
I want to implement fire-and-forget request for in img src in JavaScript

I'm trying to implement fire-and-forget on an img src=... call from a web page, and am looking for the most solid method. Why? In most Web tracking systems like Omniture or Coremetrics, there is a request for an img src which also happens to carry all the data for the tracking system to record. Like any other image request, the page tri...

How can I add an image to a php-created MS Word document?

Here is my code, greatly truncated. <?php session_start(); header("Content-Type: application/msword"); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Contrat d\'étude.doc"'); ?> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head> <body> <p align="right"...

How can we specify src attribute of img tag in CSS?

Is it possible to set the src attribute value in CSS. At present what i am doing is:- <img src="pathTo/myImage.jpg"/> and i want it to be something like this <img class="myClass" /> also, i don't want to use the background or background-image: property. ...

How to set the image src using jQuery

I am trying to change the image src attribute using jQuery jQuery("#imageID").attr('src','http://localhost:8080/images/1/myImage.png' ); using the above code i can change the src attribute, but when i try this:- jQuery("#imageID").attr('src',jQuery("#imageBlock").css('background-image') ); i am unable to change the src. provided...

Image size not defined in Javascript / PHP

Hi! I'm having problems finding the width and height of an image. I'm trying to pass it to the URL so I can set it as a PHP session variable. location.href="homeview.php?x=" + dd.elements.image1.x + "&y=" + dd.elements.image1.y + "&h=" + document.getElementById('image1').height; the URL reads as such with an example image: homeview...

Width and height not changing when setting img src property

Using Javascript to change an 's src... First time the width and height properties are being set correctly. The Second time they don't change. Why? So I've got this blank image on my page... <img id="imgCropImage" /> So the idea is that every time a user uploads an image, the uploader's UploadComplete callback will set this image's s...

Set Image Src to Local File

I am writing a Firefox extension and would like the users to be able to change an image on a web page with a local image. Is it possible, using JavaScript, to change the image source with an image that is saved on the user's local machine? Let me know if you need more information. Thanks ...

jquery rollovers and active states

Hi there. I apologise for any stupid questions/coding, I'm very new to jquery! I'm trying to create a menu for a one-page site that has rollovers and an active state. HTML: <ul id="menu"> <li><a class="rollover" href="#"><img class="folio" src="images/folio3.png" /></a></li> <li><a class="rollover" href="#"><img class="services" src="...

Firefox displays 3 columns in a table, IE8 only 2

Would love some help here... firefox displays the last column in the table (an image they click on to edit their email address, it's a link), and IE8 displays nothing for the last column (doesn't even appear to display a column!) I've left out other rows in the table, but similar stuff happens. Anyone know why? <table class="profile-d...

Why does conversion tracking use pixels and why do images potentially expose information about you?

First, why (historically) was conversion tracking implemented by html pixel tracking versus using other small and able-to-be-made-nearly-invisible html elements which could provide the same information? Curious why html images were used as opposed to other methods. Second, many email clients, e.g. Outlook and Gmail don't display images...

CSS + <img> webkit's implementation with using %

Seems to be quite different in webkit compared to ie/ff/opera. To replicate - take an image that is like say, w: 200px h: 400px. drop in html like this. <div id="container"> <img id="whattheeff" src="/image.jpg" height="200" width="200" alt="render bug" /> </div> and add css like <style> div#container{height:1000px;background:#...

How do I rotate an image in Javascript or CSS

I am creating a simple game. I want to use jQUERY to rotate the joints making it move. I am using .animate ( ) to animate CSS properties but if it is also possible to use Javscript, I can make my own custom code. More TO-THE-POINT How do I rotate images in CSS or Javascript? I prefer CSS but Javascript i...

Trouble closing img tags in Javascript – using strict xhtml DTD

Hi I am using a Javascript called Niceforms.js which makes HTML forms looks pretty. It works fine under the xHTML Transitional Doctype, but I need to build my site using Strict xHTML. It has a few problems rendering under Strict and I'm fairly sure it's because it isn't putting the trailing slash in a few <img> elements so that they ...

"img" elements: Block level element or inline element?

I've read somewhere that IMG elements behave like both. If correct, could someone please explain with examples? ...

how to display an image inside <img> tag always in full dimension

I've an img element with dynamically changing image. I always want to show this image in its full dimension. So, I think, I've to dynamically change width and height attributes in img tag. How can I do this in php or javascript? ...

How to Block images (img tags) from an iFrame?

Hello, Im searching for ideas to solve the following problem: I'm loading an URL (any for that matter) into an iFrame, and then block (server side) all image tags, o object tags before sending the page to the client. -- What I was thinking to do is: fetching the URL, and then manipulating the fetched content using a Java library (any r...

how do change img src.value for upload new image

hi guys, <img src="img.jpg" alt="" width="120" border="0" class="Inline" name="img" id="img" /> <input name="image" onchange="document.img.src=document.blah.image.value;" type="file" /> this code isnt work anyone know how ? ...

On site load, how do you wrap all images in a link dynamically using Javascript?

I have barely any experience working with DOM and using Javascript, and I have a very specific task that I'm trying to accomplish. Let's say I have an image in my HTML: <img src="foo.jpg" /> When the site loads, I want to take that image (all images in the document, actually), and wrap them in a link: <a href="

flex textarea text attribute but still renders as html

actually i got to the cause of the issue. if you feed the textarea text attribute with an tag that has a valid src url, then for some reason flex will try to render everything as html. Eg, try this: <mx:TextArea id="textArea" width="100%" height="90%" text="<img src='http://url-to-a-valid-img"/&gt; and instead of it rendering it a...

Java API with which I can manipulate and modify HTML code and its tags?

Is there a 3rd party API for the sole purpose with which I can replace relative URLs in the source HTML and CSS into absolute URLs, keeping in mind the fact that the source contains a mix of relative and absolute URLs. For those thinking twice about this question, the String Object's replaceAll() method has some shortcomings. ...