I want to generate 32x32 sized thumbnails from uploaded images (actually avatars).
To prevent a thumbnail from being smaller than that size, I want to create a transparent 32x32 background and paste the thumbnail on it.
The code below tries to do so. However, the avatar is displayed on a black and opaque background; I lose transparen...
Taken from the Twitter's API section.
Why do my image uploads always fail?
The image update methods require
multipart form data. They do not
accept a URL to an image not do they
accept the raw image bytes. They
instead require the data to be
delivered in the form of a file upload.
Has anyone came to a conclusion with th...
How do I move this image http://svastara.info/.s/img/icon/download1.png in the front of Download now?
Should look something like this: image Download Now
var CountdownTimer = function( id, count, imgurl ) { this.construct(id, count, imgurl); }
CountdownTimer.prototype = {
construct: function(id,count,imgurl) {
I want to change the image of button on click. click once 1 image should be set on he button and when again clicked the 2nd image should be there and these images should switch on click.
i want to get all images from imagelibrary either using imagepickercontroller or any other way(like programatically)....
I have height:auto set, but I'm noticing that small thumbnail images are being stretched vertically in Internet Explorer 6 for a split second, then conforming to their correct height.
One thing to note, in the HTML, the image tag looks like this:
<img src="http://location" width="96" />
Will setting the height attribute in the HTML f...
I would like to replace a image with another image when a link is clicked. I have three images that each go to a specific link.
So for instance, link one needs image 1, link 2 image two. etc...
I've figured out how to do the replacement:
$(function() {
$("a#t2").click(function() {
$("#floatleft img").replaceWith('<img src="i...
Is there a jQuery plugin that mimics the Zazzle.com photo zoom effect (you can view the effect here: http://www.zazzle.com/awards+tshirts). The closest I've found is the jQZoom plugin which opens the larger image in a separate container, instead of overlaying within the same container.
I figured I'd ask, before I started building away ...
How do I display a .jp2 (JPEG 2000) in a WPF project?
I have this code that loads thumbs and full images in my project:
private function processXMLHandle(e:Event):void
var xml:XML = new XML(e.target.data);
for each (var line:XML in xml.IMAGE)
var file:String = line.@THUMB;
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest(file));
the design calls for an image gallery with thumbnails for different characters and when u roll over a thumbnail a larger version of the image appears and in a div to the left with a header and description for each character also appears.
1) is there a way to have a rollover control both divs? (enlarged image and description)
2) ho...
Hello all,
I'm looking for some help and direction on how I can pull an image from a URL (these are my own images) and move/upload the image to my Amazon S3 bucket, using PHP.
For example, let's say the image I need is:
I would like to be able to move this image (image.jpg) to my S3 server.
Any ideas on...
How to write the dynamic source for image control in style for a button (APP.XAML) in silverlight 3?
I am trying to add a image to a RTF document which I am creating. I would prefer to not use 'copy/paste' methods (that involve pasting the image within a RichTextBox and then accessing the .RTF property) which purge the clipboard (as this will be a bother and confusion for my end users).
The code I have so far returns the string that ne...
I have a user permissions screen and I would like to have a number of images that represent each permission for the user i.e. a tick for enabled and a cross for disabled.
The permissions will be shown in a grid with View, Add, Edit and Delete along the top and the category along the left-hand side.
View | Add | Edit | Delete...
hi, also try this but for me it isnt working.
i upload image, insert it on page through jquery and want to create div around inserted image, but dont know image dimensions.
$("#temp_image").html('<img src="uploads/obr1.jpg" alt="" id="tmp"...
I dragged a file upload control to my Form, and I want to save the "image" the user chooses to an object[] Array so I can then save it.
I only need to know how to "grab" the image the user selects and save it as a byte[] array.Thanks
I have search result which includes images. When the user hover over the image the image should expand somewhat large size like we see on bing image search. Is there any Plugin for that. Please help. Any Suggestion will be appreciated.
I am resizing uploaded images as follows:
var bmPhoto = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555);
using (var grPhoto = Graphics.FromImage(bmPhoto))
grPhoto.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighSpeed;
grPhoto.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;
grPhoto.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Low;
Tried to find answer here but, no luck so, here goes;
I would like the ability to log a specific images "hits" or even just a log file that reports all image loads of all images (w/individual stats) that reside in a specific folder.
I DO NOT want to serve images on a remote server via a script e.g. <img src=image.pl?thisone> . I just w...