
SQL Server 2005/2008: Insert a File in an varbinary(max) column in Transact-SQL.

Is it possible to insert a file in a varbinary(max) column in Transact-SQL? If yes, I would be very please to have a code snippet to at least give me an idea how to do that. Thanks ...

mySQL inserting multiple records with a select

Hi, I have a "dictionary table" called car_status that has an 'id' column and a 'status' column. car_status id status 1 broken 2 fixed 3 working 4 fast 5 slow I have a table called cars with the columns: id, type, status_id cars id type status_id 1 jeep 1 2 ford 3 3 acura 4 ...

C++ Map cant insert with pair

Why I cant insert like here? #include <map> struct something { } some_object; typedef std::map<std::string, something*> list; typedef std::pair<std::string, something*> pair; int main() { list l; pair p("abc", &some_object); // working fine!!! l.insert(p); // 17 errors return 0; } visual studio give me many errors...

mysql insert syntax for blob data through Stored procedure

Hi All, I want to insert an img file in mysql database, can anyone provide normal insert statement for inserting blob into mysql database. How i can do it as if i specify the path it stores the path only not the img ...

ASP:DetailsView How do I either autofill the insert fields or insert from the edit view

I have a asp web application where I want to be able to add new records without having to retype everything. When I click 'New' it brings up the insert view with empty textboxes or if I goto edit the textboxes are filled but I cannot save it as a new recored. Is there a way to have the selected record autofill the textboxes when I cli...

Ruby/Rails - Implicitly create a parent record when creating a child record?

Ok this is a bit unusual, but I have a series of data collection forms that save data to their respective models. What I want to do is auto insert a common parent (activity/event log - separate model) record that will be common to each form. (All forms will save an implicit record in this model, before saving the child record). So the sa...

Java Oracle insert Query

Hi I am trying to insert user's input in oracle using Java JDBC. I have to use Insert query. Oracle's column type is varchar2. I am able to insert if user is not entering special character. when user enter special character like # ? / and $ it gives exception Please help to parse these special character. i need to use insert query ...

Difference when using last_insert_row() in Javascript function vs. in DB Query Tool?

I have created a table in Google Gears (Sqlite): db.execute('create table if not exists SPALINKS (link_id int PRIMARY KEY, sid1 int, sid2 int, label text, user text, Timestamp int'); When using the Google Gears Database Query Tool (in FF), INSERT with 'last-insert-rowid' work fine. Inserts from Javascript work fine, as long a I don't...

PDO Statement does nothing?

$columns = "name, address, city, state, zip"; $values = "'$name', '$address', '$city', '$state', '$zip'"; $query = "insert into customer values ($values)"; $statement = $dbh->prepare($query); $statement->execute(); So I am completely new to this. Kindergarten examples and baby talk will not be offensive! : ) The form executes with no ...

SubSonic 3.0 Create New and Delete and Insert Pattern Problem

3003 is the exact version I think. Anyway, I have the below code (using ActiveRecord) for creating 2 new entities, deleting any that have the same "Stamp1" and "Stamp2" values, and then I want to insert everything in my List. I cannot tell if the code is efficient for the delete, and I have no idea how to insert everything new from a lis...

Why am I getting [BLOB - 0] when I insert an image into a database using prepared statements?

Hi all, This one's been puzzling me for a bit; hope folks can offer some suggestions! I'm uploading some video details and a thumbnail image to a database using prepared statements. When I do the upload, everything appears to work perfectly -- no SQLi errors or anything -- yet, when I look at the database, I notice that my image_conte...

ListView - Inserting Items...

I've never used the ListView control before and am trying to programmatically insert items at run-time. I have a column named Title. And once the user has selected a path from the FolderBrowserDialog. I need to be able to grab all the names of the files inside the SelectedPath and add the names of files as items inside the Title column....

insert values from checkbox in table using php + mysqli

Hello! I have 3 tables (actors, categories, actor_cats) in my db. I'm using a form to insert new info in the database (mysql). Most of the information goes into the actors table. But in a label "categories", i have a checkbox input type, with 3 fields that i get from the categories table [action (id1), comedy(id2), drama(id3)]. I want ...

MySQL insert newbie question.

Is this possible or do I have to list all the columns? INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column3, column2,...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...) Do I have to list all the columns in order and have values for each one? ...

In SQL, is UPDATE always faster than DELETE+INSERT?

Hello, Say I have a simple table that has the following fields: ID: int, autoincremental (identity), primary key Name: varchar(50), unique, has unique index Tag: int I never use the ID field for lookup, because my application is always based on working with the Name field. I need to change the Tag value from time to time. I'm usin...

insert values with select

I have two tables create table p ( x number, y number, z number ); create table q ( a number, b number, c number, d varchar2(20) ); I have inserted insert into p values('1','2','3'); now i need to insert into q selecting values from p with last field getting name like Table _name in table q values such tha...

C++ string addition

Simple question: If I have a string and I want to add to it head and tail strings (one in the beginning and the other at the end), what would be the best way to do it? Something like this: std::string tmpstr("some string here"); std::string head("head"); std::string tail("tail"); tmpstr = head + tmpstr + tail; Is there any better way ...

InsertOnSubmit not triggering a database insert on SubmitChanges

I'm experiencing an odd scenario and I'm looking for ways to figure out what's going wrong. I've got a piece of code that inserts a row into a table - the kind of thing I've done in dozens of other apps - but the end result is nothing happens on the database end, and no errors are generated. How do I find out what's going wrong? Here's ...

Adding Objects to an Objective C Array at Index

I have a synthesized NSMutableArray - theResultArray . I want to insert NSNumber or NSInteger objects at specific indexes (0-49). For some reason I can never get any values to stick in my array. Every index returns nil or 0. NSInteger timeNum = time; [theResultArray insertObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:timeNum] atIndex:rightIn...

SQL fast INSERTs with no UPDATEs

We are using a single table for Auditing in a SQL Server 2008 DB. The single table architecture works nicely, is simple to query, accommodates schema changes. But it is a major bottleneck for the entire DB. All INSERTS and UPDATES have to go through the audit table. We already use NOLOCK HINT for SELECT statements. Since there are no...