
How do I get Intellij not to analyze my ant build files?

I'm using ant as my primary builder for a flex project in IntelliJ. Every time I build, IntelliJ runs the code analysis tool and finds a bunch of errors in my build file, which pops up the "Messages" window every time. Actually, the errors that it finds are complaining mostly about properties which are defined in a separate file, which...

Intellij idea tests compilation takes too long (compared with Eclipse)

When I "junit" some class, compilation in Idea takes about 4-5 sec. In Eclipse it takes milliseconds. What should I do to speed up Intellij Idea compilation for tests? ...

eclipse autosave plugin

Im looking for plugin for eclipse that automatically saves files(so i dont have to use Ctrl+S). it could do it on focus lost or over some period of time. I think I saw something like that(I know IDEA has it), but I cant find it now :/ ...

How to get IntelliJ IDEA to display directories?

I've been trying out IntelliJ IDEA for JavaScript editing and I'm liking it so far, but I'm having a small problem with a new project. I can't seem to be able to get IDEA to display the directories in the project dir in the Project view. Even if I manually add a directory, it refuses to display it. I think this probably has something t...

How do I make IntelliJ IDEA 8.1.x ignore an item in .gitignore

I enjoy Git support in Intellij IDEA 8.1.3. I've been doing some Grails Development on Linux with it. IDEA seems to be ignoring other files from .gitignore like /tests/reports, etc. but is not ignoring stacktrace.log. In other words changes to stacktrace.log show up in the 'changes' window The contents of my .gitignore file is: *.i...

Something simmilar to Visual Studio T4 in IntelliJ IDEA?

I am looking for something that could read external data (e.g. XML) and then generate source code file. Main reason is to have single definition file and then make Visual Studio to generate C# code and IntelliJ to generate java code. Visual Studio T4 is template engine intended to produce source code. ...

Where is Java source code for various com.sun.* packages on Leopard?

I am working on my MacBook at home, running Leopard, with the latest JDK 1.6 from Apple installed. In IDE, I'd like to browse source code for, but IDE cannot find it. Another example I'd like to browse is What JAR or ZIP do I need to add to my...

Intellij IDEA plugin for saving Java -> HTML?

Is there an IDEA plugin for pretty printing (or save/export) Java to syntax colored HTML? Failing that, what's your favorite web site for that? EDIT: I have a Java program, I want to convert the source code to HTML so that I can display it on the web. As I will be making lots of edits to the source, it would be handy to be able to con...

Gwt 1.6 in Intellij Idea 8.1

Hi! I'm try configure gwt app for debug in Idea. Seems there is no native support in Idea, so I try configure "Java application" manually. I'm set: Main class: Vm parameters: -Xmx256m Program parameters: -startupUrl test.html ru.shirtmaker.Test Check to use classpath from current module. But when I run ap...

Create hash from string and int

I remember eclipse and idea have this template to automatically create an object's hashCode based on its attributes. One of the strategies if a number and a string is used is something like this. return stringValue.hashCode() + intValue * 32; Ooor something like that. I don't have nor eclipse or idea at hand and I would like to cr...

Checking Run time in IntelliJ IDEA

How can I see how much time it took for the code to run in InteliJ? ...

How do I properly setup a multi-module Maven project with sliding release cycles

I'm trying to work out the best way to setup our multi-module Apache Maven project in a way that allows for disparate release cycles of modules, and doesn't introduce dependency issues when debugging the project. We currently have a setup along the lines of: [email protected] parent-1.1-SNAPSHOT module [email protected] parented by parent@...

How do I install a specific version of an IDEA plugin?

I have experienced problems since moving to the latest version of one of the IDEA plugins I use. I can download ZIP files of previous versions of the plugin from their website but I can't find any installation instructions for how to manually install a specific version of a plugin. Anyone know how to do this? ...

regex for that excludes matches within quotes

I'm working on this pretty big re-factoring project and I'm using intellij's find/replace with regexp to help me out. This is the regexp I'm using: \b(?<!\.)Units(?![_\w(.])\b I find that most matches that are not useful for my purpose are the matches that occur with strings within quotes, for example: "units" I'd like to find a way...

How can I automatically validate that I have an HTML Id on every element?

The testers on my project want a unique HTML ID on every page element to make their automated testing easier. It's hard for me to remember to do this, because I don't need the IDs for development. How can I ensure that I don't forget? I thought maybe something like Checkstyle could tell me, or even the "inspections" in IntelliJ - but ...

Intellij IDEA way of editing multiple lines

I've seen this done in TextMate and I was wondering if there's a way to do it in IDEA. Say I have the following code: leaseLabel = "Lease"; leaseLabelPlural = "Leases"; portfolioLabel = "Portfolio"; portfolioLabelPlural = "Portfolios"; buildingLabel = "Building"; What is the best way to append '+ "foo"' to every line? Column mod...

Bluescreen of death during Java development on a Leopard - any ideas how to solve this?

I develop using Java 5 and 6 on Intellij IDEA 7 and 9M1. From time to time (during run/compile) my Mac (10.5.7) will die with a Bluescreen of death. Has anybody else had this issue and somehow managed to solve it? If so, how? Any suggestions other than running the IDE in a VM? ...

IntelliJ IDEA 8.1.3 's Js BUG?

In IntelliJ IDE 8.1.3 when I new a javascript file named verify.js I found that verify.js 's icon chaged to a dtd file and there isn't syntax highlighting (code-colors). When I use the other file name, things work all right, but why? Details[includes pic]: ...

Run all tests in a source tree, not a package

My unit tests are in a separate directory tree from my integration tests, but with the same package structure. My integration tests need external resources (e.g. a server) to be available, but my unit tests are properly independent of each other and the environment. In IntelliJ-IDEA (v7) I have defined a JUnit Run/Debug Configuration to...

Blackberry debugging with Intellij IDEA 8.0?

I have building a Blackberry project using bb-ant-tools working just fine. However, I cannot attach to the simulator. It says it is connected, but the simulator keeps saying "Debugger Attaching" and never finishes. Has anyone gotten this to work? ...