
git rebase interactive: squash merge commits together

Hi, I wanted to have a simple solution to squash two merge commits together during an interactive rebase. My repository looks like: X --- Y --------- M1 -------- M2 (my-feature) / / / / / / a --- b --- c --- d --- e --- f (stable) That is, I have a my-feature branch that has ...

Python: Read password from stdin

Scenario: An interactive CLI Python program, that is in need for a password. That means also, there's no GUI solution possible. In bash I could get a password read in without re-prompting it on screen via read -s Is there something similar for Python? I.e., password = raw_input('Password: ', dont_print_statement_back_to_screen) Al...

Python importing modules differently when run interactively/non-interactively

One of my Python scripts runs in interactive mode but fails when run from the command line. The difference is that when run from the command line, it imports modules from a bad .egg file, and when run interactively it uses my fixed (unzipped) version in the current directory. My question is two-fold: a) why does Python load modules diff...

Interactive table

I need a interactive table. By word interactive I mean "I should be able to add rows and delete them from table". Above table I have input fields. So script should take value of each input field and add to table. But in the table should be a cross (for deleting rows), and once i click on it row gets deleted. Also I ust somehow pass all...

Discovering "Stop Points" in an Interactive Quicktime Movie

Keynote lets you export a Quicktime movie that is interactive... it will automatically pause after each transition and you can click anywhere on the movie (if you're running in quicktime) to make it continue to the next slide. Does anyone know where I could learn more about this type of quicktime file? Can the QTKit library (or any oth...

Why does git show "dev/null" in status after interactive add of renamed file?

I get an unexpected appearance of "dev/null" in my git status output after interactively adding a patch for a file that was renamed. I'm wondering if this is expected and there is some good reason for this behavior, or if this could be a bug. Below is a simple illustration of how to reproduce this. In my real-world scenario, it's a bit ...

losing stdout in R console on Mac OS X

I'm working on a big Sweave document/script on a Mac OS X system, R version 2.9.2. Under some circumstances, it appears as if Sweave is redirecting stdout, so that x <- 1; print(x) gives nothing at all. (The console is still running, as plot(x) pops up a plot as normal.) So, two questions: How do I force stdout to go back to the consol...

platform for doing interactive text app on Windows Mobile 5?

Hi all, I'm working on a WM5 application which requires the followings: Display formatted text Interactive text. E.g. clickable text, draggable text As far as I've tried, WebBrowser of .NET CF supports the former, but it is not very strong in the latter -- there's no way of telling which text is clicked. So if you're me, which progr...

(Tcl/Expect) clear screen after exit

I want to clear the screen (on the local machine) after exiting from my (semi) interactive expect script. Can I do that from within the script? Here's what I tried, that failed. #!/usr/bin/expect -f set env(TERM) vt100 spawn ssh -Y username@domain set user username set pass password #login sequence expect "password: " send "${pass}\r"...

Interactive Python GUI

Python have been really bumpy for me, because the last time I created a GUI client, the client seems to hang when spawning a process, calling a shell script, and calling outside application. This have been my major problem with Python since then, and now I'm in a new project, can someone give me pointers, and a word of advice in order f...

interactive communication console programs(like client-server) windows

I have two console programs (ex. first - client, second - server). Do Windows have a command or resource to connect it? Client ask question, Server answer. Anyone encountered this problem? (just win) ...

interactive tasks (question to participants of acm,ioi etc) - realization.

You well know tasks in olympiads, where solution's input is output of same module. Server.exe's output is Client.exe's input, and in another direction. How do you think it's testing under Windows? I try to made personal testing system. More formally: You have: 1) a.exe and b.exe 2) stdout of a.exe is stdin of b.exe and in another direct...

Tool for interactive dev environment setup and tasks

I'm looking for a tool allowing to define interactive dev environment setups. I am not looking for a tool that automates downloading and installing tools such as IDEs, SDKs and the like. Nor am I looking for a '1 click' approach to setting up, replicating dev environments. Maybe it will be easier if I explain the kind of situation I am...

How can I create a Dynamic - Interactive image map with jQuery?

So I am using the .Net framework, building with ASP.NET MVC, how do I create a Dynamic, interactive web 2.0 style Image Map? Where say for example, on a world map, if you hover over a country, the selected country will highlight, and a tool tip comes up with various information, and if you click the country it takes you to the said count...

Hosting .fsx scripts inside larger applications

I want to expose my F# libraries as a scriptable tool for data manipulation. Optimally, I want this scripting facility to not require a full F# install with fsi and so on. Is there a way to link into the FSI libraries to execute scripts from F# code? My google-fu is failing me on this one, and the F# sources for fsi are a bit tangled. ...

Interactive Design-Time User Control

Hi All I apologise if the title was confusing, it took me nearly 5 minutes to finally think of a title for this one... Okay, you know how in Visual Studio Express when you add a TabControl to the Form, and you can click on the right-arrow on the top right of the TabControl and it will add a new TabPage, or remove one? Well, I'm creati...

Pipe output of a command to an interactive python session?

What I'd like to do is something like $echo $PATH | python --remain-interactive "x = raw_input().split(':')" >>> >>> print x ['/usr/local/bin', '/usr/bin', '/bin'] I suppose ipython solution would be best. If this isn't achievable, what would be your solution for the situation where I want to process output from various other comm...

Books on command interfaces / interactive visualizations

Note: marked as community wiki. Note: before voting to close "not real question" -- the question is: What are the common interactive visualization design patterns? Exposition: I have this gigantic real time simulation. I'm working on interactive visualization tools to monitor the simulation. I'm familiar with OpenGL but not used to wr...

Ideas/tools/frameworks/... for an information source independent, interactive query system?

This is a conceptional question. I'm not (yet) familiar with the involved technologies, please bear this in mind. I'm thinking of developing a system that lets users make interactive queries, primarily for fault diagnostics. Users should be provided with the ability to start a "query" by entering some small peace of information. Let'...

Interactive architectural diagram tools

Are there any tools that would allow me to easily create an interactive architectural diagram? I envisage the ability to view a graphical depiction of the architecture at a high level. I would then be able to click on a specific piece of the architecture and drill into it, thus revealing a more detailed break-down of that piece. This pr...