
H264 frames to xml + images?

So in H264 we have something like this as a time line (supposing we all know what I P B frames are but if we do not look here (Wikipedia)) Here "I" frames are compressed fully, "P" frames inharit from ones they follow, "B" frames can inherit from ones they follow and ones that are after them... So my question is if there is any way (be...

What is a good way to check if an image is unique using PHP?

What is the best way to check if an image is unique using PHP? Say I have a directory of about 30 images (about 500*500 pixels), and someone uploads another picture, what is a good way to check if the uploaded image is not yet in the directory? Is there some sort of way to create hash's of images which can be easily compared? I then cou...

Size differences between TrueType and OpenType fonts when using PIL ImageFont

I'm trying to create PNGs of letters from the fonts on my system. Seems to work okay with TrueType fonts (.ttf) but not OpenType (.otf). The images formed are the same size but the actual letters appear much smaller with OpenType - see below. I'm using the ImageFont module from the Python Imaging library. There doesn't seem to be a way ...

Image processing ideas

Hi all, Recently I've been messing about with algorithms on images, partly for fun and partly to keep my programming skills sharp. I've just implemented a 'nearest-neighbour' algorithm that picks n random pixels in an image, and then converts the colour of each other pixel in the image to the colour of its nearest neighbour in the set ...

Java image display

I am trying to create a GUI that will coexist with several images. There is one background image that will take up the most room. On top of the background image several other images will be displayed in varying locations. These locations will be updated every 5 seconds or so, so speed is not a huge factor. So all I need is the ability ...

is there a library that sticks a zoom in/out button over an image and allows incremental + and -

is there any library or component that allows photoshop or pdf style zooming where i have images that i want users to be able to click to zoom in and out and i want to support being able to zoom in a number of times and zoom out a number of times i want the equivalent of every user having the ability to do stuff like this: https://addon...

Java Netbeans simple display Image in Design Mode

I am using a custom subclass of JPanel to offer me more control over the display of some images. The code to it is below. However, in Netbeans, in design mode, I would like to be able to see the image that I am working with, instead of simply looking at the outline of the object. There is an image attribute, but the only way I can cur...

Creating image from transparent image mangles color

Hello! I'm building one kind of system, which simply creates dynamic image from other image. I use imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents("clown_avatar.png")) to create image and output it successfully, but it messes all the colors on the transparent area. Check out the original image: Click And here is the result from php-file: Cli...

Image Uploder in JSF

Does anyone know of an image uploader that will work for JSF - something more then the OTB solution of uploading a single file. Looked at the following: which would do the trick but it would still have to be integrated/wrapped into JSF unless I am missing something. Ideals?...

How to turn Sequence of images into video using DirectShow filters?

How to turn Sequence of images into video using DirectShow filters? I have image A and image B and image C. I want to create a DirectShow graph (Using GraphEdit or with C\C++\C# for example) to create a video of 3 frames in duration where first frame is image A second image B and so on =) How to do it? ...

How to create a DirectShow graph which would wait for incoming images and add them as frames into video file?

How to create a DirectShow graph which would wait for incoming images and add them as frames into video file? Using GraphEdit or with C\C++\C# So I want to have a graph which would work and wait for images incoming into him in any way you think is most easy (for example We can have a folder from where DSfilter would be able to take ima...

Blemish Removal in Digital Image

I'm currently writing an image editing application using Flex and I'm trying to make a blemish removal functionality like in I have searched everywhere but couldn't find anything. What is the best way that's suitable for this? I have tried to just blur away the blemishes, but the results are bad. ...

Convert a HTML Control (Div or Table) to an image using C#

Hi guys, Is it possible to convert a Html Control to an image in C#? Is there any C# method where I can pass the Html Control object and return an image of that html control? Is this possible, any suggestions? ...

Optimization vs Alt Text - Can I have both?

Hi, I have a small problem developing/optimizing a web page. I know it is good to have an ALT text for images. I had a set of 10 small images and alt-text for each. Note that there is a pressing need to make sure the first time visitor saw the website as quickly as possible. But I thought, 10 HTTP requests? So, what I did was, combine...

Firefox: BitmapData Handle?

Hello all, I have heard that it is possible to get a bitmap/image handle of the webpage being viewed on a firefox browser. I have been researching for a bit and couldn't not find anything. So I am hoping if anyone knows how to do this, preferable via the command line (bash, any other shell on Linux). To be honest, any browser that I c...

jQuery fade to new image

How can I fade one image into another with jquery? As far as I can tell you would use fadeOut, change the source with attr() and then fadeIn again. But this doesn't seem to work in order. I don't want to use a plugin because I expect to add quite a few alterations. Thanks. ...

Check if an image is loaded (no errors) in JavaScript

I'm using JavaScript with the jQuery library to manipulate image thumbnails contained in a unordered list. When the image is loaded it does one thing, when an error occurs it does something else. I'm using jQuery load() and error() methods as events. After these events I check the image DOM element for the .complete to make sure the imag...

Source for various pictures in 120x120?

I am creating a web site with 2-stage authentication where users will have to verify a particular image on the screen (similar to how many banks and CC companies are currently doing this). Where can I find a large source of images (not icons) that are about 120x120 (or larger) for use in this? Ideally, Id like to find a few hundred of ...

Defining Regions in a Scrapbook Application

How do you define which regions to put your images to in a scrapbook application? Users can submit their own image which contains transparent parts where they put their images in... ...

Loading an image in Python (Error)

I want to load an image but I get an error-message. My code: from PIL import Image im ="D:\Python26\PYTHON-PROGRAMME\bild.jpg") I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Python26\PYTHON-PROGRAMME\00000000000000000", line 2, in <module> im ="D:\Python26\PYTHON-PROGRAMME\bild...