
Changing tab order in editor window of Intelli-J IDEA

Does anyone know whether it is possible to change the tab order that tabs are displayed in the Intelli-J IDEA? Sometimes it is handy to have two specific tab together so that it is easier to switch between them using either the mouse or 'ALT+LEFT' and 'ALT+RIGHT' respectively. If the two tabs are together it reduces the keystrokes requ...

How do I increase allocated memory in jvm for Grails commands on IntelliJ IDEA 9 Beta ?

I use Windows Vista , 4GB RAM , Core2 I have tested with this idea.exe.vmoptions : -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -ea -agentlib:yjpagent=disablej2ee,disablecounts,disablealloc,sessionname=IntelliJIdea90 ...

What is the best IDE to develop Android apps in?

I am about to start developing an android app and need to get an IDE. Eclipse and the android eclipse plugin appears to be the natural choice. However I am familiar with intelliJ and re-sharper so I would prefer use intelliJ. Has anyone used"> Is this any goo...

Copy and pasting multiple items to the clipboard in Intelli-J IDEA

In Intelli-J IDEA is to possible to have multiple items in your clipboard and selectively choose the item before pasting. Also, what would the keyboard shortcuts be? ...

Limiting IntelliJ IDEA import suggestions on completion

When I type the name of a class which will need to be imported, IntelliJ lovingly pops up with a list of suggestions. However, most of the time those suggestions are things I'd never want to import, especially by accident -- like java.awt.*. Is there a way to prevent the packages I'll never import from appearing in the completion list? ...

How to clear the IntelliJ project index?

I've run into trouble that makes me suspect there is a bad index file that needs to be cleared. The symptoms are: Cmd+N will only find a subset of classes in the project Trying to run JUnit test on a package won't find the test classes in that package. Before suspecting a bad index I reinstalled IntelliJ 8.1.3, then I removed and re-...

How to move IntelliJ file tabs?

In IntelliJ, when you open a bunch of source files, is there a way to rearrange the order of the file tabs? In Eclipse you can drag and drop but I don't see a way to do this in IntelliJ. ...

Grails 1.1 and how to info level logging

Which setting do I now use to produce logging output with '' statements within my own controllers? Here's what I've setup in config.groovy and I thought placing my domain under the info level would do the trick but it doesn't. Neither does placing the groovy.grails.web.* packages under info section.. log4j = { error 'org.c...

How do I enable Grails support in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 9.0 BETA?

The IntelliJ Groovy/Grails support in IntelliJ IDEA 8.1 is great. However, I've recently upgraded to the new and recently open-sourced IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 9.0 BETA. Since updating to the new version the Grails support seems to have disappeared. I'm no longer able to choose the option "Grails application" when creating a new...

Restoring the IntelliJ IDEA "Project tab"

By default the IntelliJ IDEA interface contains the following tabs/panels: Project (tabbed to the left) Structure (tabbed to the left) Commander (tabbed to the right) Ant Build (tabbed to the right) IDEtalk (tabbed to the right) Maven Projects (tabbed to the right) Data Sources (tabbed to the right) TODO (tabbed at the bottom) Web Prev...

intelliJ Find Usages

In Netbeans the Find Usages feature only finds usages in java doesnt find usages in JSP code. Does intelliJ find usages for a method in a JSP scriptlet as well? ...

will installing several IDEs cause problems

I'm trying to evaluate a number of IDEs like Eclipse, intelliJ, Aptana, etc. to see which one suits my needs. My question is should I expect any problems from installing several IDEs on the same computer? I know that some IDEs are based on others (Aptana is eclipse-based) but intelliJ isn't), so would there be any problem installing both...

IntelliJ IDEA hint parameters of method

I'm just swapping from eclipse to IntelliJ, and I can't find this particular feature. In Eclipse, when the cursor is inside the brackets of a method-call and I press Ctrl+Space, it tells me which parameters this method takes. Is there something similiar in IDEA? ...

Intellij Community can't use http proxy for Maven

I have Intellij IDEA Community installed on a Linux box that needs to use an authenticated proxy to get to the Internet. I have a system-wide proxy on the box that works, and I have the proxy configured in ~/.m2/settings.xml. Maven correctly uses the proxy when I run try it from the command-line. I have the same proxy configured with...

IntelliJ getter/setter format

How can you get IntelliJ to generate getter/setters on one line like this: public String getAbc() { return abc; } Instead of public String getAbc() { return abc; } ?? ...

Ignoring large files in IntelliJ file search

We have a large file (9mb) in our SVN project structure. Whenever I Ctrl-Shift-F (find-in-files) in IntelliJ and search, I get the popup "large file encountered" asking me if I want to search within this file. Is there a way to permanently disable this popup, either globally or for this specific file? ...

Working with modules in IntelliJ IDEA

As I understand, using modules allows us to control some dependencies. I mean that we can allow one module to interact with another one but not vise versa. We also can make some reusable things and we can make deploying easier, if, for example, put all tests stuff into a separate module and won't deploy it to production. I haven't eve...

Junit import using * wildcard

I've noticed that when importing JUnit, the * wildcard doesn't always work. e.g. for the annotation @Test you must import org.junit.Test since org.junit.* doesn't recognize the annotation. Is there a reason for this, is it something that needs setting? or just a quirk in the way somethings like JUnit are. FYI, I am using: Junit 4.6, In...

Vibrant Ink theme for IntelliJ IDEA

I've been trying unsuccessfully for about the last hour to find a ported version of the Vibrant Ink theme for IntelliJ IDEA. Can't find a working link to it anywhere! Does anyone else use this theme for IDEA and if so do you know where to get a ported version of it? ...

Compiler difference between IntelliJ and Eclipse

I have a class that looks like the following. This class compiles fine on Eclipse build 20090920-1017: public class MyScheduledExecutor implements ScheduledExecutorService { ... public <T> List<Future<T>> invokeAll(Collection<Callable<T>> tasks, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { ... } ...