
multiple paperclip attachements with watermark processor

Hi guys! I'm having a ton of trouble with uploading multiple attachments with paperclip and processing them with a watermark. I have 2 models, Ad and Photo. The Ad has_many :photos and the Photo belongs_to :ad. To be more exact in /models/ad.rb I have: class Ad < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :photos, :dependent => :destroy accep...

What's the best ruby gem for image uploads?

Hey everyone, I've been dealing with Rails 3, Paperclip and Windows 7 for a few nights now and don't feel like I'm actually getting anywhere. I've hit config issue after config issue and it's a bit of a nightmare. Can anyone recommend any other gems that will accomplish the same thing? Thanks, Brandon ...

Silverlight: Adding transparency to images

Hi there, I hope someone can help us. We’re trying to put together an image editor, with similar functionality to Photoshop in Silverlight (but nowhere near as intricate). We’ve hit a weird problem when it comes to creating layers (several independent images in a z-index stack). Layering images on top of each other seems fine, but we wan...

Algorithm to detect if a pixel is within a boundary

Hi there. We're currently creating a simple application for image manipulation in Silverlight, and we've hit a bit of a snag. We want users to be able to select an area of an image (either by drawing a freehand line around their chosen area or by creating a polygon around it), and then be able to apply effects to the pixels within that s...

How do I find the highest spatial frequency in an image?

(Former title: Given an upscaled image, how do I discover its original size?) Let's say an image contains a signal. Let's say scaling up an image is oversampling the signal. Some kind of interpolation is used (GIMP offers linear, cubic, and sinc). So the solution lies in finding the minimum amount of points that, assuming a certain inte...

what is Image Processing ?

I am going to Create an application where user can edit their pictures like color balance effect, gray sheet effect, invert effect , red eye fix etc. My application will be quite resemble to Acdsee Software. So i wanna know that can My application be called image Processing software ? In my point of view Image Proccessing means playing...

Is it possible to print a text from a URL into a image, in real time?

I want to make a coupon and i already have the name or email address of the user, i want to generate the link to a image (the coupon) plus the name and/or email so it's visible into the coupon. This is for personalization and being able to control the coupons. Thanks. ...

Same code using floats on two computers gives two different results

I've got some image processing code in C++ which calculates gradients and finds straight lines in them with the hough transformation algorithm. The program does most of the calculations with floats. When I run this code on the same image on two different computers, one Pentium IV running latest Fedora, the other a Core i5 latest Ubuntu...

Fast 24-bit RGB to Grayscale conversion with JMF, Java

I'm developing a simple (or at least thought so) desktop application in Java for real-time image processing. I've chosen to access video frames using the Java Media Framework (JMF). I have a PAL camera and use EasyCAP video converter for digitizing. The device is visible on my Windows machine as a VFW device, allowing for YUV and 24-Bit ...

how would i implement the image processing technology within this iphone application?

Hello guys, Just a quick question on the iphone technology within this business card reader as we can see this video allows users to take a photo of a business card, i have an idea where i would take a photo of some text , and that photo could then be turned into text on the iphone. how woul...

Wall detection algorithm

What would be the sanest/simplest approach to do wall detection on static images? It doesn't have to be in real-time. Right now I'm using corner detection, but is there a simpler way to detect only the walls and discard all the smaller irrelevant corners detected in foreground objects? edit Target images are standard pictures of indoo...

iphone, Image processing

I am building an application on night vision but i don't find any useful algorithm which I can apply on the dark images to make it clear. Anyone please suggest me some good algorithm. Thanks in advance ...

PHP image Resize and Crop Function

I want a function which when i upload a photo it should crop the image irrespective of the ration of the image from the centre making sure the crop is well inside the image. the above image is 2592 * 1944 i want to crop an image of 159 * 129 and this is what i get when using a plugin for cakephp (Miles Johnsons Upload Plugin) can...

Best method for processing upload user images

Hello! If one were to create a site where users could upload images in various formats (JPG, PDF, etc.) and process that image into one monochrome GIF copy and a PDF, what would be the best infrastructure for doing so? I know that there is already a question about image processing infrastructure, but I would like to know what specific ...

Image hue modification in C#

Hi, I have an image and i want to modify the hue of that particular image to specific value. I know rgb to hsl and hsl to rgb conversion mathematical formula but I am not being able to implement this thing into c#. Following is the pseudo: for(x=0;x<image_width;x++) { for(y=0;y<image_height;y++) { Color oldColor=GetColorFromPi...

Template matching - Image subtraction

I have a project where I am required to subtract an empty template image from an incoming user filled image. The document type is a normal Bank cheque. The aim is to extract the handwritten fields from it by subtracting one image from the empty template image. The issue what i am facing is in aligning these two images, as there is sca...

Multiply two images in C# as multiply two layers in photo shop

Hi, I have two images and I want to multiply these two images together in C# as we multiply two layers in photoshop. Thanks ...

Open a local file from local html+js page

Is it possible to show a dialog box to let the user select a file on the local drive and then read its content from a local html page using js? Is it possible to save a file to a user chosen path? I'm planning to write a simple script to open file and encode its content inside images (not steganography, just the file's raw bytes). Tha...

High quality image re-sampling in Mono/C#/ASP.NET

I've developed a site that requires high quality resizing of uploaded photos. The site works perfectly under ASP.NET on Windows. This afternoon I tried running it under Mono/Apache/Ubuntu 10.10. To my surprise, it worked - except for the image resampling. It seems the libraries underlying Mono's Graphics/GDI+ implementation don't imple...

Image processing on GPU

I have a prospect project for Image processing on GPU, I know some C&C++ but i never spend time on image processing and GPU programming. Is it a hard project for a 3 months? ...