
The controller in the left pane of the iPad Settings Application

Does anyone know what view/controller do I have to use to obtain the same look as the Settings application on iPad has in the left pane. Without using the splitviewcontroller that is. Thanks in advance! ...

xcode programming, which folder I should put my .xib file in?

Hi,overflowers! I forgot how to link my .xib file to my xcode project, been busy, forgot lots of things. i appreciate the quick answers, that will save my jumping into apple docs, thanks! overflowers! ...

iPhone locked Portrait, iPad locked Landscape

Hi, I'm trying to convert an iPhone app to iPad. The tricky things is that the iPhone app has to be locked to portrait view and the iPad app has to be locked to landscape view. I'm kind-of a noob at interface builder so I'm a little lost. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! ...

IPhone/IPad: Image Resolution Question

So I'm making a universal app (iphone3gs/iphone4/ipad/)... But I have a question about images. Say we have an image of a smiley face... Would you have 3 separate images (each saved with a different width/heights) for all devices i.e.: smiley-iPad.png (for ipad) smiley.png (for iphone 3gs) [email protected] (for iphone 4) or would you j...

Can't add a UISplitView as a Tab Item in IB?

Is there a reason why I can't add a UISplitviewController as the child of a UITabBarController in Interface Builder? I realize I could do this programatically, but all of a sudden I'm questioning if this is a legit way to go. This is what I'm planning on doing: Create a Master View Controller (UITableViewController with accompanying ...

iOS using External Object in Nib

I am writing an application that needs to interfaces with different backend systems. I decided to use a Protocol in order to abstract my backend Classes. I created a nib called LoginViewController that contains an "External Object" reference of type "NSObject", and wired it to the systemDelegate outlet in my LoginViewController. @interf...

IPhone: Custom Button - Why is title not showing?

So I basically dragged a button from interface builder's library, turned it into a Custom button. Then I added one png for the "default state configuration" and another png for the "highlighted state configuration". Let's just assume these png's are a red box and a blue box. Now, I'd like the Title to display for the button i.e., "Press...

How can I add multiple controls to a UITableView header section?

I have a UISearchDisplayController in the Header section of my UITableView. I would like to display an iAd right above that. How can I accomplish this? ...

iAd appears in simulator but not on device

When I run my application I can see my iAd in the simulator, that is pre-filled with "Test Advertisement" However, when I run the application on my device, the iAd area is blank, with no pre-filled ad. Why is this? My iAd is in a UITableViewCell: #import "iAdCell.h" @implementation iAdCell @synthesize adView; - (id)initWithStyle:(...

Interface Builder will not see action methods

Hi All I am trying to hook up a UIButton to a IBAction in interface builder but IB will not show the method that I defined as an option to hook it up to. - (IBAction)someAction:(id)sender; That is what I have in the h file, and then in the M file I have - (IBAction)someAction:(id)sender{ NSLog(@"Button Tapped."); } The IB Docum...

Cocoa: Custom Controller Key for NSArrayController

Is it possible to create a custom controller key for an NSArrayController? There are keys for "arrangedObjects", "selection" etc... Is it possible to implement your own? I can't seem to find any info on this anywhere. My reason for wanting to do this (besides it seeming like a useful thing to be able to do) is: I have Entity "Car", wit...

XCode Interface Builder iPad/iPhone

Just a silly question that just cant figure out. Ive been working on iPad apps for a while but now Im back on an iphone project. I created an iphone 4.0 sdk based project but when i double tap on a xib file, IB comes with iPad layout and i cant figure out how to switch it back to iphone layout. Anyone? ...

Interface Builder 3.0 crashes on startup

I just bought a new Mac and am running Mac OS X 10.6.4 and trying to run Interface Builder 3.2.4 and when I do it consistently crashes with the following error message: Assertion Message: Unimplemented error handling: You don’t have permission to save the file “Library” in the folder “Interface Builder 3.0”. Thread 0 Asserted: 0 Inte...

Load from nib file

I have an IB plugin that contains myController. I can set some properties of the controller in IB's Inspector. These properties are saved in the nib file but at runtime, myController doesn't init with these properties (they aren't read from the nib file). How do I fix this problem? ...

What is the difference between NIB and XIB Interface Builder file formats?

What is difference between nib and xib in Interface Builder files? ...

Is there a pre-iOS 4 replacement or workaround for UINib?

My application features a tableview which contains some rather complex tableviewcells. Therefore, these cells have been designed in Interface Builder and are instanciated later as needed using UINib which allows just that - load the content from a nib and instanciate it as needed. But UINib is only available for iOS 4.0 and above. Befor...

Is it possible to bind to a property of an NSArrayController?

Basically in IB where there are the options "arrangedObjects", "selection" etc in the "Controller Key" drop down, is it possible to create my own entry in there to bind to? If possible this would allow me to bind certain text boxes to filtered aspects of the array held by the ArrayController (and furthermore use operators like @count on...

How to change textfield height for an ipad using interface builder?

We're using Interface Builder for developing an app for the iPad and we can't figure out how to increase the height of the textfields. When we were using IB to develop an application for osx, you could go to the textfields attributes and under the control section you could set line break to word wrap instead of clip. When we try to ...

How to display NSTimeInterval binding as NSDate in InterfaceBuilder?

I handle a lot of time stamps that I store as NSTimeInterval. NSDateComponents* comps = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init]; [comps setYear: .... NSDate* date = [gregorian dateFromComponents:comps]; NSTimeInterval timeStamp = [date timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; Interface Builder has a table view binding to the variable of the time stam...

I see a gap at the bottom of the subview

Basically the second view should go 20px from the top I see a gap at the bottom of the subview, I can see the bottom of the first view Link to screen shot Is there some way I can set margins or boundaries so the view can go 20px down ...