
How to use Intellij IDEA to its full functionality ?

Ok. I need to use Intellij to its full functionality and I want to buy this book: IntelliJ IDEA in Action The last version of Intellij is v8 (v9 very soon), but the book presents the v5. Is it a go...

How to debug JSP running inside a portlet in WebSphere 5.0.2 with Intellij IDEA?

I'm trying to remote debug JSPs using "JSR45 Compatible Server" configuration type in IDEA. My breakpoints do work in *.java files (after some dark magic tweaks, though) but breakpoints inside JSP don't. I tried settings breakpoints inside or outside scriptlets, in tag invocations, etc - none worked. WebSphere 5.0.2 runs on java 1.3. ...

IntelliJ Community Edition - How to import an Eclipse project?

There seems to be no eclipse support in the IntelliJ Community Edition. Do you know a smart way to import an eclipse project into IntelliJ Community Edition? See also ...

What's the best book for IntelliJ IDEA?

I want to use Intellij IDEA but it's hard to me to use it well. I even don't know how to run a simple web application. T.T Is there any easy and good book for me? Thanks. ...

Am I missing something about the Intellij announcement?

There seems to be a lot of press regarding the announcement that Intellij is being made available for free as an open source tool. Yet from what I read of the licenses, that's only true if the end product is open source and free. If you plan on selling your end product, you can't use the free community version. Have I misread somethin...

How do I switch to another subversion branch in Intellij?

What is the concept of switching branches in IntelliJ? I must be either blind or an idiot... I would assume there'd be a "switch to copy" option or something like that, but there is none... EDIT for clarification: my prev IDE had a simple "switch to copy" option, which updated all files being different from current branch/trunk. Intell...

IDEA Community Edition versus Eclipse

How does the IDEA Community Edition compare with Eclipse? ...

Open containing directory in Windows Explorer from IntelliJ

Is there a way (keyboard shortcut?) to open the folder of the currently opened file in Windows Explorer? What I mean is this: When a java source file is open in IntelliJ, I'd like to open Windows Explorer on the folder containing that file. Is there a short way of doing that? ...

Connecting to an instance of Grails inside Intellij from outside localhost

Not sure if this is just a minor configuration issue or otherwise, but when I run my grails app from within IntelliJ (via either run or debug), I never seem to be able to hit it from outside my localhost. So I can't hit my server from any of the other machines on the network, or from my phones when I'm trying to do WAP development. Yet, ...

IntelliJ autocomplete escape

I'm trying out IntelliJ and have one minor annoyance that I can't figure out if there is a possible solution for in IntelliJ. In Eclipse and even TextMate (as well as many other editors with autocomplete), if you are in the middle of an autocomplete section such as a string or parenthesis area, you can hit Enter or Tab to get to the end...

Use Grails production mode with Intellij IDEA

I try to running a grails application in production mode, I see the tutorial in Grails homepage, but I don't have the selectable "configuration Type". I have a Grails Script parameter field, try to use "production word", but it change nothing ; always in development mode. An idea to force "production mode" with intelliJ IDEA ? Thanks ...

Changing the version control in IDEA IntelliJ

I've changed from Git to SVN the folders which contains the project's code, but IntelliJ seems the same as before so I can't work with SVN ...

View Errors in Intellij Project

I'm new to Intellij (version 8), I've been using Eclipse. How can I view the warnings or errors for my entire project? ...

In IntelliJ how can I make it so that I use the same "Favorites" in different projects

problem is that I have to checkout a different branch for every project. and while the paths are the same, I have to load favorites every time. Its a pain. How can i get them to be the same on all projects? (windows xp intellij 7.0.5) ...

IntelliJ community Perforce plug-in

I used to love using IntelliJ but my new company doesn't spend money on IDEs. Now with the release of IntelliJ Community Edition, the only obstacle I have is that my company uses Perforce. Does anyone know if there are Perforce plug-ins that work with the Community Edition? ...

Which Mercurial plugin should I use for IntelliJ

Which of the hg plug-ins has: the least hassles causes the least trouble is prettiest ...

Best practices for IntelliJ IDEA 9 + Maven + Version control

The project is using Maven so the POM files are the main sources of project info. There are some useful settings in the project files which would be nice to keep. OTOH IDEA seems to create too many redundant changes in the project file structure which pollutes the SVN history and sometimes creates conflicts. Should I keep the .idea di...

Synchronized and local copies of variables

I'm looking at some legacy code which has the following idiom: Map<String, Boolean> myMap = someGlobalInstance.getMap(); synchronized (myMap) { item = myMap.get(myKey); } The warning I get from Intelli-J's code inspections is: Synchronization on local variable 'myMap' Is this the appropriate synchronization and why? Map<String...

'Remove middleman' IntelliJ refactoring on an empty interface

I have an interface which is now empty, and extends another interface. I'd like to remove the empty interface and use the base interface, and am trying to find the correct refactoring in IntelliJ. I've tried "remove middleman" but got "cannot perform the refactoring. The caret should be positioned at the name of the field to be refactor...

"Resource not found" when building Android app under IntelliJ 9.0 Maia Public Beta

I'm trying to port an app from Eclipse to IntelliJ. The app builds fine but it fails to run properly. Here's a partial stack trace I receive: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(957): Resource not found: "org/joda/time/tz/data/ZoneInfoMap" ClassLoader: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@43761190 at org.joda.time....