
Should I worry about redistributing .NET runtime with my application?

I would like to avoid redistributing .NET runtime if possible with my application since it will increase the size of the application, download time, development time & will possibly introduce many different deployment errors. Does Microsoft force users to update .NET runtime via Windows update? If not, what are some of the options to red...

How do I add CRRedist2008_x86.msi to Visual Studio Deployment Project?

I need to add CRRedist2008_x86.msi to my deployment project as it is a requirement for my app. However, I want it to run automatically. I don't want it to be just added as a file and then the user has to click on it for it to run after my app installs. Can someone guide my on how to do this? It seems like it should be very easy but ...

Installing a Windows Service with dependencies

Hi all, My installer program doesn't suppport installing services but I can run a program/command line etc so my question is how can I install a Windows Service and add 2 dependencies using the command line? The program is a .Net 2.0 app. Thanks ...

WIX - Creating Shortcut to desktop for an existing file on the filesystem

I've been tasked with creating some shortcuts to the desktop when our app installs. Most of these shortcuts belong to our own app and its deployed files but a couple belong to other executables that already exist on the target system (such as Sharepoint Central Admin). For the shortcuts I need to deply for our own app I think an unadver...

Is there a way to delete an output file in a post-build event.

I'm trying to run a post-build batch file on a .NET build that encrypts an output file, deletes the original and then renames the encrypted version to the original output filename. i.e.: Build A, then in post-build: Encrypt A->B DEL /F A RENAME B A I can't seem to delete the original output file after encryption though as it seems lik...

Running a J2EE/Grails app as a windows desktop application

I'd like to do the following but am not sure if it can be done and if so how. Create a Grails application on my local machine and test it. Then somehow package it up along with the Jetty server, and install it on a users desktop. The installer would put an icon in the start menu that would launch the server and load the start page in eit...

Domain compatibility: where should shared data be written?

Hi all, We've written an application that works fairly well in XP, but is having serious migration issues to Vista and Windows 7, probably due to where user data is being written. The use case is this: Individual users need to log in to the machine and use it to acquire data. Supervisor users need to be able to look over the shoulder ...

Distributing a program in linux without the source

I want to be able to distribute a program in Linux without distributing the source with it. The current solution is distributing a tar.gz with a precompiled binary. What is the easiest way to have this binary be placed in the Applications Menu? Is there a way to do this that is common across most linux distributions, but Ubuntu, Fedora, ...

how to make my program not run on other computers? (C#)

I have an assignment, and it has (amongst others) two demands: make an installer make it so that if it is installed on one computer, anyone trying to run the same files on another computer will fail. I'm using VS9 (2008) express, I think I can do the installer part, but I'm not sure how to do the "security" part. I don't need any har...

Is there a free/open source wget-like Windows program with graphical progress?

I am writing a WiX-based installer for our software. I need to download some non-trivial dependencies (like Sql Server Express 2008), then install them. I could just use wget, but having the console open to show progress could be very confusing for non-technical people. Instead, I have been looking for a program that works just like w...

How to create a robust, minimal installer for Windows?

I want to create an installer EXE with some specific properties: it should be a single exe file it should be robust (i.e. the technique should be known to work well on any Windows system) it should create only a single file (a .scn screensaver file) in %systemroot% it should add the option to uninstall that particular file in "Control ...

how to create folder in %windir%/installer/{.....} from visual studio 2008 installer project

Hi! This question is related to my question about how to create a clean minimal setup here: I managed to create a simple msi installer in visual studio 2008 that does nothing else than installing a .scn file into %systemroot% and it also add...

Creating Visual Studio Style Installer

I am trying to figure out how to create an installer that looks and behaves like the VS2008 installer. Does anyone know what MS used and whether there is something like it out there for public consumption? ...

Creating installer wizard for multiple VMs

I need to build an installer that deploys one virtual appliance OVF multiple times into VMware ESX servers, and custom-configures each one. I want the user to provide hostnames, IP addresses, and some other information for each VM and then have the installer tool automatically deploy the VMs without requiring the user to follow a list ...

Where do I install my shortcuts to if I want to put them in the Vista/7 "Games" Folder in the start menu?

As a game developer, I would like for my games to be placed in the proper directory. But I don't know where to install the shortcuts to, any help? ...

Detecting and suppressing REINSTALLMODE=v switch

Summary:: is it possible to detect REINSTALLMODE=v switch (passed to the msiexec) from within the WiX script code and disable it? Story. Our software has been using auto-updates delivered with MSI minor upgrades (downloaded automatically and invoked as REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus). This was version 1.x. Obviously, minor upgrades...

Installer only installs to root on x64 systems

My MSI installer created with Visual Studio 2008 refuses to install the app in the designated directory and instead will only install the app in the root directory. If I take the same MSI and install in on an x86 system the installer installs the app in the directory specified. I am developing the app and MSI on Server 2008 and Win7 RC...

Good Webserver for Out-Of-Box Deployment

The company I work for is starting a project that will probably require a web-server and database to be deployed on the clients system. There are a couple of reasons why we want to ship with a webserver: We need to send and receive data between machines, and we don't want to force customers to setup a network file-system We need to hav...

Parsing the output of /usr/sbin/installer

I'm writing what is basically a frontend to installer services on many platforms. One of the things that I (obviously) would like to know is whether an installation has succeeded. On most platforms it's easy: just check the return code / exit code of the installer. However, it isn't so easy on the Mac (using /usr/sbin/installer), because...

How to convert a string version value to a numerical value in Inno Setup Scripts?

I want to develop a setup package for conditionally upgrading an existing package. I want to check the existing software version against to-be-installed version. In order to do that, I have to compare the version strings. How can I convert the string value to a numerical value in a Inno setup script? RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACH...