
launch sms application with an intent...

hey! I have a question about an intent... I try to launch the sms app... Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); intent.setType(""); int flags = Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP; ...

Android: How to catch Intent's Extras if the activity is already running?

Hi, I put a notification in the status bar with a PendingIntent (with Extras info) that points to my main app (main activity). When the user clicks the staus bar, the PendingIntent is fired and my app launches and I can read the Extras info in my onCreate() method. So far so good. But if my app is already running, the PendingIntent s...

launching mapview from main activity (button)

Hi all. Going round in circles here i think. I have an activity called Locate; public class Locate extends Activity { public static String lat; public static String lon; public static String number; public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.locate); ...

Launch Activity From URL

I am trying to have my application launch when the user browses to a certain url. I have found a few examples and they all have the same things in the manifests but it's not working for me. I have put the intent-filter under an Activity as well as a Receiver. Here is my manifest snippet: <intent-filter> <action android:name="android....

Launching Google Finance and display graph on a particular Stock, is that possible ?

I would like to do two things within my Android app : Check if the Google Finance app is installed on the device. Should be pretty straighforward, isn't it ? If yes, launch an intent to Open up Google Finance, displaying a graph on a particular Stock. So I also need to pass the stock ticker to Google Finance in some way... but is this...

How to start an Intent by passing some parameters to it?

I would like to pass some variables in the constructor of my ListActivity I start activity via this code: startActivity(new Intent (this, viewContacts.class)); I would like to use similar code, but to pass two strings to the constructor. How is possible? ...

Android: new Intent() starts new instance with android:launchMode="singleTop"

I have Activity A with android:launchMode="singleTop" in the manifest. If I go to Activity B, C and D there I have menu shortcuts to return to my applications root activity (A). The code looks like this: Intent myIntent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), MainActivity.class); startActivity(myIntent); However, instead of returning to the...

How can I receive CameraActivities result in a DIFFERENT Activity (i.e. not in the launching one)?

Hi, I hope the title says it all: I've got Activity A which fires up the Camera intent via: Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CAMERA); After the picture is taken I can easily grab the picture in: @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCod...

Android new Intent

Hi Im trying to start android market via my app to search similar products. I'm using this code. Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse("\"some txt\"")); c.startActivity(intent); This works fine but when I hit on Home button with in the market and goto home phone home s...

Receive explicit intent. Android.

Is it possible to receive an explicit intent with the component option set? Example: Starting activity: Intent { action=android.intent.action.VIEW data= flags=0x10000000 comp={} } The reason why i want to this this is because i want receive this intent above, lau...

getting maps to accept a dynamically generated KML file?

Hi. I have a button that launches the google maps app on my device via an intent. I want to be able to pass it a php page that generates a KML file. I have done this on a website before using the googlemaps api in JS - but it doesn't seem to work on Android. My php file is as follows; <?php echo '<kml xmlns="

How to establish a two-way communication between Activity and Service in different process?

Hi everyone, I'm working on establishing a two-way communication between an Activity and a Service which runs in a different process. Querying the process from the Activity is no big deal. But I want the process to notify the Activity on events. The idea behind it is this: the service runs independently from the actual app. It queries ...

Intent to be fired when a call ends?

Hi I have an already built application and I want to add a feature that has to be started when a call ends. How can I achieve that? I thought that declaring in my manifest something like this <activity android:name="Filter"> <intent-filter> <category android:name="android.intent.SOMETHING" /> </intent-filter> </a...

Notify a service from a PhoneStateListener

Hi I have built an application that listen to call state changes, and I want to notify a service when the call_state became IDLE. All the components I have are functional, I just need to notify (not start) a service for this. What's the correct practice, maybe using AIDL? Because, in a PhoneStateListener, I can't bind to a service....

Close activity via click on Android notification list. Pendingintent?

Hello Stackoverflow, I'm looking to find out how to stop an activity instead of resuming upon the click of the item on the notification list. Any ideas? Thanks! ...

Start Android intent from email

Hi! I need a good way of sending information TO the Android device that doesn't use a special server that has XML data. I would like to base this around email functionality. Lets say I send an email with some special text/link that when clicked starts and intent on the phone. I don't want to replace the users current email application....

Android - display specific contacts information [Answered]

In my application when a user clicks on a button I want to open the contacts application and display a particular contacts information. At the minute I have this: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, People.CONTENT_URI); startActivity(intent); This displays the contact application with all the contacts displayed. But how d...

Android - Switch Tabs from within an Activity within a tab.

Currently I have a TabHost implemented with 3 tabs each containing a separate activity. My question is how do I switch between tabs from within one of the activities that is located inside the tab host. I've looked everywhere and have been unsuccessful in finding a real answer to this problem. ...

android send html mail using intent

hi friends... i have generated an html code(complete with tags) as a String... now i want to send this html code as a html to mail... my code is as below.. Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType("text/html"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[]{"[email protected]"}); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJE...

Handle existing instance of root activity when launching root activity again from intent filter

Hi, I'm having difficulties handling multiple instances of my root (main) activity for my application. My app in question has an intent filter in place to launch my application when opening an email attatchment from the "Email" app. My problem is if I launch my application first through the the android applications screen and then la...