
Converting Byte array to Int-likes in C#

BitConverter.ToUInt16() expects the bytes to be reversed, i guess that's how they are stored in memory. But how can I convert it when it's not reversed, w/o modifying the array? Byte[] ba = { 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 }; BitConverter.ToUInt16(ba, 2); // is 1536/0x0600, but I want 6/0x0006 ...

XSD - xs:nonNegativeInteger and values ending with .00

I realize that the value 0.00 is not a valid nonNegativeInteger, nor is it even an Integer. Unfortunately, the data is coming in that format. I don't want to throw it away if it ends with .0 but, I also don't want to change the type to Decimal and possibly have values ending in .1 coming in as valid. Is there a way my XSD can validate ...

Strange integer value causing segmentation fault

I got a function find_nodes() with a loop inside: for (htmlNodePtr current_node=root_node ; current_node!=NULL ; current_node=current_node->next) { if (xmlHasProp(current_node,(xmlChar *)"href")) { if (xmlHasProp(current_node,(xmlChar *)attribute)) { if (strcmp(value, (char *)xmlGetProp(c...

How to convert strings numbers to integers in a list?

I have a list say: ['batting average', '306', 'ERA', '1710'] How can I convert the intended numbers without touching the strings? Thank you for the help. ...

how to do a select max in django

I have a list of objects how can I run a query to give the max value of a field: I'm using this code: def get_best_argument(self): try: arg = self.argument_set.order_by('-rating')[0].details except IndexError: return 'no posts' return arg rating is an integer ...

How to check if the binary representation of an integer is a palindrome?

How to check if the binary representation of an integer is a palindrome? ...

Ruby Difference Between Integer Methods

What is the difference between 10.6.to_i and 10.6.to_int ? ...

Large Numbers in Java

How would i go about doing calculations with extremely large numbers in Java? i have tried long but that maxes out at 9223372036854775807, and when using an integer it does not save enough digits and therefore is not accurate enough for what i need. Is there anyway around this? ...

Workarounds for JavaScript parseInt octal bug

Try executing the following in JavaScript: parseInt('01'); //equals 1 parseInt('02'); //equals 2 parseInt('03'); //equals 3 parseInt('04'); //equals 4 parseInt('05'); //equals 5 parseInt('06'); //equals 6 parseInt('07'); //equals 7 parseInt('08'); //equals 0 !! parseInt('09'); //equals 0 !! JavaScript, I just learned (the hard way), t...

Java Deserialization of java.lang.Integer - Exception

Recieved the following exception when deserializing a HashMap<String, Integer>: java.lang.Integer; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 1360826667802527544, local class serialVersionUID = 1360826667806852920 Serialized and deserialized on the same machine, with the same JRE. JDK 1...

go beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE constraints in Java

Setting aside the heap's capacity, are there ways to go beyond Integer.MAX_VALUE constraints in Java? Examples are: Collections limit themselves to Integer.MAX_VALUE. StringBuilder / StringBuffer limit themselves to Integer.MAX_VALUE. ...

how to have 64 bit integer on PHP?

does someone know how to have 64 bit integer on PHP? it seems like it is not by config file but rather it might be a compile time option and it depends on the platform? ...

How to parse a string to an integer without library functions?

Hi, I was recently asked this question in an interview: "How could you parse a string of the form '12345' into its integer representation 12345 without using any library functions, and regardless of language?" I thought of two answers, but the interviewer said there was a third. Here are my two solutions: Solution 1: Keep a dictiona...

Determining if a variable is within range? (Ruby)

I need to write a loop that does something like: if i (1..10) do thing 1 elsif i (11..20) do thing 2 elsif i (21..30) do thing 3 etc... But so far have gone down the wrong paths in terms of syntax. Any help would be much appreciated. ...

what precaution to take when doing something like $price = (int) ( (0.1+0.7) * 10 ); and getting 7 as the answer

in PHP echo (int) ( (0.1+0.7) * 10 ); or in Ruby p ((0.1+0.7) *10).to_i the result is 7 instead of 8. it might be really hard to catch for such pitfalls. i think if in North America, it is less of a problem because we calculate prices up to how many cents, so $17.28 or $17.29 might be less of a problem. But in country like Chin...

Recieving 16 bit integers in python

I'm reading 16 bit integers from a piece of hardware over the serial port. Using python, how can I get the LSB and MSB right, and make python understand that it is a 16 bit signed integer I'm fiddling with, and not just two bytes of data? ...

Convert string to integer

I need help in my code. I would like to write only numbers/integer in my textbox and would like to display that in my listbox. Could someone please check my code below. This seems to give an error. int yourInteger; string newItem; newItem = textBox1.Text.Trim(); if ( newItem == Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text)) { ...

difference in long vs int data types in C++

What's the difference between int and long in C++ since both: sizeof(int) ... and sizeof(long) return 4? ...

Is there a better way than int( byte_buffer.encode('hex'), 16 )

In Python, I'm constantly using the following sequence to get an integer value from a byte buffer (in python this is a str). I'm getting the buffer from the struct.unpack() routine. When I unpack a 'char' using byte_buffer, = struct.unpack('c', raw_buffer) int_value = int( byte_buffer.encode('hex'), 16 ) Is there a better way? ...

Mapping two integers to one, in a unique and deterministic way

Imagine two positive integers A and B. I want to combine these two into a single integer C. There can be no other integers D and E which combine to C. So combining them with the addition operator doesn't work. Eg 30 + 10 = 40 = 40 + 0 = 39 + 1 Neither does concatination work. Eg "31" + "2" = 312 = "3" + "12" This combination operation...