
unable to install gems using `sudo`

I have just setup a new Ubuntu 10.04 PC and am trying to install some gems. gerhard@superserver:~$ sudo gem install rake ERROR: does not appear to be a repository ERROR: could not find gem rake locally or in a repository gerhard@superserver:~$ I thought it was because my HTTP_PROXY was set incorrectly (I a...

ClickOnce problem - will not run from menu shortcut

Tried to create a ClickOnce install. Inside internal network. It runs once after Setup (automatically). Then when run from menu item it does not run. Closer examination in Task manager reveals its in there as a "process" (not application), but not visible. If you update ("publish") the app again it will run once from the menu shortcut, ...

How to install Qt-Jambi in Eclipse in windows 7?

I am new in programming and I want to install Qt-Jambi in Eclipse in windows 7. Can you explain it to me with a step-be-step procedure? I have searched but I didn't find a easy explaining procedure or tutorial. Thanks in advance ...

How do I transfer .apk files to device using Eclipse

Gotta problem. My employer won't allow anybody access to run / line command tools on our computers. No way to run ADB (Android Debug Bridge) without that control. I'm using windows, no way to access the registry, no way to manually add cmd.exe, i've tried..) Screwing the staff is a sure way to reduce IT costs though, sigh. I notice ...

Upgraded to SDK 4.1 and can no longer install on device with OS 4.0

Each time a new SDK came out, there has been the problem with the "Base SDK" which is really a "max SDK" and backward compatible. My project builds fine after adjusting the "Base SDK" in the Project Info. But why do I get these messages on the console below the Target Info window when I change the "iOS Deployment Target" to iOS 4.0? "iO...

Custom Mercurial on Windows

There are some options for me for Mercurial on Windows (I know there is the .msi), most likely: Cygwin Bare Python I'd like to keep a custom mercurial install with some extensions (most likely for GIT/SVN Integration) for three machines (Win32 / x64). So, its likely I'd need to keep the python runtime installed as well. How would yo...

How can I install Perl version under my home using perlbrew?

I have installed perlbrew which seems like a good solution, but I get some meaningless error when actually trying to install some Perl version: $ perlbrew install perl-5.12.1 Attempting to load conf from /home/dave/perl5/perlbrew/ Fail to get (error: ) at /home/dave/perl5/perlbrew/bin/perl...

How can I install Perl modules without root privileges?

I am on a Linux machine where I have no root privileges. I want to install some packages through CPAN into my home directory so that when I run Perl, it will be able to see it. I ran cpan, which asked for some coniguration options. It asked for some directory, which it suggested ~/perl "for non-root users". Still, when I try to install ...

Magento custom attributes failing to install

I followed the tutorial at step by step to make my module install a couple of custom attributes, using Magento CE 1.4. I get to see the custom attributes on the product edit page, but whenever I ...

my memcached server have to be "flush_all" per about 12 hours ,unless the app would down soon.

my memcached server have to be "flush_all" per about 12 hours ,unless the app would down soon. if i ignore some memcached settings? my app based on java/tomcat i startup memcached by typed "nohup ./memcached -p [port] -m 8192" that all, i' can't found the configure file of my memcached server. i installing memcached by typed ta...

How to load a PEAR package

Hi, I've just installed a PEAR package (Event_Dispatcher) and I can't use the classes in that package. When I run the command pear list I see the new package, however I see that the classes in the package are saved in /usr/lib/php (I have a Mac). Is there a loading part after installing a PEAR package? How exactly do I move the files t...

What is "pointer" (PVOID) data type equivalence in Inno Setup

I'm trying to use the RegSetKeySecurity() function of Windows API, but the pSecurityDescriptor parameter is a pointer. What is "pointer" (PVOID) data type equivalence in Inno Setup? Thanks in advance ...

ClickOnce Upgrade Fails after Converting to .NET 4

Our application is .NET 3.5 deployed via ClickOnce. We just upgrade to .NET 4.0 and updated the pre-requisities appropriately. The install still works fine for first-time users or users who install via the setup HTML page. It will automatically install the .NET 4 framework for them. However, users who already have the application insta...

Recommended way to build a .NET project with selectable configurations

Suppose I have a .NET project that builds successfully. Now, I need to selectively build to different environments, such as DEV, QA, and PROD. Each require their own config files (app.config for instance) to contain corresponding connection strings and other settings. I've looked at simple pre-build scripting, such as this one from Sc...

Can I install binaries into the GAC via a VSIX installer?

I've got a hybrid installer which drops binaries on the target machine (WIX) as well as installs templates into Visual Studo (VSIX). The VSIX is stored as a binary in the installer and is installed via a custom action when the installation is finalized. It works, but there are a few issues. I could get around those issues if I could s...

How to install a Python Recipe File (.py)?

I'm new to Python. I'm currently on Py3k (Win). I'm having trouble installing a .py file. Basically, i want to use the recipes provided at the bottom of this page. So i want to put them inside a .py and import them in any of my source codes. So i copied all the recipes into a file and copied them to C:\Python3k\Lib\site-pack...

Error 1053 When Starting Windows XP Service Running Mongo DB 1.6.3

I'm trying to set up MongoDB 1.6.3 on my Windows XP SP 3 machine. I've followed the instructions from the MongoDB wiki. I can see the Windows service installed but not started. The path to the executable looks like this: "C:\Tools\mongodb-win32-i386-1.6.3\bin\mongod" --bind_ip --logpath c:/mongodb/logs/mongodb.log ...

How to install mapnik on SLES 11 64 bit?

For a customer I have to install a django webserver on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11, 64 bit (short: SLES 11). Our application makes use of mapnik 0.7.0. My development environment is Ubunto 10.44. How do I install mapnik 0.7.0 on my SLES 11 machine? My first difficulty is to compile boost. Maybe it's handy to use SUSE Linux Enterpris...

How to install python-lxml on SLES 11, 64 bit?

For a customer I have to install a django webserver on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11, 64 bit (short: SLES 11). When I add repositories from I can install python-lxml: sudo zypper install python-lxml The result is that the site-packages are installed in /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages. However when I tr...

How to "install" AS3Commons Logging in Flash?

Hi im pretty new to flash so sorry if the question is stupid, but i just can´t get the as3commons logger to run. What i did: package { import org.as3commons.logging.ILogger; import org.as3commons.logging.LoggerFactory; public class "classname" { var logger:ILogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("myLogger"); ...