
GWT Html file with CSS

When I'm creating new project with GWT plug in it creates a skeleton project for me. In html file there is a comment saying "Consider inlining CSS to reduce the number of requested files" Why would i consider using inline css? I tough having css in separate file not inline reduces size of my file? isn't it true? ...

Are free functions implicitly inlined if defined without a previous declaration in C++?

Is the following free function implicitly inlined in C++, similar to how member functions are implicitly inlined if defined in the class definition? void func() { ... } Do template functions behave the same way? ...

Inline Elements With Width

This question seems to be asked freqeuently over the internet but I still can't find a solution. I have this navigation bar (It switches between tabs using jQuery) which displays inline. I'm showing a background image on these and to make them more definitive I need to make them wider and higher. <div id="tabs"> <ul id="tabs-nav-cont">...

jquery- jeditable not working

basically what I want is simple, when people onclick, the field become editable. After they change the value, press Esc at keyboard/ or click outside , to save the record. I'm not sure why it's not working. Documentation seems not complete... Anyone got idea on how this work? The documentation page:

Which is better for left-to-right layout: float or display:inline?

I have some icons inside divs and needed to lay them out with a left-to-right structure instead of the default top-to-bottom layout that seems to come with divs. It's probably not news to most people who know CSS but I figured out (with a little help) that I could cause the divs to layout left-to-right using either: float: left/right ...

Creating a model and related models with Inline formsets

[I have posted this at the Django users | Google Groups also.] Using the example at, I am able to edit objects belonging a particular model (using modelforms). I have been trying to follow the same pattern for creating new objects using inline formsets, but ha...

Inline SVG in HTML, with Firefox 3.5

Hi, I'm trying to create some mixed HTML/SVG content and having some trouble. The HTML content shows up as expected, but the inline SVG does not. So, I do some experiments. I find sites which have examples of inline SVG, and they render correctly on my system. So, I "view page source" and copy/paste the HTML/SVG into another local file...

oracle-inline view

Why inline views are used..?? ...

Zend_Mail: how to get attachment ID?

Hi, I am using Zend to create emails. Now I will place an inline image in the HTML Part of the mail. So I am attaching the image with: $imageContent = file_get_contents(APPLICATION_PATH.'../html/static/img/image.jpg'); $image = $mail->createAttachment($imageContent, 'image/jpeg', Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_INLINE, Zend_Mime::E...

Inlining in Java

In C++ I can declare a method "inline" and the compiler is likely to inline it. As far as I understand there is no such keyword in Java. Inlining is done if the JVM decides to do so? Can I influence this decision somehow? ...

Cloning background image with parenthesis in file name

I have a background image with a parenthesis in the filename: <DIV style="BACKGROUND: url('');"&gt;&lt;/DIV&gt; This is fine normally, and there is no confusion because there are quotes around the file name. Looking in IE's developer tools however, I see that the browser stripped the quotes for some reason...

How do I write the following inline assembly code in visual c++ 6.0?

Hello all, I am writing an application in C in GCC (for linux/ubuntu) that uses the following inline assembly: float a[4] = { 10, 20, 30, 40 }; float b[4] = { 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 }; asm volatile("movups (%0), %%xmm0\n\t" "mulps (%1), %%xmm0\n\t" "movups %%xmm0, (%1)" :: "r" (a), "r" (b)); Excuse...

ASP.NET inline coding: variable name is not replaced with value

I have an ASP.NET page .In the page load i set the value of a public variable.and in the inline coding part,I Am loading a CSS which is the folder with the name which is available in the public variable.My HTML markup is as follows <%@ Page Language="C#" EnableEventValidation="false" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MyPage.aspx.cs" Th...

sIFR 3 r436 Opera + Firefox float issue

I’m having an issue with sifr placed next to a floated img, Opera 9.6 is forcing the text to clear the image and display on one line. Firefox is also forcing the text to clear the first time the page is loaded, although a refresh fix’s this and the problem will never occur again, only to return if cache is cleared and the browser restart...

ASP.NET - Inline vs. Code-Behind

I realize that by asking this question, I could have started the apocalypse, but a colleague of mine uses a lot of inline coding in their aspx pages, where as I prefer using the code-behind. Is there a right and a wrong way here? ...

How do I require an inline in the Django Admin?

I have the following admin setup so that I can add/edit a user and their profile at the same time. class ProfileInline(admin.StackedInline): """ Allows profile to be added when creating user """ model = Profile class UserProfileAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ Options for the admin interface """ inlines = ...

C# sending mails with images inline using SmtpClient

SmtpClient() allows you to add attachments to your mails, but what if you wanna make an image appear when the mail opens, instead of attaching it? As I remember, it can be done with about 4 lines of code, but I don't remember how and I can't find it on the MSDN site. EDIT: I'm not using a website or anything, not even an IP address. Th...

Vertical spacing between display:inline divs in a fluid grid

Ok, not too sure where to start... I'm putting myself together a blogger, completely gutting it's css and just using it as a simple content manager. here is the test site i've been working with Ignore the header, its broken, but I know what I'm doing there. My problem is with the film reviews...

How can I erase all inline styles with javascript and leave only the styles specified in the css style sheet?

If I have the following in my html: <div style="height:300px; width:300px; background-color:#ffffff;"></div> And this in my css style sheet: div { width:100px; height:100px; background-color:#000000; } Is there any way, with javascript/jquery, to remove all of the inline styles and leave only the styles specified by the...

Get GCC to preserve an SSE register throughout a function that uses inline asm

I'm writing a program in C that needs to do some fast math calculations. I'm using inline SSE assembly instructions to get some SIMD action (using packed double precision floating point numbers). I'm compiling using GCC on Linux. I'm in a situation where I need to loop over some data, and I use a constant factor in my calculations. I'd ...