop to a smaller preview size. The problem is that I want to crop them to show an "interesting" part of the illustration (ie avoid areas of whitespace). The images typically have a flat color or a subtle gradient for the background. They are mostly vector style artwo...

Adaptive threshold binarization: post-processing for removing ghost objects.

Does anybody knows about post-processing algorithms to remove ghost objects from binarized image? The problem: When I binarize image using for example niblack method or bernsen, it produces many noise. I red book or internet articles about binarization, and they all say that the post-processing step is needed in Niblack and other's binar...

Can the WPF API be safely used in a WCF service?

I have a requirement to take client side XAML (from Silverlight) and create a bitmap merged with a server side resource (high res image) and can do this quite easily using WPF (DrawingContext etc). It has been mentioned that server side (hosted in IIS WCF) use of WPF is akin to running Office on the server and a really bad idea. Is WPF...

How to resize an image in .NET with transparency, both GIFs and PNGs, keeping transparency info.

Hi, i found a lot of questions about resizing images in .NET and whatnot, but none of them seemed to talk about resizing images that have transparency (both 1bit like GIFs and w/ alpha channel like PNGs), trying obviously to keep that transparency. Maybe GDI/GDI+ is somewhat lacking of code to easily manage those scenarios or what else?...

How to block uploads of nude images?

I need a provision of detecting the adult image in the websites where the user uploads the pictures to determine that a picture isn’t acceptable for my site. Can any one suggest the method to do this? I need kind of open source code/program (PHP) that could be implemented in the website and stops the user to upload the picture. Earlier ...

Custom Character recognition for android

I am looking for a way to recognize a very specific set or images/characters using a android device. I dont mind doing this either by taking a picture or scanning (not actual scanning , just hovering over a image like how the barcode readers work). Since I have never done this before ,pointers to specific Libs and directions on how thin...

C++ : read pixel value with vigra

Hi... can anybody help me ? i am using vigra and i want to read the pixelvalue at any given point. I am an C++ beginner :( ...

OpenCV grouping white pixels

Hi Guys, I've done the hard work, turning my iSight camera on my MacBook into an infared camera, converted it, set the threshold etc.. and now have an image that looks something like this: My problem is now; I need to know how many blobs are on my image by grouping the white pixels. I don't want to use cvBlob/cvBlobsLib, I'd rather ju...

Displaying a digital "Down Marker" on a live video feed.

I was watching the Superbowl and I was wondering how the digital "Down Marker" was being displayed on the live video feed. Below is a screen show of the digital down marker which is a red line. Some behavior that I noticed is that the line is always displayed on the "field", so if a player is standing on the line, you can see his f...