
About curse of dimensionality

My question is about this topic I've been reading about a bit. Basically my understanding is that in higher dimensions all points end up being very close to each other. The doubt I have is whether this means that calculating distances the usual way (euclidean for instance) is valid or not. If it were still valid, this would mean that wh...

Image Erosion for face detection in C#

Hi, I'm trying to implement face detection in C#. I currently have a black + white outline of a photo with a face within it (Here). However i'm now trying to remove the noise and then dilate the image in order to improve reliability when i implement the detection. The method I have so far is here: using System; using System...

Advice on using OCR on an image of a blackboard

I'm trying to get an image of a blackboard readable by OCR. Naturally, most OCR software doesn't like dirty images. What image processing should I try to put the image through to clean the image up? ...

Finding what makes strings unique in a list, can you improve on brute force?

Suppose I have a list of strings where each string is exactly 4 characters long and unique within the list. For each of these strings I want to identify the position of the characters within the string that make the string unique. So for a list of three strings abcd abcc bbcb For the first string I want to identify the character ...

How would you find the height of objects given an image?

Heyguys.. This isn't exactly a programming question exactly. I just want to know what your approach would be to a common problem in Digital image processing. Lets say you have an image of a a few trees in say jpg format. How would you go about finding the heights of each of these trees. The photo is the only input you have. I want to ...

CCTV Automatic number plate recognition and integration of data,software?.

Hi, I have a client who is looking for a solution to integrate cctv with a (any) ANPR solution that can,I assume recognize the number plate of cars and store in a database and has the ability to post this data to other backoffice applications, crm, marketing app. etc. Is there any ready software to do this ? Or your recommendations ?...

How do I edit the axes of an image in MATLAB to reverse the direction?

I would like to edit the axes in my series of images being displayed. This is what my image looks like: As you can see, it ranges from 0 to about 500 from top to bottom. Can I invert that? Plus, I want to mirror the image being shown, so that it starts from left to right... or, if it's possible, to let the axes show from right to lef...

Problem with .Net Image processing on Windows Server 2003

Hello, In 2.0 application I am trying to create thumbnails from uploaded images. However when I test the application on my PC under Windows7 it works fine, but on the real Windows 2003 Server the resized image has worse quality. Where this difference could come from? Different JPEG codec or what, if Yes how it can be updated o...

Image rotate opecv error

When I use this code to rotate the image, the destination image size remains same and hence the image gets clipped. Please provide me a way/code snippet to resize accordingly (like matlab does in imrotate) so that image does not get clipped and outlier pixels gets filled with all white instead of black. I dont image to be scaled down to ...

How to capture each frame of a USB webcam using

While I have got some leads from an older SO post and from this site, I haven't been able to figure out how to capture each frame of a web-cam. What I would like to do is something like this capture a frame then do some image processing on it and display the output and then move on to the next frame. Can I can access to web-cam frame ev...

How can I count the number of white pixels in a binary image with MATLAB?

How can I count the number of white pixels in a binary image with MATLAB? ...

Is there an image processing function to get a skeleton of a binary image in MATLAB

The objective of skeletonization is to represent a binary image with a minimum set of pixels. The skeleton must account for geometrical properties of the form and retain associative relationships. My question here is how can I get a skeleton from binary image? ...

Please suggest some good books about image analysis or image processing

I wish to become a good specialist in image processing, for example I want to know how to find barcodes or car plates and so on, anything that i think about, an apple on image. And then to do something more, for example decode the barcode or just write - this is an apple. So do you know a good book or online course? ...

Converting images to .xcf format

Is it possible to convert an image, or batch of images, to a .xcf or .psd file? Using ImageMagick's convert tool didn't work, but so far my attempts to look at doing this using gimp from the command line have been unsuccessful. ...

How do I measure distances in an image?

Let's say we have an image like so Let's say we've already used filters and an edge detection algorithm in this pic. Now my goal is to measure distances (NOT actual distances, distance can be in any arbitrary unit) . eg: How do I find the length of the hall? (until the window) Or the height of the bookshelves? How exactly do you pl...

How can I transpose an image in Assembly?

Hi everyone I'm working on a project and I need to compute something based on the rows and columns of an image. It's easy to take the bits of the rows of the image. However, to take the bits of each column I need to transpose the image so the columns become rows. I'm using a BMP picture as the input. How many rows X columns are in bmp...

Extracting Filiform Areas using MATLAB

Hey, how can I extract filiform areas on the center of an image using MATLAB ? ...

Computer Vision Website Image Slideshow help

Hi, I'm making an online display of the output of a computer vision algorithm. After running the algorithm I am left with a folder of about 1000 16 bit .tiff files. I need to put those on the website in a list for so that the researchers can click through and find the list. Also there needs to be an image frame with an "animated gif" ...

Hough transformation for iris detection in opencv

Hi, I wrote the code for hough transformation and it works well. Also I can crop the eye location of a face. Now I want to detect the iris of the crop image with applying the Hough transformation(cvHoughCircle). However when I try this procedure, the system is not able to find any circle on the image. Maybe, the reason is, there are noi...

Warping Images using cvWarpPerspective Results in Some Parts of the images out of the viewable area

Hi, I am trying to stich two images together. In order to do so I extracted sift features and find matches on the two images using this C implementation. After that I found the homography matrix using the matched points. But if I use this ...