
ImageMagick: Append multiple PNG images including aplha channel

I have multiple images and i need to create their horisontal sequence. This task is solved by ImageMagic's: convert 0***.png +append result.png Every image has alpha channel. But generated result image has grey background. Which option can tell ImageMagic to copy alpha channel values too ? Thanks! ...

how to run imagemagik commands in PHP ?

Hi, i am trying to bend text using imagemagik in PHP. but the commands shown in the website are not working. how can i run these scripts in PHP ? somebody please help me.. NB :-t \'SOME ARCHBOTTOM TEXT\' -s outline -e arch-bottom -d 1.0 -f Arial -p 48 -c skyblue -b white -o ...

How could i configure Rmagick gem or ImageMagick to solve following problem

I am getting following error while running local script/server of my rails project /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rmagick-2.13.1/lib/ This installation of RMagick was configured with ImageMagick 6.6.1 but ImageMagick 6.4.5 is in use. (RuntimeError) and is blank. and identify --version command shows following result ...

paperclip error

i am trying paperclip for the first time and followed this tutorial all is well until i use styles. this is the code has_attached_file :photo, :url => "/uploads/products/:id/:style/:basename.:extension", :path => ":rails_root/public/uploads/products/:id/:style/:basename.:extension", :styles => { :thumb=> "100x100#" } the error i se...

Converting PDF to images using ImageMagick.NET - how to set the DPI

Hi, I'm trying to convert pdf files to images. ImageMagick is a great tool, and using the command line tool gets me desired result. but i need to do this in my code, So added a reference to And the following code sample renders each page of the pdf as an image: MagickNet.InitializeMagick(); using (Image...

How do I turn a PDF email attachment to an image (jpg) in a PHP page?

Hi guys. Long time viewer, first time question asker. I'm trying to have my personal website parse through my mail box for attachments from a certain subscription list, and then be able to view the PDF attachments as images, preferably jpg. With the help of this: I'm currently...

ImageMagick is not processing images, but gives no errors.

My problem is is that paperclip saves the attachments appropriately, and I assume imagemagick is doing something right. With no errors returning, the images never finish processing. Does anyone know a way to see what's backgrounding? Or specifically a way to review imagemagick's processes? ...

Calling "other" ImageMagick commands through Imagick?

Hi, I'm using the Imagick PHP wrapper for ImageMagick. I've noticed there are some ImageMagick commands that are not available in the Imagick wrapper, such as autolevel and normalize. How should I go about calling these? Couldn't find anything in Imagick. Are there disadvantages to calling the ImageMagick commands directly through the ...

Delayed Jobs is not finding Records and failing..

In my app, delayed jobs isn't running automatically on my server anymore. It used to.. When I manually ssh in, and perform rake jobs:work I return this : *** Starting job worker host:ip-(censored) pid:21458 * [Worker(host:ip-(censored) pid:21458)] acquired lock on PhotoJob * [JOB] host:ip-(censored) pid:21458 failed with ActiveRecord:...

Set a color as transparent in palette-based image

Hello there! I want to convert a alpha transparent png image to palette based png image. In GD I can do it easy: // We have already the image loaded in $source_img $w=200; $h=200; // We supose that img dimensions are 200x200 $img = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h); // New black image list($r, $g, $b) = array(200, 200, 200)...

ImageMagick - what do i need to be aware of?

Even on max quality GD just wasn't good enough quality, so i'm pretty sure i'm going to have to go down the ImageMagick route... I've heard stories....! What kind of things no i need to be careful about/aware of when using/installing ImageMagick? ...

attachment_fu and RMagick

After finally getting RMagick installed on my Mac I have set up attachment_fu according to the tutorial here: when I try and upload a file via the upload form I get around 80 messages like these: /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/rmagick-2.13.1/lib/RMagick.rb:44: warning: already...

step-by-step instructions for installing IMAGEMAGICK on WAMP?

This has been driving me mental, for hours and hours now.. There don't seem to be any concise tutorials/walk throughs for installing ImageMagick on WAMP for use with PHP. I've tried dozens of combinations of their binary releases with different php extension dll files. I can get imagemagick working fine from the command line and i can ...

How can I render a transparent gradient with RMagick?

Want to use RMagick to create a PNG image of a gradient that goes from rgba(0,0,0,0.3) to rgba(0,0,0,0.7). Is this possible? ...

Combining 2 png in one with convert

Hello, I am using convert from ImageMagick to combine 2 png in one using this script : convert background.png logo.png -layers merge final_background.png It is working but I would like to move the logo at 20 pixels from the top, is it possible ? Thanks a lot Thierry ...

ImageMagick help -- need to change DPI

I have a 1000x1000 300dpi image that I need to convert to a 100x100 96dpi thumbnail. How do I do this in ImageMagick? I'm after the smallest possible file size at the highest possible quality. Doing something like this: convert myimage.png -quality 100 -resize 100 PNG8:mynewimage.png .... does change the dimension, but still maintain...

resizing images with imagemagick via shell script

Hi there, I don't really know that much about bash scripts OR imagemagick, but I am attempting to create a script in which you can give some sort of regexp matching pattern for a list of images and then process those into new files that have a given filename prefix. for example given the following dir listing: allfiles01.jpg allfil...

ImageMagick and Grails not working

I'm trying to have ImageMagick run from grails to convert some images when I run the command to make an image nothing happens. I get no errors, no information returned nothing at all. I've tried running other commands like touch and ps ux just to see if they work and they all work fine. It just seems like the imagemagick commands are get...

Convert .pdf to images using RMagick & Ruby

I'd like to take a pdf and convert it to images...each pdf page becoming a separate image. There's a similar post here: But it doesn't cover how to make separate images for each page. ...

Resize existing images to new style in paperclip & RMagick

I've been using paperclip to upload and auto-resize photos in my Rails app, and I love it. Only problem is about every other month my crazy manager decides he wants a new size to display the photos in. So I add a new style in my Photo model and all is good for new photos, but the pre-existing photos are now a problem. Now that I'm starti...