
Is it something wrong with this build or it is ok ?

Hell all , I am developing an iPhone app . Now I want to test it to iPhone that is on a different location . I am sending the .mobileprovision certificate , the xcode adhoc build and a private key . but at that end the application installation failed in between . I have doubt that I have something wrong with my build as I am gettin...

adhoc app installation failed in iPhone , why ?

Hello all , I am developing an iPhone application . As the application is location aware I am testing it on a different (where I am not present). For that I am sending my friend a .mobileprovision profile and the application adhoc build. But At his end the application installation stops in between . In the device log it gives me t...

I just installed a Ubuntu Hardy server. In Python, I tried to import _mysql and MySQLdb

But, they were unable to be found!? How do I install both of them? ...

Installing Trac with Subversion 1.6

I'm trying to set up Trac on my server and have successfully installed it, compiled the bytecode and run the tracd server. The only problem is that it's not reading my SVN repository. The error I'm receiving is: Warning: Can't synchronize with the repository (Couldn't open Subversion repository /data1/repos: SubversionException: ("E...

How can I change the default editor for OS X on install?

I'm setting up an app to install on OS X. Previous versions of this app have been installed, and have associated a file type to open with the app in the Info.plist file in the app bundle. I have the same associations in the Info.plist for the new version of the app. I'd like to change the default app on install to use the new version wit...

.deb package conffiles problem

I am distributing one of my applications using a .deb package, but have a problem relating to one of the files. The distribution includes a database file which is constantly updated by the app, on a fresh install I want the installer to copy a new, empty db file onto the users system, but on an upgrade I want the installer to leave the...

Correct place to install demostration projects?

With the new Windows 7 restrictions (well, new to Windows Vista anyways), we can no longer install demo projects to *%ProgramFilesFolder%\OurApplication\demo\* since restricted users will not be able to open and modify these projects. Is there a "correct" place to install these files now? The two alternatives that I am aware of would b...

how to install unsigned android application on the device?

Hi, Currently a team of developers is working on Android application and during the development process testers already have to test the current state and report issues. So far I have simply installed the application by connecting the tester's device on my pc and hit run in the IDE. This way we waste a lot of time if an application has...

Installing new libraries on an OS X machine via terminal

I'm looking at using the tre tool provided at I'm trying to install it on my Mac OS X box via the terminal. I've followed what I believe to be the regular path to install a new library - ./configure, sudo make, sudo install. Everything seems to go swimmingly. When I then go to access the library in c, I rec...

Error installing Apache (libaprutil)

While installing apache, I got this error message: libtool: install: error: cannot install `' to a directory not ending /some_directory What's wrong? NOTE: I already figured out the issue, but since searching Google was not very helpful, I wrote up this question in the hope of helping others, and possibly myself, with...

Unable to use PIL after installing using package (Mac OS Leopard)

I'm trying to use PIL for a Google App Engine project. I've installed PIL using the installer from but it doesn't seem to do anything, or at least neither I nor Python can find the files. I'm running Python 2.5.1. ...

Installing PHP on a server, what does that mean?

Here in the tutorial on PHP I read: If your server supports PHP you don't need to do anything. Just create some .php files in your web directory, and the server will parse them for you. Because it is free, most web hosts offer PHP support. However, if your server does not support PHP, you must install PHP. Fi...

QT IDE and SDK won't install on Mac OS X

Not sure if this is SO appropriate so feel free to move. It is an IDE though. :) I want to try the QT IDE on my Snow Leopard machine but for some reason it's not wanting to install. It freezes even (the installer I mean). I am downloading the 442 meg file from this page: Anyone know why I can't get this t...

Displaying instructions to user after .deb installer completes

Is there a commonly used approach for displaying 'how to get started' instructions to a user after a .deb installer has finished installing a package? I need an approach that works for users working via a terminal as well as from a desktop environment. Server admins will probably know to check for a README file but many others won't....

Creating installers for complex cross-platform programs

I'm sketching an application deployment process for a bunch of relatively complex desktop applications. We have both native and Java apps, so the deployment must be able to check for existence of the JRE and install it if needed. Some of the apps depend on special hardware, so the deployment must also be able to launch the necessary driv...

Lowest common sql provider installed by default on windows

Can anyone tell me what data providers are installed by default on windows xp and above for accessing sql server, im looking for (and hoping) that there is a common OLEDB provider, or sql native provider that i could use (for performant reasons ODBC is out of the running) The intended provider must be installed by default as a requiremen...

IIS: Setting a script map on "Web Sites" node

Regarding setting up script maps on IIS, I am wondering what happens if I create a script map for .php files to C:\php\php.exe on the Web Sites node. Do all websites below the web Sites node, including the Default Website inherit the setting or do I manually have to add the script map to all 29 websites below the Web Sites node. ...

Why does Postgres refuse to start as service?

I try to install Postgres on Windows (Server 2003). Both versions I tried (8.3, 8.4) fail at the end of the installation because the service cannot be started. I tried with different users for the service without success. Any ideas anyone? ...

AppFabric Installation Problem

Hoping someone else has already encountered this and has a solution... I'm trying to install the AppFabric Beta 1 caching service, on a virtual Windows Server 2008 (CacheServer1). My cache configuration information will be held in a SQL Server database on a separate server (SQLServer). As AppFabric only supports Integrated Security for ...

How do you install pycairo on Mac OS X?

This is the first time I've ever touched python, I'm trying to use a library 'cairo', but have been unable to import it getting the message Python 2.6.4 (r264:75821M, Oct 27 2009, 19:48:32) [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import cairo Traceback (mo...