
Installing SOLR 1.4 with plug-ins on Windows

Hey guys I installed Tomcat, and got SOLR version 1.3 working no problem by copying the "conf" directory from the "example" directory in the 1.3 release files. Now I've just downloaded the SOLR 1.4 release, but can't get it to work. I've noticed the new solrconfig.xml file in the 1.4 release "example" directory has some new settings w...

create a wizard installation package

Hi, i have the following problem: 1- I have a set of executables that must be installed sequentially 2- I have a vbs that add keys in particular path of registry of windows 3- The vbs must be dynamic and configurable I need to create one only packet that installs the set of executables and run the vbs. Furthermore tha packet must be d...

Can I install SQL 2005 x86 developer on Windows 7 Professional

Can I install SQL 2005 x86 developer on Windows 7 Professional ...

Hudson and rational functional tester

I've just installed Hudson and it is running beautifully. It builds, runs JUnit-tests and also CheckStyle analysis. Next step for us would be to create an installation, install it and then run automated tests on the actual installation. I would then like to fail the build if the tests fail or at least publish the results somehow. I thin...

Best practice for easy deployment of multiple solutions

One of our product will consist of multiple SharePoint solutions. Now we're wondering what would be the best way to provide an easy deployment to our customers? At the moment we deploy each solution by hand, which is OK during development process but not acceptable for our customers. For your information, we're using VSeWSS 1.3 for deve...

How do I install .NET 2.0 SP2 without .NET 3.5 SP1 on Windows Vista?

We recently added a feature to our software that requires .NET 2.0 SP2. This is not a problem on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 since we can just include the redistributable for .NET 2.0 SP2 in our installation. On Windows Vista and later, .NET is more tightly integrated into the OS (I'm not sure exactly how), and there doesn't appear...

Missing Project Templates in Visual Studio (after reinstall)

I uninstalled VS2008 Pro and installed VS2008 Team Suite. Now I missing all the Windows Project types. Console, WinForm, and WPF. These projects are missing for C# and VB.NET. I choose Full install. I still have templates for Silverlight and MBUnit (I assume from Silverlight SDK and Gallio installs) Before I do a simple uninstall / re...

How to: Programmatically detect if MSXML parser (version 3+) is installed or not

Hi All, Can anyone help me out, how to detect if MSXML parser is installed on a machine or not. I looked for a registry entry,but unable to get one. I am writing a VB.NET application. Thanks in advance :) ...

Could not receive a message from the device (iPhone)

I built and run an iPhone application on iPod Touch 2.2.1 device, got some problems and made a fix attempt. Now trying to re-build & run the application gives two (2) error popup notes: Could not receive a message from the device [OK] Google couldn't find this! The device itself is working happily, I can even launch and use the app...

how to install DotNetNuke_Community_05.02.00_Source

Hi There, Please let me know how to install and run in visual studio 2008. I keepp getting all kinds of errors Thanks in advance ...

Custom cocoa installers and application dependencies.

I am working on a Cocoa application that uses FTP and SFTP transfers, and the best way I've found to accomplish this is by using libcurl. Now I'm pretty sure that Mac OS X does not ship with libcurl installed, and even if it did it most likely wasn't built with libssh, which I would also need. The only solution I can come up with in my...

install pyquery on windows

Hi! I want to install pyquery on windows. But i cant run install on the command line. Do you have any hint? ...

Installing PostgreSQL and pyscopg2 on Snow Leopard

I'm still a complete beginner in the field of web development and I'm trying to set up the Django environment. I'm reading "the definitive guide to django" to start my practice. I'm running Snow Leopard (10.6.2) on a macbook 2.1GHz. It came with Python 2.6.1. Since Snow Leopard cam with Python 2.6.1 preinstalled, so I didn't do any ext...

Install reporting services 2005 on a web server

I have a SQL box and a web box; the SQL box is close to capacity. I'd like to install reporting services and thought about installing it on a SQL instance i would install on the web box, and only use that instance for reporting services. Is this a good option? What pitfalls will I have if I try to do this? ...

.NET Windows Service installation problem on Windows 7 and 2008

Hello, I have problem installing simple Windows Service, my code looks like this: using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.ServiceProcess; using System.Threading; namespace Tools.FileMonitorService { public class Service : System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase { ...

Installation of Expression Studio 3 fails

Trying to install Expression Studio 3 on an XP box with 3GB of RAM and amazingly the install fails with Out Of Memory error. And the install truly does take up a huge amount of RAM. Am I missing something? Or does it require more that 3GB (never seen that before). ...

problem in installing ad-hoc1 provision on device

i am having problem in installing provision it gies me error that "A validcode signing identity is not found in your keychain" I have tried all the possble soluton given on and also on My device before had 3.1.1 OS but it was not supprted by my Xcode version so i installed #.0 on device. so is i...

Eclipse not loading android SDK

I have an ubuntu 8.04 x86_64 system. I installed the ia32 libraries and manually installed(i.e. untarred) Eclipse Galileo JEE. I then installed android's ADT-0.9.5 by downloading the zip file and pointing the software source as archive. Now I need to add the android SDK in Windows->preferences->android. However, when I select the SDK di...

How to install mingw manually?

Once I saw gcc version 4 at host page of mingw,I managed to download the whole package and install the new package,but it turns out a lot of mistakes(create process errorwhile run gcc and give out non-meaningful code) and Now I have to rollback to the orginal automatical installed version. My question is: is there anyone have suc...

Upgrade installation results in duplicate entry for installed software (FindRelatedProducts not executed)

I try to perform a major upgrade with my MSI installer with a quiet installation. The installer already works well when using a normal installation with a full user interface. In this case the old product is uninstalled because FindRelatedProducts action (from the UI sequence in FolderForm) detects my previously installed version. When...