
Windows Multiple User Application Best Practices

I am developing a WPF application that will hook into a SQLLite database and I have a number of reservations around multiple users: When I install my application should I assume that each windows user account will mean only one user of my application or should I include a login for my app (drawback is that the user will have to log in ...

Is there a Standard or Best Practice for Perl Programs, as opposed to Perl Modules?

I've written any number of perl modules in the past, and more than a few stand-alone perl programs, but I've never released a multi-file perl program into the wild before. I have a perl program that is almost at the beta stage and is going to be released open source. It requires a number of data files, as well as some external perl modu...

Installer can't remove previous version

I use a visual studio setup & deploy project to install my components of my application. This has worked sucessfully with other applications and to allow the current version to install over the top of previous versions usually means just setting a property on the install project namely RemovePreviousVersions and setting that to true. I...

What time/date do you stamp your deployed data/exe files when they appear on the target system?

It seems a good and clean thing to ensure that your deployed files appear on the target system with a consistent time/date. Many Applications seem to do this but other than for care of overwriting Users' existing data I guess it has no real significance. I'm having a purge on my installer packaging and I'd like to know if there any good ...

.net and java deployment

dear all we have a website developed in java and .net. it works fine. but now we want to develop a installer in .net for the deployment of website. which should deploy both modules means java and .net . i know about custom installer in .net but how can i deploy java module through this installer??????? ...

How to find version of an application installed using c#

How to find version of an application installed, using c#. Is there a way to know component id of application? EDIT: I need to get version of an already installed application.This is required for generating the diagnostics report on users machine. Example:Version of Outlook 2007 installed on a user's machine ...

Change MS Patch custom language

How can I change the default UI language when installing a patch/update? The problem is that the patch takes the initial language in which the setup to be patched was installed and not the current system language (defined in Regional Settings/Advanced Options). I wonder if there is a property or a switch that I can pass to a msp file to...

Installer won't remove windows service

When I try to install over a previous version I get the error "The specified service already exists" I stop the service before the installation and the services.msc snap-in is closed also. I use a visual studio setup and deployment project. ...

How disable an application to be installed for all users ?

I am trying to make an application installer, it needs to install an amount of read/writeable files to user application data. But when i install that only happens for the user installing the project. The instalation wizard aks if the application should be installed of only the current user or everyone, how can I prevent my user selectin...

Conditional installation with Wix

Is it possible to have a conditional installation configuration, slaved wth the Visual Studio configuration environment? For example, selecting DEBUG or RELEASE configuration, Wix selects different executables in the built installation. Basically I shall build different installations from the same projects, but they differs by the comp...

Clickonce authentication proxy

Someone know if there is a way to make clickonce to work behinda a authentication proxy? ...

Deploy an hta file in an exe or msi file

I've written an HTA file frontend for our web app that allows the web app to run without web browser status bars etc, and allows it to access the local system for certain tasks. I need a way to deploy this to customers. I need an installer to supply an hta file, an ico file, and add a link to them in the start menu and on the users desk...

inno setup install script and windows 7

any recommendations about those inno setup scripts so the compiled install run smoothly on windows 7? ...

Can't import matplotlib

I installed matplotlib using the Mac disk image installer for MacOS 10.5 and Python 2.5. I installed numpy then tried to import matplotlib but got this error: ImportError: numpy 1.1 or later is required; you have 2.0.0.dev8462. It seems to that version 2.0.0.dev8462 would be later than version 1.1 but I am guessing that matplotlib got co...

How to show only Major and Minor version usinf WIX

Hi.. Using WIX installer earlier we were showing full dll version (it was static), but now we changed it to dynamic. So I get dll version like 4.5.3422.2319 Using this my setup shows whole version. But I want to show only Major and Minor version i.e. 4.5 only. So can you please help me in doing so. ...

unit testing of installer

What is the best process where code is checkedin by developers, installer is created by build engineer and release to QA to test the installer. Should the installer be release to QA without unit testing by Dev. If dev do some changes then they should wait until QA to report bugs.Or if installer first given to dev for unit testing and on...

How to make it easy for users to install my software? Does the programming language matter?

I'm a beginner to intermediate programmer and I've learned some java and C#. I want to start thinking about making some simple programs that I can release to the world. Just some basic stuff like calendar software that will probably be free. Users want the install process to be quick and easy. To install a java program, I have to tel...

How do I fix the python installer's 'missing dependencies' error?

Background: running ubuntu So I downloaded the python "install from source" tarball. I ran make and got this error message: Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules were not found: _aaa _bbb _ccc ... _jjj _kkk I google'd and found one solution is to: MANUALLY map all the string names from the error me...

Does an application installer OUTPUT anything?

For example if App-A tries to installed App-B. Is there any way for App-A to know when App-B is finished installing and can be run? update to be specific I am trying to install ChromeSetup.exe on windows using AIR 2. update 2 Good information guys, after reviewing all your answers is seems like I should run the installer with the -ms...

Handling Uninstall for Current User Installation

I have an addin for outlook which is installer per user.The installer copies the dlls and user specific registry entries.I using VS2008 vdproj for generating msi installer. When two user on a machine install this addin and if one of the user uninstall it, all the dlls will be removed from the ProgramFiles/App directory. Is there a wor...