
Why does this code for checking proxy validity crash?

I have the following code in my program. When I try to check if the proxy is a valid proxy or not it crashes my program. Any ideas how to fix this? I'm using indy 10. if checkproxy('') label1.text:='Good' else label1.text:='bad'; If I try to call another idHTTP connect after requesting checkproxy it crashes the...

Problem with Indy IdHttp Post in Delphi 2010

I have problem with Indy IdHttp Post method. Function CallRpc() compiled with Delphi 2007 works fine but same code compiled with Delphi 2010 raises exception. What do I have to consider when I change Delphi 2007 Indy TIdHttp to Delphi 2010 Indy TIdHttp? function CallRpc(const sURL, sXML: string): string; var SendStream : TStream; ...

Indy 10 - IdSMTP.Send() hangs when sending messages from GMail account

I am trying to send an e-mail using gmail account (Delphi 7, Indy 10) with these settings: TIdSmtp: Port = 587; UseTLS := utUseExplicitTLS; TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL: SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLSv1; Everything seems to be set ok. I get this response: Resolving hostname Connecting to SSL status: "...

Download a File from internet programatically with an Progress event using Delphi and Indy

I need a way to download a file from the Internet using Delphi via HTTP, Wich include an Progress event , I'm looking for a method wich uses the Indy components. I am using Delphi 7. Thanks in advance. ...

How do I install the latest Indy10 in Delphi 2007 for .NET?

Can someone please point me to instructions for installing the latest Indy10 in Delphi 2007 for .NET? I'm not exactly sure how that works for the .NET side. Currently, I use the Indy10 assemblies that shipped with Delphi 2007. I have the latest Tiburon branch of Indy10. My preference would be to build directly from the Pascal source...

How to download a file over HTTPS using Indy 10 and OpenSSL?

I have the following task: download a file using HTTPS and authentication. Indy seems the way to go but for some reason it doesn't work so far. I have the following in place: a TIdHTTP component which I use for downloading a TIdURI component used to create the URL a TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL component which should provide the secure...

Can Indy run Javascript?

There is a software product called AnyChart which is great for embedding Flashed based charts in web pages. AnyCharts can also export to PNG file format. Here is an example: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var chart = new AnyChart(''); chart.width = 60...

Delphi - Indy (IDHTTP) Keep Session

Ok, I have Idhttp created dynamically like the following procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); Var Resp : String; begin Resp := webSession(''); // HTTPS site requires session to keep alive if Length(Resp)>0 then MessageDlg('Got the body ok',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); end; function TF...

Recommendations or comparisons on Indy's TidHTTPServer versus Delphi's TDSHTTPService

I need to implement a small, standalone web server that will be used to process REST API calls, using Delphi 2010. There seem to be two easy choices available with Delphi 2010 out of the box: Indy's TidHTTPServer and Delphi's own TDSHTTPService. I am familiar with Indy components and would probably use them without question; there is a...

placing Indy TIdTCPClient into a non-visual package

i All, I am trying to get TIdTCPClient to run in my non-visual component. I add the following to my .h file: #include "IdBaseComponent.hpp" #include "IdComponent.hpp" #include "IdTCPClient.hpp" #include "IdTCPConnection.hpp" ... private: TIdTCPClient *mTCPClient; It all compiles fine, but of course Indy is not included in the bui...

Why do I get compiler errors using Delphi 2010's built-in Indy distribution?

Hello. I have just installed Delphi 2010 and got some troubles with idHTTP component. If I drop it on form and try to compile, Delphi says that: [DCC Error] IdCookieManager.pas(118): E2010 Incompatible types: 'TIdCookieList' and 'TIdCookieDomainList' [DCC Error] IdCookieManager.pas(172): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'IsVali...

Terminate an inactive socket connection from TIdTCPServer

We have an application which listens for incoming TCP requests using the Indy 10.1.1 components that ship with Delphi 2007. Occassionally we receive incoming connections which are not from our client application. Typically, one of two things happens: 1) the connection is terminated by the client before any data is received, or 2) data i...

Incy IdDayTime Connection problem

I created some software which is using some kind of selfmade license files under Delphi 5 Enterprise. The license expires after a certain time to prevent further use. As it is easy to adjust any desired date on a PC I am trying to get a connection to an internet timeserver. I tried several codes I found in the internet, none worked. My ...

Delphi Indy: cannot load SSL libraries first time. A retry works.

Hello! I'm using the latest indy snapshot (installed yesterday) and newest SSL libraries. When trying to send a mail using idSMTP, the first time the component connects, I get an exception: Could't load the SSL libraries . Funny thing is, a retry works always. Debugging I found that the problem is in IsSSLOpenSSLHeader, function ...

How to send a mail message using Indy's smtp server component?

Since the demo given in only saves the received stream to a file, I don't know how to effectevely send that stream as a mail. Could anyone teach me how to do this or to point me some more complete example? ...

Strange rare out-of-order data received using Indy

We're having a bizarre problem with Indy10 where two large strings (a few hundred characters each) that we send out one after the other using TCP are appearing at the other end intertwined oddly. This happens extremely infrequently. Each string is a complete XML message terminated with a LF and in general the READ process reads an enti...

Indy IdSMTP and attachments in Thunderbird

Hello! Using the latest snapshot of Indy tiburon on D2010. A very simple project like: var stream: TFileStream; (s is TidSMTP and m is TidMessage) begin s.Connect; Stream := TFileStream.Create('c:\', fmOpenRead or fmShareExclusive); try with TIdAttachmentMemory.Create(m.MessageParts, Stream) do begin Conte...

Sending a file from my application (Indy/Delphi) to an ASP page and then onto another server (Amazon S3)

I have a need to store files on Amazon AWS S3, but in order to isolate the user from the AWS authentication I want to go via an ASP page on my site, which the user will be logged into. So: The application sends the file using the Delphi Indy library TidHTTP.Put (FileStream) routine to the ASP page, along with some authentication stuff ...

Which is more appropriate for pbx events, TIdTCPServer or TIdTCPClient?

I am trying out some IP PBX systems, Asterisk, Freeswitch, and Yate,to register for events in the PBX, and I want to know which of these components is the better one. The component is supposed to register with the PBX for events, receive them, send some responses and issues some commands. Which of the two would be the more appropriate? ...

Indy 10 FTP empty list

Hello! I have been receiving reports from some of my users that, when using idFTP.List() from some servers (MS FTP) then the listing is received as empty (no files) when in reality there are (non-hidden) files on the current directory. May this be a case of a missing parser? The funny think, when I use the program to get the list from M...