
Step through JDK source code in IntelliJ IDEA

How can I step through JDK source code in IntelliJ IDEA 7 and see the debug info? I can currently hit breakpoints and step through the code, but the debug info is not available. This means I can't see the value of local variables. I only want to step through the source code of one class, if that matters. (For what it's worth, it's th...

Intellij 7.0.3 jsp tag namespace

I am declaring a namespace and binding it in a jsp file. i then include this JSP file in other files. however, the JSP file that contains this include complains that the namespace is not bound. Is there a way I can get intellij to intelligently understand that there is a file that is included and the namespace is bound in that file? ...

Does Intellij Idea 8.1.x install and run on Mac OSX 10.6?

Does Intellij Idea 8.1.x install and run on Mac OSX 10.6 (snow-leopard)? Are there any special steps needed to get it to work? ...

Any good tutorial about developing Android apps with IntelliJ IDEA

Hi, Does anyone know any good tutorial about setting up environment and importing libraries for Android development with IntelliJ IDEA? I downloaded some Android plugins but still the IDE marks all Android objects (Activity, SurfaceHolder...) red. Thanks! ...

JSTL foreach and intellisense

With a code like this: <c:forEach items="${customers}" var="customer"> ${} </c:forEach> IntelliJ Idea is able to infer that the type of the "customer" variable in the ForEach loop is of the class "Customer" (given that Customers is something like List<Customer>). If I refactor the java customer class and change getNam...

In IntelliJ IDEA, why is the Subversion integration not working for me (all Subversion-related commands are always disabled)?

I configured IntelliJ IDEA 6.0.6 to use Subversion for version control. The Subversion menu item now appears in the context menu when I right click a Java file within the project. However, all the sub menu items are disabled: Subversion > Add Subversion > Check Subversion > Edit Properties (..) Subversion > Unlock The exceptions...

IntelilJ 8.1 with 2 GWT modules

I'm trying to add the gwt-debugpanel into my project. I'm using IntelliJ 8.1, and I've setup a stripped-down, bare-bones project for testing. The source tree looks like this: gwt-multi-module src com.gindin dummy DummyApp.gwt.xml client public DummyApp.css D...

IntelliJ: configure several Tomcat configurations with different server.xml

In IntelliJ, I would like to have different configurations to start several Tomcat instances, but with different server.xml config files. Is there a way to do this? ...

duplicate jdoconfig.xml on classpath during unit tests in Intellij IDEA (9.x pre-release)

As described here, IDEA is adding the jdoconfig.xml to the class path twice during unit test runs. Can anyone suggest a work-around for this? /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Home/bin/java -Dgwt.args=-gen /Users/jgc/Library/Caches/IntelliJIDEA9M1/gwt/recipes.recipesea699bb7/Recipes.4dd34334/test/gen -out /...

regex backreferences in IntelliJ

Hi, I want to use IntelliJ's find-and-replace feature to perform the following transformation: // Replace this model.put('foo', 'bar') // With this model['foo'] = bar I've tried the following: Text to find: model.put\((.*),(.*)\) Replace with: model\[\\1\] = \\2 But Intellij doesn't seem to recognise \\1 and \\2 as backreferences. ...

Why use Intellij, or what to do during the evaluation

I downloaded IntelliJ IDEA and started with the 30 day evaluation. Now I'm just wondering, why should I use IntelliJ for plain old java developement (so no Hibernate, JSP, etc)? It doesn't look that different from eclipse or NetBeans, so I hope some IntelliJ guru can give some examples of things IntelliJ can do to justify investing the ...

Idea Live Template to Log Method Args

I would like to be able to create a live template in Jetbrain's Idea that will log the method's arguments. Let's call it "larg". It would work like: public void get(String one, String two) { larg<tab> to create public void get(String one, String two) {"get: one = " + one + " two = " + two); I'm fine with getting t...

How can I download sources for particular Maven artifact in IDEA?

In Eclipse there is an opportunity to select a Maven artifact you have a dependency on and download sources or documentation only for it. Now I am struggling to find that functionality in IDEA. But seems to be it provides only opportunity to download sources for ALL dependencies. Or I am wrong? ...

Struts 2 integration with Tiles issue

I started to integrate struts 2 with tiles on IntelliJ environment. I searched several tutorial on the web, but I still see some wierd symbol not found issue. This is the web.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xs...

Keyboard shortcut synchronization with Eclipse and IDEA?

Hi, My time spent programming is split between what I do at work, and the programming I do at home in my spare time. At work, we use Vista machines and IntelliJ IDEA 8, whilst at home I use Mac OS X and Eclipse. As you can imagine, my ability to easily switch between the two is getting more difficult as I find the keyboard shortcuts ar...

IntelliJ navigation

I'm using IntelliJ to do Java Development for an application where we use JSF in a few places. In the .jsp file I have defined my backing class and the code runs properly. My question is: How do I set up my environment so that when I center click on the method names, which use EL format, IntelliJ navigates to the proper method in the pr...

What features do you miss most when switching from IntelliJ to XCode ?

Hi, I've started to use XCode several months ago, after using IntelliJ for several years, and there are quite a few features that I really miss. XCode is not that bad, but it is lacking some basic stuff. To trigger the discussion, here are some of the features that I miss most, who knows maybe someone from Apple will bump into this pos...

How do I turn off error validation for annotations in Intellij IDEA?

I have a developer counterpart who uses Eclipse, which inserts annotations in various positions automatically in our JUnit tests. However, when I open the test in IDEA, the annotation is underlined red, and the annotation reads "@Override is not allowed when implementing interface method". I don't really care about the annotation. It won...

Intellij module wide error analysis like R# solution wide analysis

Does IDEA have module wide error analysis like R#'s solution wide analysis? I'd like to hit F2/Alt-F12 and jump to the next error in my module. ...

IntelliJ "Debug info unavailable" - how to fix?

I have a Java Tomcat web application built in IntelliJ that calls code in another module called "Stuff". I've attached the source of the relevant code to "Stuff" so I can step into it and hit breakpoints, but I cannot see variables or their values. Watches don't work either. All I get is "Debug info unavailable". How do I see the deb...