
How to differentiate between Vista SP1 and Server 2008 at install

I have a Wix installer which should be allowed to run on Windows Server 2008 but not on Vista. According to Microsoft's Operating System Properties page, this is not possible using the parameters they provide for this purpose (VersionNT and WindowsBuild). Has anyone solved this problem or know how to solve it? Thanks! ...

How can I exclude a folder from a .NET installer for a website?

We have an installer for a website of ours which works great, I exclude the web.config and a few other files when creating the installer. However I can't seem to exclude a folder. Is this possible? I've created the installer using the .NET built in Web Setup Project found in the visual studio group Other project types > Setup and Deploy...

Applet / Web based installer permissions

I'm trying to write an (trusted) applet based installer that registers my code as a URL or MIME handler, so that it can auto-open whenever the user clicks a particular link. Do I need any special permissions (apart from the applet being Trusted) and does it pop up a massive number of warning boxes? ...

How to make a .NET Windows Service start right after the installation?

Besides the service.StartType = ServiceStartMode.Automatic my service does not start after installation Solution Inserted this code on my ProjectInstaller protected override void OnAfterInstall(System.Collections.IDictionary savedState) { base.OnAfterInstall(savedState); using (var serviceController = new ServiceController(thi...

How to change app.config from the MSI installer, designed on Visual Studio?

I have this .NET application which use Settings.settings and app.conf as configuration repositories instead of the Windows Registry. It seems pretty easy to ask questions to the user during the installation and write the responses to the Windows Registry, but I have not found yet a way to write the responses to the app.config file. Does ...

Windows installer for Eclipse plugin

I'd like to create Windows installer, which follows these steps: warn user to exit all programs introduce the extension to be installed if appropriate, ask the user for the name of the registered owner and for the license key display the extension's licensing agreement and ask the user to accept recommend a location on the disk to inst...

Double-click installer in Ubuntu?

I'm trying to update our installer so a user can simply double-click on a file and have all the dependencies and our software installed easily. This is a suite of applications that will are deployed on a clean Ubuntu 8.04 installation. I have investigated making a .deb file, but listing the dependencies doesn't work because there is no I...

WiX XmlFile ElementPath multiple results

I've just used the WiX XmlFile element with an ElementPath that matches multiple XML nodes and it just updates the first one, rather than all of the ones that match. Is this a bug in WiX? Can anyone suggest a workaround for this? ...

Error 1606. Could not access network location %SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot\ while installing on IIS7

I'm trying to port our software installer which currently supports Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 to a Windows 2008 environment. Currently, the installer gets an error which reads "Error 1606. Could not access network location %SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot." %SystemDrive% is without a doubt C:\, and C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ has the correct a...

Why does InstallShield ask for a restart?

I have an installshield installer that works fine under normal circumstances. But when I run it while a particular software is running, the installer asks for a restart at the end. Now on some research I have come to learn that a restart is asked only when the installer wants to modify files that are currently locked by other processes....

how can you debug this error? The <service name> service could not be started. The service did not report an error.

The service could not be started. The service did not report an error. I encounter this error whenever I install a windows service project in the command line. It's true that there's an error in my code, but how can I find that error with this kind of error message? ...

Customizing Repair option in MSI

I have a Visual Studio Setup Project that is very basic except for one modification. I have two different libraries that I would like installed based on the user's selection. I added a checkbox screen and conditions to the files. They can install either component or both components. This all works fine. Now for my requirement. Let'...

Click Once Deploy/Setup Project

Hi, im getting the following errors when i set ProjectProperties->Publish->Options->Publish Language to German: Warning 1 Could not match culture 'de-DE' for item 'Windows Installer 3.1'. Using culture 'en' instead. * Warning 2 Could not match culture 'de-DE' for item '.NET Framework 3.5'. Using culture 'en' instead. Im using German ...

windows silent net installer for Installing Jre,application jars with no user interaction through firefox plugin

Hi, Need silent net installer for Installing Jre, application jars & java browser Plugin with no user interaction, via firefox plugin. Please let me know at earliest. Regards Anand. ...

How to find list of installed Eclipse features from external program?

I am preparing windows installer for my Eclipse plugin. I want install it into target eclipse product using P2 director. I am targetting only Eclipse 3.5 for now. Installer should check that prerequisite features/plugins are already installed. I am not sure how to do this check. (Other reason for this check is to choose what other featu...

Cannot add folders and files to Windows Installer package

I' m using Visual Studio to create windows installer package, i can't add the folders and data files needed for the application. I create the folders needed for the application in the 'application folder'(under 'File System on Target Machine'), then add files into the appropriate folders, and when i install the application and go to the ...

How to distribute an installer which contains a bootstrapper

Due to severe limitations of the Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) system it is required to create a bootstrapper in order to install multiple MSI files (due to pre/post-requisites). However, this introduces an distribution problem because you now have multiple files that need to be included with the distribution. There are of course mul...

Should a windows Installer create desktop shortcut icons?

I hate auto-created desktop shortcut icons, but some folk seem to think that unless your installer clutters up your desktop, it hasn't worked correctly! Are there definite guidelines on this for Windows , or is it wholly personal choice? (Having a "Leave clutter on my desktop?" checkbox in the installer is one option, but to my mind, t...

Custom Installer Class

Hi everyone, I'm working on a project which needs some third party components prequisites to be installed before installing my .NET Application. Can someone tell me how to do it ?? I'm using .NET prequisites components to install the components like (.NET Framework 3.5,Windows installer 3.1,Crystal Reports) but what if i have some third...

Setup Default Location Doubt

Hi , How to change the [TARGETDIR] of my setup project programatically when i use Installer Class Please help me urgent..... ...