
[cocos2d] detecting a touch anywhere without interfering with app

I'd like to be able to know when any location on the screen is touched so I can show an effect. I don't want to capture the input or otherwise interfere with it, though. I tried setting my scene as a targetted delegate with swallowsTouches to NO but it wouldn't capture the input when I touched a CCMenu I had on there. I then tried cre...

Stop jQuery autocomplete from focussing the input field after choosen from the dropdown

Hi folks I'm using the jQuery autocomplete plugin from When a user selects a result from the dropdown, the input field gets focused. How can I stop the plugin from doing that? I made it work using the tip from this post:

Taking input from a joystick with C# .NET

I searched around on Google for this, but the only things I came up with were outdated and did not work. Does anyone have any information on how to get joystick data using C# .NET? ...

c# reading user input without stopping an app

Hi, I know I can use ReadKey for that but it will freeze the app until user presses a key. Is it possible (in console app) to have some loop running and still be able to react? I can only think of events but not sure how to use them in console. My idea was that the loop would check for input during each iteration. ...

Input value undefined inside nested loop - jquery

Hi, I have been trying to solve this for a while. I am trying to get value of a form input which is inside a nested loop. But its coming undefined. Any idea why so? Thanks much for your help in advance. Here is the code for example. I am getting the value of $(#fund-no-"+f).attr('value') without any problem. Its $("#year-" + year_amt +...

Java: Scanner is not being recognized when it's run..

I am a first year student and learning setter and getter at school. When I run it, it is ignoring the following statement: String Origin = scan.nextLine(); and then it goes to the next line. Here is the main: import java.util.Scanner; public class FlightTest { public static void main (String [] args) { Scanner scan ...

C getopt multiple value

My argument is like this ./a.out -i file1 file2 file3 How can I utilize getopt() to get 3 (or more ) input files? I'm doing something like this: while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:xyz.."))!= -1){ case 'i': input = optarg; break; ... } I get jusst the file1, how to get file2, file 3 ?? Thanks in advance ...

Textarea input - how to deal with paragraphs and headings?

I currently use the following expression which I use to put paragraph tags around textarea input before storing it in a MySQL database. $inputText = str_replace('<p></p>', '', '<p>' . preg_replace('#([\r\n]\s*?[\r\n]){2,}#', '</p>$0<p>', $inputText) . '</p>'); This works well and good, except when I wish to use header tags. These are ...

::moz-selection does not apply to input elements

Is there anyway I can get ::moz-selection applied to input elements, even if I have to edit some file in userChrome.css, userContent.css or some similar file? thanks ...

Odd problem with input hidden and innerHTML

I have a text area with some text. I also have an "onsubmit" event handler. In that I have an alert of the text area's innerHTML and I get back the text that is inside of the textarea. I then try to assign this to the "value" attribute of a hidden input element. However the value is never assigned, when the form posts, the hidden element...

Need Help: Android SDK Simple Test Program

I'm trying to play around with the Android SDK and I'd like to try and run a random interactive java program on the Android. However, I'm still not sure about how to convert java's System.out.println and TextIO.getlnInt(); to Android equivalents. Here is the program I'd like to convert/run: The ...

How to make margin collapsing work with input type=button/submit?

Consider following code: <p style="margin: 30px 0; padding: 0;">Some text some text some text some text some text some text some text some text</p> <p style="margin: 30px 0; padding: 0;">Some text some text some text some text some text some text some text some text</p> <input type="button" value="Button" style="margin: 30px 0; paddin...

Adding and removing input elements in dynamically created forms

I have a "messages" page where it is possible to comment on every message. I'm doing a facebook-like textarea where when you focus it shows the submit button and when you onblur it hides it again. So far i've tried some different things: <script type="text/javascript"> function focusTextarea(id) { var form = document.forms[id]; ...

jQuery: Modify the structure of an input.

Hi to all, i have wrote today because i need some help with a simple function in jquery for modify the structure of an input [reCaptcha] and hide the image showed. The code of the page(s) that contains the reCaptcha plugin is: Is possible to make this in Jquery? BEFORE -----------------------------------...

android: InputConnection from different thread

does commitText() method of android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection allowed to be called from different thread than UI thread? ...

Android: soft keyboard efficient key press effect?

on softkeyboard, which one is better to give user a visual feedback during keypress: 1.redraw portion of button that was pressed to background canvas of main View to give pressed effect 2.each button has its own "pressed" View, and that View is set to visible (flashing) during keypress event (so no redraw needed but need more memory) I...

Is there a definitive anti-XSS library for PHP?

I already know how XSS works, but finding out all the many different ways to inject malicious input is not an option. I saw a couple libraries out there, but most of them are very incomplete, ineficient, or GPL licensed (when will you guys learn that GPL is not good to share little libraries! Use MIT) ...

How can I manage bits/binary in c++?

What I need to do is open a text file with 0s and 1s to find patterns between the columns in the file. So my first thought was to parse each column into a big array of bools, and then do the logic between the columns (now in arrays). Until I found that the size of bools is actually a byte not a bit, so i would be wasting 1/8 of memory,...

Checkbox and input field value

I have a check box which will change the value of a textfield to 1 when checked and change it back to zero when unchecked, how can I do this? I want it in javascript. ...

Sending ctrl + z to console program

I have a simple console program written in C and want to abort a text input with CTRL + Z. How is it possible? Edit: Here is some code (untested). #include <stdio.h> int main() { float var; while(1) { scanf("%lf", &var); // enter a float or press CTRL+Z if( ??? ) // if CTRL+Z was pressed { ...