
Resize a list of images in line command

I would like to resize a list of images, all in the directory. To achieve that, I use convert from imagemagick. I would like to resize image1.jpg image2.jpg ... into image1-resized.jpg image2-resized.jpg ... I was wondering if there is a method to achieve this in a single command line. An elegant solution could be often useful, not...

How can I use MagickNet from C# to stitch images together?

I want to stitch some images together using MagickNet (jpg/bmp - whatever). Does anyone have some good references for this? ...

Problem with generating images from unicode strings using imagemagick

i'm generating text images with following command sequence convert -background "rgb(233, 231, 218)" -fill black \ -font media/fonts/FuturaStd-Medium.otf \ -pointsize 13 label:"ğüşıöçĞÜŞİÖÇ" -size 88x18 \ media/images/category_images/food-drink/category-top-row/tr_food-drink.png which generates the following image. ğşĞİŞ are proble...

Permissions problem when uploading images using PHP in IIS

We have just moved a website to a new server, both servers are Windows Server 2003 running IIS as the web server. When uploading images we require that the uploaded files have certain permissions for the NETWORK SERVICE account. Images are uploaded using PHP, they are then filtered by ImageMagick using the mogrify.exe binary for resizin...

Problem in loading Magick.dll for module Image::Magick?

Hai i installed perl 5.10 and after that ImageMagick in my system. while running the pl files that are present in the demo folder of imageMagick it is saying like this Can't load 'C:/Perl/site/lib/auto/Image/Magick/Magi... for module Image::Magick: load_file:This application has failed to start because the application configuration is ...

PHP library or command line?

I have run into two situations lately where I have chosen to use the command line for doing something rather than the PHP library. For example, in PHP doing this: `curl` instead of this: $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_exec(...

Converting a PDF to PNG

I'm trying to convert a PDF (at least the cover of one, I'm successfully extracting the first page of the PDF with pdftk) to a PNG. I'm using imagemagick to do the converstion: convert cover.pdf cover.png This works, but unfortunately the cover.png comes through incorrectly rendered (some of the alpha object in the PDF aren't rendered...

Why does Ruby open-uri's open return a StringIO in my unit test, but a FileIO in my controller?

I inherited a Rails 2.2.2 app that stores user-uploaded images on Amazon S3. The attachment_fu-based Photo model offers a rotate method that uses open-uri to retrieve the image from S3 and MiniMagick to perform the rotation. The rotate method contains this line to retrieve the image for use with MiniMagick: temp_image = MiniMagick::Im...

PHP APC and Imagick with cpanel

I currently purchased a dedicated server hosted at iWeb and got it administered by them. I recently asked after registration to add php_apc and php_imagick to the available libraries. It seems according to them that it is not possible as it is not supported with cPanel. I would apparently need to do that myself... is there any risks to...

How can I resize an image already uploaded using Magickwand(PHP)/ImageMagick?

I am working on building gallery where the user uploads all the images. I had tried to use GD originally but found that it used way too much memory when dealing with images from a digital camera. So I have been looking into ImageMagick and ran into this problem. My end goal is to resize the image and then upload it. I am not sure i...

Rounding corners of pictures with ImageMagick

Hi, in my Rails app I want to have a similar profile section like Facebook where uploaded images are automatically thumbnailed and corner-rounded. I'm using the convert utility to downsize images into thumbnails, but is there an option to round their corners too? Thanks. ...

Resize animated gif file without destroying animation

Hi guys, I need to resize a animated gif file without destroying the animation. Let I have a flower animated file name: flower.gif size is: 700x700, frame no: 5. I need to resize it 128x128 & 240x320 without destroy animation . Each resized animated file must hold same frame number as uploaded animated file. How can I do it using PHP?...

MagickNet C++ Source Compilation Failure

I'm attempting to compile a working copy of the MagickNet class library (DLL) using the sources from the ImageMagick and MagickNet libraries. I was unable to obtain a copy of the MagickNet source files from the creator's homepage as it is currently down, so I was forced to obtain the files and C++ project file from here, courtesy of a G...

How to work with ImageMagick from Coldfusion

Hello everyone, Coldfusion has great cfimage tag that works perfectly. However, it not allows vector formats to be manupulated. This makes me searching for 3rd party tools to do some image magic. I decided to try ImageMagick with Coldfusion. I've read couple of posts that was saying 'I used to work with ImageMagick from Coldfusion for ...

Rails can't find image_magick gem

I am trying to use image_magick gem to process image uploads, but rails can't locate it. I have installed the gem successfully using: gem install mini_magick-1.2.3.gem --local gem update system gem cleanup and my model has require 'rubygems' require 'mini_magick' However, I still get the error: no such file to load -- mini_magic...

How can I upload/resize images taken with a digital camera?

I am working on a building a gallery and the goal is a low barrier of entry. My user is someone who takes pictures using their digital camera so file size would be between 200 - 400 KB per image. The problem I am running into using the GD library is that each image when resized and uploaded use about 90MB of memory+ when the server h...

How to use imagemagick in website?

I am building a new website and it will contain a lot of image manipulations and i found imagemagick which seams very good, but the problem as a .Net developer i can't integrate it in my website. Is it possible to use in .Net application/websites? How to add to reference and which file to add? Any good examples? ...

Run a simple command using PowerShell recursively on a directory

What's the fastest way using either DOS scripting or PowerShell to run this simple command on a directory and all its subdirectories: convert filename.jpg -resize 620x620 "R:\processed\filename.jpg" DOS Batch script for single directory: FOR %%a in (*.jpg) DO convert %%a -resize 620x620 "R:\processed\%%a" I want to run this recur...

Converting an ImageMagick FX operator to pure Python code with PIL

I'm trying to port some image processing functionality from an Image Magick command (using the Fx Special Effects Image Operator) to Python using PIL. My issue is that I'm not entirely understanding what this fx operator is doing: convert input.png gradient.png -fx "v.p{0,u*v.h}" output.png From a high level, this command takes the c...

Converting JPEG colorspace (Adobe RGB to sRGB) on Linux

I am generate thumbnail and medium sized images from large photos. These smaller photos are for display in an online gallery. Many of the photographers are submitting JPEG images using Adobe RGB. I have been asked if the thumbnail and medium size images can use sRGB as the images as is appear "flat" in some browsers. I'm currently us...