Saving listview image setting
Hi, I want to save setting in the listView which contain images. How am i going to do this? From: Rayshiro ...
Hi, I want to save setting in the listView which contain images. How am i going to do this? From: Rayshiro ...
How do I extract an image from a pdf file, using c#? Thanks! ...
Hi All, I want to use the below image enlarger/viewer but i would like the popup of the enlarged image to appear on the center of the screen. I tried many ways but was unsuccessful.... Any help on this would be much appreciated. ...
Trying to convert a 32 bit CGImage to 24 bit and would like to avoid packing it byte-by-byte. Surely there must be a more efficient way ...? Have tried a couple of things like creating a 24 bpp NSBitmapImageRep like this: NSBitmapImageRep* image24 = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithBitmapDataPlanes:nil pixelsWide:width ...
I am using a the standard PHP functions imagecopytruecolor and imagejpeg to rescale and produce uploaded images from a standard HTML form. The images appear at the correct size however the image filesize is quite high (e.g. 540px * 350px = 250kb) When compared to Photoshop's Save for Web using JPEG high quality settings the same files ...
First let me say that I learned scripting by myself so my approaches may be a bit weird. I want to call images into a div using AJAX but with a thickbox tag so when the image thumb is clicked the big image is displayed using the Thickbox (jQuery). Here is the example page: click here OK, please click in the menue on "photo" and then o...
When uploading images in Drupal I have continuously encounter an issue with the physical size of the image - not the size of the file. Let me explain further. An image could be a small file size (under the restrictions) but be larger than average on the screen. These images fail to upload in Drupal across all sites that I have built usi...
div.img { margin:7px; border:3px solid gray; height:110px; width:110px; float:left; text-align:center; } div.img img { display:inline; margin:3px; border:1px solid white; } div.img a:hover img { border:3px solid yellow; } function handleMouseClick(imageName) { document...
Hi! I'm creating website that handles "great amount" of images. I have decided to use multiple directories method for storing files eg. images/efg/ed/ehj/efgedehjokjvdf2jn4.jpg I'm thinking that to prevent filename duplication is to take current timedate + some random string + md5 those = nice line of random string. Mostly I'm wonderin...
I have to make a dedicated image viewer app for Android 2.x. There are too many jpeg image files: about 2000~ jpegs, over 100MB. I want access the image files with their file names, but I couldn't find such an example. By the way, is it okay to put many image files in /res/drawable folder? I heard that the android application cannot ...
I have a jquery dialog box that opens by means of a link. I would like it so that everytime I open the dialog box the image is refreshed. I tried something like this: function open_dialog() { $("#imageThumbBox").dialog('destroy'); $("#imageThumbBox").dialog({ autoOpen: false, closeOnEscape: true, resizable: true, h...
Cant seem to make php move_uploaded_file function to work. $MAX_FILESIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024; $rEFileTypes = "/^\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|pdf|xls|xlsx|ppt|pptx){1}$/i"; $isFile = is_uploaded_file($_FILES["prodImage"]["tmp_name"]); if($isFile) { ...
Is there any good database of images with their ground truths online that I can use to perform image segmentation tests? ...
Hello. I'm in the process of porting an application originally in java to cocoa, but I'm rewriting it to make it much better, since I prefer cocoa a lot anyway. One of the problems I had in the application, was that when you uploaded images to it, I had the images created, (as say an NSImage object) and then I just had them sitting in ...
Recently I saw demonstration of image distortion algorithm that preserves some objects in image. For example changing weight/height ratio but preserving people faces in image to look realistically. The problem is i can't find the reference to that demonstration neither I know the name of such transformations. Can anybody point me to a ...
Hey. I want to put multiple background image in css at different position(like at diff px. and at diff z-index.) Is that possible in body tag. i mean all images in body tag. or with diff ids.? body {background-image:url(img/banner.png); background-position: 50% 49px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#0000...
Hi, Just a doubt.I have three images in my WPF application.Im going to give blink effect for that three images.So i gave this code. <Storyboard x:Key ="AlarmBlink"> <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="Img1" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Opacity" From="1" To="0" Duration="0:0:0.1" AutoReverse=...
I'd like to screen some jpegs for validity before I send them across the network for more extensive inspection. It is easy enough to check for a valid header and footer, but what is the smallest size (in bytes) a valid jpeg could be? ...
Hello everyone I have an ASP.Net (.Net 2.0) application that creates Crystal Reports (version 11.5) and shows them with CrystalReportViewer control. For some reason the control isn't showing the logo image in the header of the report. It renders the following html <img width="320" height="76" alt="Imagem" src="CrystalImageHandler.aspx...
Hi there , i am more a java developer and there is a standard way of reading images : BufferedImage img = null; try { img = File("strawberry.png")); } catch (IOException e) { } but what is the c++ way of loading images? I want to load all images in a specific directory into an array or so Can somebody help ...